

Saturday, July 26, 2014


In this age of our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barack Hussein Obama, it would seem that far too many of our politicians, Democrats in particular, have come to possess a rather peculiar notion of what the role is that they are supposed to play in our system of government. Whether it’s when they arrogantly tell us that are permitted to simply make up the rules as they go along or brazenly declare that we have no right to know what goes on in our government, they have made it very plain that they are now officially out of control.

Every 2, 4 or 6 years our so-called elected leaders take part in their constitutionally required pilgrimage to pay homage to "We the People." They tell us all how wonderful they are and what a wonderful job they are doing for us, and if we only agree send them back into office even more great and wondrous things will some our way. And like saps, many of us believe them and, like sheep being led to slaughter, we dutifully march off to the polls and send them back so that they can do even more damage.

And so after accomplishing their mission, they return to their ivory tours until such time as they are forced once again to lower themselves to go mingling about "We the People." Once back in their more familiar surrounding they proceed to pick up right where left off, working feverishly to forever alter this the nation that once referred to as "the last best hope of man", working to turn into something that is not so slowly but surely becoming completely unrecognizable. That is what they see as being their mission.

Because "We the People" have now allowed things to have progressed so far, we have come to leave ourselves very few options when it comes to reversing things. And the question that remains is, will we be able to make up all the ground that we were so quick to forfeit to those whom we were to blind to see were robbing us blind. Well my friends, that’s the question that remains to be answered, isn’t it. And as much as it pains me to say it, at this stage of the game I’d say our chances appear to be rather slim.

The leftists, many of whom now call the Democrat Party home, have made it very clear what it is that they wish to inflict upon us. They propose skyrocketing energy prices, skyrocketing healthcare costs and skyrocketing food prices. Does that not remind anyone of something, at least those old enough to remember. I’ll tell you what it reminds me of, it’s of the old Soviet Union, or any other socialist country that exists today. Is this really the direction in which we wish to go? Is that what we wish to leave to our children?

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