

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I’m curious about something, am I the only one who feels as if he’s trapped in some sort of real life ‘Twilight Zone?’ I mean with each passing day it seems as if things come just a bit further apart at the seams. And far from being the most transparent administration we have ever had, never have we had a more clandestine group of people in the White House, nor an administration more shrouded in secrecy. As has already been said Barry is now doing things that Richard Nixon could have only dreamt about.

And as the scandals pile up, Barry & Co. continue to do their best to downplay them as best they can, claiming instead that each and every one of these ‘phony’ scandals are nothing more than a vendetta, of sorts, being perpetrated for nothing more than purely political and, much implied, racist purposes. If only that were so, but it’s not. While there is definitely politics involved here, its source is not the accusers, the source lies in those committing the scandals. This is how those on the left play the rough and tumble game of politics.

While we can say there is plenty of guilty to go around, it’s those on the left who are much more adept at using the ‘system’ go after their political ‘enemies’. We’ve already seen how this administration has used the power of the IRS to attack political opponents, but they’re malfeasance doesn’t stop there. They’ve used the FCC to attack Talk Radio, the FLRB to attack private enterprise, the Federal Reserve in the effort to drive us even deeper into debt and the Justice Department to assist in the advancing of a racist agenda.

And I find it all a bit contradictory when I see in one poll how dissatisfied people are supposed to be with Barry as president while at the same time that it’s a majority in this country who would like nothing better than to have Hitlery Clinton as their next president. I mean just how schizophrenic is that? Personally I don’t see Hitlery as being any more qualified for the job than Barry was when we saw fit to elect him. She was a pathetic first lady, a terrible senator and an even worse secretary of state.

As much as I have always tried to consider myself as being a ‘glass is half full’ kind of guy, the last 5+ years have now slowly begun to turn me into more of a pessimist. I fail to understand how it is that any reasonably intelligent person can look back over the events of the last 5 years and can still come to the conclusion that it’s worth it to stay on this path that Barry has put us. Because if we do choose to elect Hitlery as our next president, who is, by the way, just as much of a committed socialist as is Barry, then America as we once knew here, will truly be over.

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