

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Despite the fact that there is nothing that I would like to see better than the impeachment of our worthless piece of shit president, I think we can all agree that the likelihood of it actually happening is pretty remote. But be that as it may, the fact that it ain’t gonna happen hasn’t slowed down the Democrats in their effort to advance the narrative that House Republicans are pushing for Barry’s impeachment. It’s all part of their plan to stir the party’s base and raise some money along the way in advance of this coming November’s elections.

In the effort to get their people worked up, Democrats continue to insist that House Speaker John Boehner and his colleagues in the House are in fact mulling over the possibility impeaching Barry "Almighty". Even though Boehner and a number of other mainstream Republicans, as well as more than a few conservatives have been pretty outspoken in their opposition to pursue impeachment proceedings. Instead, our stellar Republicans prefer to focus on their planned, albeit pretty idiotic, lawsuit against Barry for executive overreach.

"No, no, no, no," National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Rep. Greg Walden said when asked about the possibility of impeachment hearings or proceedings in the House against Barry. "Democrats are the ones talking about it, and they're trying to fundraise off it." Rep. Devin Nunes, who is close to both Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, also has said that there are "very few" Republicans who want to "move to impeachment." Barry certainly warrants being impeached, more so than being sued.

Only two U.S. presidents, Andrew Johnson in 1868 and ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton in 1998, both Democrats by the way, were impeached by the House. Both and both were later acquitted in the Senate, where a two-thirds vote is necessary to convict. The Senate vote on Johnson was one vote short of conviction. And as much as Barry deserves to join the ranks of the impeached, maybe even more so than those whose company he would be joining, it obviously something that’s not going to be happening.

A report in The Washington Post earlier this week said that the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee has been claiming the GOP supports impeachment in an effort to boost fundraising. "Republicans are drastically overreaching with their lawsuit and impeachment talk, and the result has been a massive surge of enthusiasm from our grassroots supporters," DCCC Chairman Steve Israel told the Post. But from where I’m standing, the only ones here doing any overreaching are Barry and the Democrats.

But according to the Post's report, the strategy being employed by the Democrats has enabled the DCCC to raise $3.7 million from 200,000 online donations since June 25. And it was reported earlier this month that the DCCC regularly sends out all manner of inflammatory emails mentioning GOP-backed impeachment in their continuing effort to drum up support for the party. "If you are OUTRAGED by this IMPEACHMENT threat, we NEED you this instant," the DCCC wrote in one blast.

Democrat National Committee spokesmoron, Michael Czin, said at the time, "Today, the contrast for our supporters, and the electorate, couldn't be clearer: while Democrats are fighting to raise the minimum wage, pass equal pay legislation and common-sense immigration reform, more and more Republicans are discussing the specter of impeachment just to rally their base ahead of the midterms." What a bunch of gibberish. The only ones stupid enough to believe such drivel are those firmly in the Democrat camp!

Meanwhile, Glenn Beck has suggested that Barry himself is behind talks of impeachment as part of a "PR battle" against the GOP. "The birther thing is over, the black thing is over, so now … he needs to be able to call for justice," Beck said during his show on Monday. "Do you think anyone in Washington in the GOP is serious about impeachment?" Beck continued. "Do you think one person? Have you spoken to one person? Not one. So who wants it? The president does. Because then he'll be able to say, 'I demand justice.'"

What we see here is nothing more than another Alinsky-style tactic. It’s like those instances where some black found the N-Word scrawled on their door and then we find out later they wrote it on the door themselves. Democrats are now throwing around the I-Word, without there being any mention of it at all by the congressional Republicans. It’s just another bullshit tactic that many Americans seem to be, for whatever reason, too stupid to see through. And then there are times where it seems the Barry is actually daring the Republicans to impeach him.

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