

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So once again we have Steny Hoyer, that stellar member of the House who hails from the People’s Republic of Maryland, appearing in yet another episode in our continuing series, ‘The Gasbag Chronicles’. It’s in this latest episode that we find Steny enthusiastically making the argument that while Barry "Almighty" "can’t legalize" the illegal aliens in the United States, he "can implement the laws as he believes they should be implemented." Oh really? I’m curious if Steny would feel the same way if, say, we had a Republican in the Oval Office, instead of a communist? Call me cynical, but somehow I very much doubt it.

Hoyer was asked, "Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress has the power to make laws governing naturalization. Given this, does President Obama have the unilateral power to legalize illegal aliens?" To which this senile old f*ck responded, "I don’t think he does." And he continued, "and I don’t think that’s what he’s going to do. You’re right. He can’t legalize them." But he quickly added, "What the president can in fact do, however, is implement the laws as he believes they should be implemented." I always get a bit of a kick out of how these leftist Democrats interpret our Constitution.

Anyway, old Steny went on to say, "And there have been a lot of scholars – and I’m not going to go through the quotes now – who have said the President clearly has broad authority to decide how he’s going to implement the law." He added "But that does not mean he can legalize people. He can’t make them citizens." And then he said, "Not according to the law." But since when has Barry ever demonstrated a willingness to abide by the ‘law’? Ever? And when have Democrat scumbags like Hoyer ever demonstrated a desire to criticize him, or to hold him to account, for his flagrant disregard for the law? That would be, NEVER!

Hoyer said he’s "not going to speculate" on the possible outcome of Barry's usurpation of congressional authority in his executive actions on immigration. He said, "I’m not, I’m not going to speculate on that." He added, "The president is discussing [this] with his lawyers, and he’s made it very clear he wants to do that, which is in his authority. But he’s also made it very clear he wants to take such action as is appropriate legally, that is consistent with his responsibilities, in light of a refusal of the Congress to even consider fixing a broken system either through their [Republican] bills, or with our bills, or with Senate-passed bills. The continual refusal to act has put the president in this position." That’s just BULLSHIT!!

The U.S. Constitution states in Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 that "Congress shall have the power…To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization." This power is not granted to the president, meaning Barry could not legally grant citizenship to illegal aliens apart from Congress via executive action. And now with Congress expected to adjourn at the end of this week for a month-long vacation, without passing a bill addressing comprehensive immigration reform, Barry has has been making all kinds of noise about his taking executive action by the end of the summer to "fix as much of our immigration system as [he] can, without Congress."

According to various press reports, such ‘executive actions’ which Barry might take include granting thousands of work permits to illegal aliens, with some Democrats also calling for Barry to use his ‘executive power’ to defer deportations. Barry’s pledge comes after more than 202,000 illegal aliens, mostly from Central America, have been apprehended at the southwest U.S. border since October, including more than 57,000 unaccompanied children. And this at a time when numerous Democrats continue to make the rather idiotic claim that our border is more secure that it has ever been before.

Republican leaders in Congress point to executive orders issued by Barry such as the DREAM Act and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals as incentives that opened the floodgates for thousands of illegal aliens and their children to pour across the border in hopes of being able to stay here in the United States. Boehner said during a press conference Tuesday that he expects to move a border security bill this week, which includes $659 Million in funds to increase security and stem the tide of illegal alien crossings. The funds are expected to last until the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30.

Barry has asked for $3.7 Billion in ‘emergency funding’ to address the border crisis. Like all we need in order to fix the problem is to simply throw more money at it. And just where the Hell is that money going to come from? As I have said before, on any number of occasion, why is it that we even need to be going through any of this? Why can’t we simply enforce what has to be thousands of immigration laws already on the books? Why are we constantly being told that the easiest fix for our immigration mess is to come up with even more laws that, too, likely won’t be enforced? I’m losing my freakin’ mind here!

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