

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Whether you were actually a supporter of his, or were simply voting for who you saw as being the lesser of two evils, there were nearly 61 million of us who chose to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012. And if a recent poll can be trusted, it would seem to indicate that it was we who were right. But, as they say, that, together with a couple of bucks, will get you a cup of coffee. But with that being said, we were right not to vote for this thug.

I think we can all safely agree that if Barry can be said to have had any sort of an impact on our country it would be one similar to the way a malignant disease impacts the human body. A disease that would seem to be resistant to almost all manner of treatment. And while it’s all well and good to discuss potential presidential candidates regarding 2016, the fact is that it remains very much in doubt whether we’ll even last that long.

So because we lost the last election, the wholesale destruction that was being waged upon this country prior to that point, has since been allowed to continue and pretty much unabated. Now there is much talk about how the Republicans have a good chance to gain control of the Senate this November, and together with the continuing Republican majority in the House we’re told that we can expect much needed positive changes. But can we really?

Because to tell you the truth, I’m not holding out much hope that such a scenario will actually come to pass. I’m far from certain that the Republicans will gain control of the Senate, and I’m even less certain of what they might do should that actually come to pass. To say that I have very little trust in our current cadre of congressional leaders would be an understatement. Both McConnell and Boehner have been in their positions for far too long.

So you would think that those of who comprise that 61 million would make for a rather formidable force with which to be reckoned. But for some particular reason we seem to be far too willing to remain far too passive as our country is being destroyed, quite literally, right before our very eyes. And yet it is we who will likely be forced into acting as that last line of defense against those who wish nothing more than to rob from our children of their future.

The fact is that no matter where you choose to look these days, whether it’s overseas or right here at home, things have just gotten so much worse. And the fact that so much has happened, and over such a relatively short span of time, historically speaking, it’s becomes difficult to come to any other conclusion than that somehow it was all brought about on purpose. You may call me a conspiracy nut if you wish, but that does not alter the facts.

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