

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


The fact that I just couldn’t bring myself to watch what was nothing but an exercise in stupidity disguised as a Democrat debate last night, might cause some to say that I have no right to offer up any sort of a critique of the goings on.  But you know, this is, after all, my country that these clowns seem so determined to destroy, so that alone, as far as I’m concerned, gives me more than just the right to criticize!   In one of the silliest events of the evening came when Hitlery claimed that she should be considered as being an outsider simply because (drumroll please) she is a woman.

Hitlery did her best to play up the gender thing in much the same way that Barry “Almighty” worked to play up the race thing back in 2008, obviously hoping that it will work just as well for her as it did for him.  She said, “I can’t think of anything more of an outsider than electing the first woman president.”  And it was upon returning from a debate break that Hitlery made another reference to her gender when she said, “It does take me a little longer,” referencing using the toilet and taking longer to return to the stage than the male candidates.

And then when moderator Little Andy ‘The Gay Cabalero’ Cooper asked each of the candidates how they would be different from Barry “Almighty” it was Hitlery who said, “Well, I think that’s pretty obvious. I think being the first woman president would be quite a change from the presidents we’ve had up until this point, including President Obama.” And then it was also earlier in the night that she touted her status as a female, saying that people could tell their daughters that those girls too could be President someday.  Gee, now there’s a reason to vote for this cow!

Hitlery referenced Barry, the first black President, suggesting that she would do “a lot” to build on Barry’s efforts. She additionally suggested that she wasn’t running only on her sex, but also her record.  Hitlery said, “I have the experience of a lifetime.”  But experience at what, exactly?  Assisting Barry in coming up with what is the most asinine Middle East policy since the dynamic duo of Jimmy Carter and Cyrus Vance.  And ya know, most folks when asked to come up with just one of her accomplishment usually provide nothing more than a deer-in-the-headlights look.

And it was old Bernie who said, “I think there is frustration all over this country.” And he went on to say, “I’m not raising money for millionaires and billionaires.”  And he added, “Four thousand house parties watching this debate around this country that want real change.”  Now I must admit I’m not what point he was trying to make, unless it was perhaps trying to imply that Hitlery, if elected, would be the one siding with those same millionaires and billionaires.  Whereas his plan is to take as much money from them as he can so that the government can provide more free stuff. 

Cooper also asked Hitlery how she and her husband, ex-president ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, could credibly represent the views of the middle class, as they are part of the one percent.  Hitlery shifted the attention from herself to say, “The economy does better when you have a Democrat in the White House, and that’s why we need to have a Democrat in the White House in January 2017.”  Well I’ve certainly seen no proof of that statement.  I wish Andy would have asked her to name one area where the economy is actually doing better today than it was before Barry was elected.

Anyway, it was Marty O’Malley who then followed with “Secretary Clinton, I was proud to support you eight years ago, but something happened in between, and that is, Anderson, a Wall Street crash that wiped out millions of jobs and millions of savings for families.”  Cooper posed to Hitlery, “Senator Sanders wants to break up the big Wall Street banks. You don’t…Why is your plan better?”  Hitlery claimed her “plan is more comprehensive” and “tougher.” She then referenced “shadow banking,” which “the experts tell me the next potential problem could come from.”

And then as this idiotic little circus was winding down, it was during the closing moments of the debate that Hitlery told Cooper that the enemy she is the proudest of making during her political career is the Republican Party.  Cooper asked her, “Which enemy that you made during your political career are you most proud of?”  To which old Hiterly responded, “Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians … probably the Republicans.”  Is this really what we want to be hearing from someone vying for the job of our president?

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