

Thursday, March 20, 2014


I’m really thinking that Barry must still be doing a little weed or something these days. It’s either that or he thinks that just because we elected one black guy as president we’d actually be stupid enough to elect another one. At least one that’s a Democrat and is one no more experienced for the job than he is. Barry recently made the idiotic comment that outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick would be a great fit in the Oval Office someday.

Barry made this silly suggestion during an interview with Boston-area TV station NECN, as he praised Patrick’s two-term run as governor and saying that the 57-year-old Patrick would make a great president or vice president in the future. I mean, how stupid is that? Patrick is no more qualified to be president than Barry was when first elected, or remains still today. And we see how well that’s turned out for the country on nearly a daily basis.

Barry said, "When you look at everything he's been able to accomplish and the strength of economic growth and job creation, the reforms that have taken place around education and improvements in transportation, Deval has done a great job, and I think signals that he could be very successful at the federal level, as well." But then, I don’t suppose he could do any worse than Barry has, but personally I’d like someone who’s actually qualified for the job.

Patrick, 57, is completing his second term in office and is bizarrely considered as being a rising Democrat star. Which just goes to show you just how shallow the gene pool must be on that side of the aisle. I’m guessing he assumes that because he’s the second African American to be elected as a governor since Reconstruction that that somehow makes him qualified to be president. That ranks right up there with being a community agitator.

But when taking into account the average intelligence of your average American voter, and the desire to elect someone whose only priority is the continuation of our current nanny state, the electing of a boob like Patrick isn’t really so far outside the realm of possibility. The majority of those who vote these days really couldn’t care less about whether or not measures are taken to keep their nation free. Their priority is the ensuring they get a free ride.

Because if people genuinely cared about making sure that their children would enjoy the freedoms that God intended for them, they would never vote for another Democrat as long as they lived. So the fact that millions of Americans seem to be quite willing to elect any Democrat, makes it very obvious that they are interested in nothing more than perpetuating their own individual little gravy-train. Such a warped mentality makes even a Patrick presidency a possibility.

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