

Thursday, March 6, 2014


So we’re saddled with a guy, and for another 3 years, that a supposed majority of Americans ‘chose’ to re-elect in 2012. And, oddly enough, this would be the very same guy who 60 percent of Americans now say has made the country much worse than it was when he first came into office. But the question that remains is, does he really care what we, the American people, think when it comes to how it is that he goes about doing his job?

According to a new poll, only 34 percent think that the country is actually better off than it was before Barry. And I’ll bet most of those folks are in the black community. Because short of being caught standing over a dead body with the murder weapon in his hand, I doubt very many blacks would ever turn on this guy. And they may not even do so in the scenario I just described. Because for this very select crowd, he can simply do NO wrong.

Strangely enough though, Barry does seem to be slipping among some Democrats. In 2012, 81 percent felt the country was better off; that figure is now 57 percent. Still, for some bizarre reason, more than half of all Democrats still seem to be of the opinion that our country remains on the right path. Although how it is that anyone can arrive at that conclusion, is beyond me. It seems that every day we get more bad news about the state of our Republic.

We’re told that this new poll brings with it some more bad news for our ‘Dear Beloved Leader’. Because it would seem that on practically every key issue from the economy and job creation to healthcare and foreign policy, a majority of Americans would agree that Barry's performance has been nothing more than pretty piss-poor. So it is then that statistically, it is this week that Barry can now be said to have hit a record low in popular opinion.

Most Democrats, 71 percent, still continue to support their man. Sixty percent or better of Democrats actually think that he has basically succeeded in dealing with the country's main challenges. Which just goes to show you how far left the Democrat Party has moved these days. But when it comes to the area of governmental transparency, even Democrats give Barry what is essentially a failing grade with only a 47 percent approval rating.

However, Independents and Republicans frown on his overall performance, with only 28 percent of independents, and 5 percent of Republicans approving of how Barry continues in the performance of his job. On creating jobs, 59 percent of the country believes that Barry has failed. Regarding his overall handling of the economy, 58 percent give him a thumbs down, and 36 percent are somehow able to say that they think he’s doing a good job.

I’m sure everyone remembers how Barry once promised that his would be the most transparent administration in history, but according to this poll 59 percent think Barry has pretty much failed on that score. Far from being the most transparent, what we have been witness to since his first day in office is one of the most secretive, if not THE most secretive, administration in our history. This guy makes Richard Nixon look like a rookie.

Barry has invested much political capital on Obamacare. But overall 59 percent, at least of those responding to this poll, disapprove of Barry's handling of healthcare, while 36 percent actually approve. Asked directly if Barry had mostly succeeded or mostly failed on improving the country's healthcare system, 57 percent say he mostly failed; 36 percent think he has mostly made things better. You have to wonder who those 36 percent are.

The poll shows that 56 percent of Americans disapprove of how Barry manages foreign policy, while 33 percent approve. A majority, 59 percent, say he has mostly failed to improve America's image around the globe. That is a new low for Barry who garnered a 39 percent approval and 52 percent disapproval on foreign policy in December. I mean how can anyone look at how this boob represents this nation when abroad and not be embarrassed.

Strangely enough, Barry's positives are highest on homeland security. On that subject, 41 percent think his administration has as a rule succeeded. That is still worse than the 52 percent who approved in 2012. Some 48 percent today feel that Barry has by and large failed to secure the homeland. You can count me in that group, because we are nowhere near as safe as we were when Bush was president. No one fears us, they only laugh at us.

But there was something in this poll that was described by some as being a glimmer of good news for Barry, at least on the economy. Because according to this newest poll, it’s only 51 percent of Americans who now think the economy is getting worse, and that's down from 55 percent who felt negatively in February 2013. So somehow over the course of the last 12 months he’s managed, I guess, to convince 4 percent more of the people that he knows what he’s doing. Still not exactly a ringing endorsement.

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