

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


There seems to be going on, at least amongst those leftists who have come to be regulars on ‘Fox News’, a competition of sorts, with those involved all vying for the rather bizarre title of, ‘Most Enthusiastic Obama Apologist’. I’m sure the names of the primary players in this little competition will come as a surprise to absolutely no one. First of all we have that CNN reject Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, next we have NPR reject, Juan Williams and finally we have Bob Beckel. Apparently Beckel’s only claim to fame is that he was that he once masterminded a presidential campaign that garnered one state for his candidate.

Frankly, I am constantly amazed by the fact that any of these boobs are able to remain anywhere on television. But anyway, regarding the previously mentioned competition, the most recent example submitted for judging came from Jerry, who recently took it upon himself to blast the creator of the Drudge Report, Matt Drudge. Rivers actually accused Drudge of trying to start a "civil war" with his aggregated coverage of the U.S.-Mexico border crisis, specifically the popular website’s emphasis on stories of unaccompanied minors crossing into the U.S. illegally. Personally, I think old Jer went a little over the top in making his claim.

Now I think we can all agree that old Jerry Rivers is far from being the brightest guy that you’re going to find anywhere on television. But frankly I thought for him to even say such a thing was pretty imbecilic, even for this boob. Rivers said on his radio show, "I have to say that the level of discourse on these unaccompanied children from Central America has been appalling." And he went on to rant, saying, "It has been disgusting. It is the worst kind of jingoistic rhetoric ever. And Matt Drudge with this massive website is doing his best to stir up a civil war. I mean, shame on Matt Drudge." No, shame on Jerry Rivers.

But apparently his little radio tirade wasn’t quite enough to satisfy old Jerry’s current preoccupation with Drudge, because at some point he went on to voice his wrath courtesy of Twitter, choosing to post about Drudge’s links regarding the influx of unaccompanied illegal minors entering the U.S. His Wednesday tweet read: "Shame on Drudge. His authoritative website has gone hysterical on issue of immigrant children. 14 stories like ‘Could Ebola sneak across?’" Ya know, I find it more than a little ironic that a guy like Jerry would have the balls to make the claims that he has, especially with his peculiar history.

Rivers chose to list a series of headlines currently on the Drudge Report, including "Senate Dems try to revive amnesty" and "Pelosi says we cannot have deportation without representation." But Jerry took the greatest offense to the link headline "Could Ebola sneak across," which he labeled "despicable." Rivers actually compared Drudge’s treatment of the current illegal immigration situation to historical fear mongering about Irish, Chinese and Jewish immigrants who came to America. That was quite the stretch, to say the least, but like most liberals, Jerry never been one to let the facts get in the way of the rhetoric.

Jerry said, "This is exactly what they did to the Irish in the 19th Century, and to the Chinese in the 19th Century and then to the Jews and the Italians in the 20th Century. Not only do they bring crime, they bring disease. Be afraid! Hide your daughters!" Jerry cited the Drudge headline early on Wednesday: "Border Bill: Surrender to Lawless President." Rivers concluded: "Ladies and gentlemen we have to reject this hysterical, jingoistic rhetoric. This inflamed hysteria hyped by irresponsible political ideologues. This is not America. This is not New York. Reject this. This is horrifying." No, what this is, is bullshit!

That Jerry can in any way be referred to as being a journalist, is to bend that term into what is a near pretzel-like shape. As a journalist he rates right up there with others of his kind, Maury Povich and Jerry Springer. What Jerry practices is ‘National Inquirer’ journalism. He is so desperate in his attempt to provide some manner of cover for Barry "Almighty" that there is no accusation he will not make if he feels it will in anyway defend his leftist hero. Rivers is a joke, an authority on absolutely nothing. He rarely, if ever, makes much sense and when he’s done talking you’re usually left wondering what point he was actually trying to make.

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