

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


It seems like the Democrat slumber party that took place this past Monday night, in an effort to get more people as worked up about climate change as they are, was pretty much nothing more than a complete bust. Because most Americans still don't view it as being the impending doom that Democrats do. At least that’s what we can glean from a new Gallup poll. Additionally, and according to this very same poll, what is a top priority for most Americans is their being able to have access to affordable energy. They see that as something that is in far more need of being tackled than is the trumped up boogieman of climate change.

This latest poll points out that more than two-thirds, or 67%, if Americans say they worry much more about the availability/affordability of energy, while it’s less than half, or 49%, who worry about climate change. Out of 15 issues, only 24% of Americans care a great deal about climate change, with an additional 25% caring about it a fair amount. Whereas, access to energy was greatly on the minds of 37% Americans, with another 30% saying they cared a fair amount. In all, 67% of Americans care more about keeping their homes heated and lit at an affordable rate, than do the 49% who care more about combating bogus climate change.

I guess that might explain why it is that the idea of getting the Keystone Pipeline built is so popular right now, plus there’s the fringe benefit that it will create thousands of new jobs. If only a certain U.S. president understood that point. But, perhaps we're being a bit too harsh when it comes to the Democrat’s slumber party earlier this week. We did get some good moments, like Cory Booker saying that the first thing he did upon getting his driver’s license was to drive to Hawaii. That type of idiocy is symbolic of how just little credibility these Democrats have in claiming that their next great apocalypse is being caused by man.

Oddly enough, whenever you go looking to see just who it is that’s behind this whole wackadoodle idea, what you usually find, far more often than not, are sleazy characters from the political left. But then that only stands to reason, because who else but liberals would go to all the trouble, and expend all that time and energy in trying to convince people of being a fact, that which is so obviously fiction? Because the majority of the ‘facts’ that are so often used to backup this cockamamie theory are nothing more than endless works of pure fiction. There’s never any there, there. But that still doesn’t stop the scammers.

As was the motivation behind the implementation of Obamacare, it’s nothing other than pure politics that’s the driving force behind ‘global warming’, or, as the nomenclature has now been altered to the more generic sounding, ‘climate change’. There was no genuine concern exhibited for folks who were actually unable to obtain health insurance, just like there is no genuine concern about whether climate change is actually occurring, and if so what might be its cause. These are concoctions that Democrats come up with to assist them in both furthering their anti-American agenda and as a way for them to garner more political power for themselves.

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