

Sunday, March 9, 2014


It just never ceases to amaze how it is that so many in our state-controlled media complex, folks who seem to take great pride in referring to themselves as being ‘journalists, are always so surprised to find out that no one but them really ever bothers to listen to anything that Barry ‘Almighty’ has to say. I mean, the man lies like a rug and has this rather nasty habit of, at least when dealing with the enemies of our country, making nothing but empty threats.

Barry has now made it so that America is seen, by both friends and foes alike, as being nothing but weak. He repeatedly draws lines in the sand only to redraw them later and to the point where they become absolutely meaningless. He abandoned those in Eastern European essentially leaving them at the mercy of Putin and Russia. He sides with communist dictators in Central America, and it seems that the only country that he appears willing to makes threats against is, Israel.

Barry once made the promise that he would make it so America would once again be respected. But he seems to have a rather odd way of trying to accomplish that. Because in order for one to respect America, one must also possess a certain level of fear of America. And today, courtesy of what has been five years of abysmal foreign policy decisions, America is no longer feared by anyone. And as such, we are no longer respected by anyone. Which, I would argue, was Barry’s objective.

While many of us view both Barry’s foreign and domestic policy as being unmitigated disasters, he on the other hand views himself as making great strides on both fronts. Here at home through insane spending objectives he has our country on the verge of complete financial and economic collapse. Abroad he has made it so America receives about as much respect as does nearly any third world banana republic. He clearly sees himself as having achieved his goal of reducing America’s ability to influence.

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