

Thursday, October 15, 2015


No one, and I do mean absolutely no one, is better at abusing that old adage of, ‘Do as I say, and Not as I do”, that are those who proudly identify themselves as Democrats.  Whether they’re telling us all drive everywhere in ‘Smart Cars’, while they’re busy flying everywhere in private jets, or telling us that we need to turn in our guns while they go everywhere surrounded by private, gun toting, security or telling us that we can’t keep out homes at 72 degrees at all time, these hypocritical shit bags refuse to live by the rules they wish to set for the rest of us.

And we all know how it is that Democrats love to talk about nothing better than about how inclusive and diverse they are as a party.  But something odd seems to have happened on the way to the 2016 Democrat nomination for president. One of the main things missing from the first debate of the party's presidential hopefuls, that being a measure of that much talked about diversity.  In a party where youth, ethnic diversity and gender are touchstones, the party has fielded five white candidates with only one woman and with only one contender under the age of 60.

And while Marty O'Malley may look pretty youthful in comparison, when standing next this cadre of decrepit old fossils of Bernie Sanders, 74, Jim Webb, 69, Hillary Clinton, 67, and Lincoln Chafee, 62, he still clocks in at more than a half century, having turned 52 this past January.  So the average age of this group, even counting O’Malley, is still Medicare age.  Sanders, I suppose, could claim the diversity card hailing from a family of Jewish immigrants but there is no doubt the entire Democrat field is quite old and very white, something the Democrats very often deride.

And that which can very easily be seen as standing in very stark contrast is the Republican field which one could very safely argue much more closely resembles what is a true cross-section of America.  Currently we have Donald Trump, the frontrunner and admittedly an older white guy, but he is followed by Dr. Ben Carson, an African-American; Marco Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants; and Carly Fiorina, a woman who worked her way up from being a secretary to the executive suite of one of the top tech companies in the country.  Talk about diversity!

And let’s not forget that you can also add into the Republican mix Ted Cruz, an Hispanic, as well as Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, whose parents immigrated to the United States from India not long before Jindal was born.  So while Democrats talk a lot about diversity, just like they ‘talk’ about pretty much everything else, the Republican Party is the political party that is living it without talking about it.  But really, this should really come as being no surprise.  The Democrat Party has always been run by white men.  Blacks remain too stupid to figure that out.

But look, at the end of day all of this Democrat diversity crap really amounts to just that, a bunch of political crap. Because none of it really means squat to any of those who habitually vote for these pandering Democrats, because for them it’s never really been about diversity anyway.  That’s merely an excuse, or a way to justify, having voted for those to comprise that one political party that has long seen as its primary mission the destruction of America.  What it really comes down to is all of the free stuff that we heard being promised during the first Democrat presidential debate.

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