

Friday, March 21, 2014


Apparently, Barry "Almighty" is none too optimist about his party’s chances come this November. And recently said as much, warning just yesterday at a private home in Miami that Democrats are likely to "get clobbered" in midterm elections. But his rationale for this potential clobbering that may now be looming for his fellow Democrats proves that he must either be delusional or living in some sort of bizarre alternate universe. Because he seems to be of the opinion that the problem has nothing to do with where the Democrats stand on the important issues that we face because, he says, a majority of the American people actually agree them.

Barry told those in attendance, "[T]he problem is not that the American people disagree with us on the issues. The challenge is, is that our politics in Washington have become so toxic that people just lose faith and finally they just say, you know what, I’m not interested, I’m not going to bother, I’m not going to vote." So am I to assume from that statement that he seems to think that a majority of the American people are actually in favor of Obamacare, or support his drive for amnesty for those in this country illegally, or his stubborn opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, or his support of gun control, or even his belief in global warming?

Barry went on to say, "And that’s especially true during the midterms. During presidential elections, young people vote, women are more likely to vote, blacks, Hispanics more likely to vote. And suddenly a more representative cross-section of America gets out there and we do pretty well in presidential elections. But in midterms we get clobbered -- either because we don’t think it’s important or we’ve become so discouraged about what’s happening in Washington that we think it’s not worth our while." Discouraged about what’s happening in Washington? Really? And whose fault is that? Surely not the Democrats, right?

Barry told the donors that "we need" Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. "We need Nancy Pelosi as speaker because folks like Nana over there, cleaning houses, may need her help and she’s going to look out for her. We need Harry Reid staying as Democratic Leader in the Senate because there are kids just like Elijah but who aren’t as lucky to have parents with the resources that Alonzo and Tracy have." Obviously Barry agrees with Bob Gibbs, who recently stated that should the Democrats lose control of the Senate, to use Gibbs’ words, it’ll be time to "turn out the lights, the party’s over." So Barry too thinks that we’ve been having a party?

As much as I hate to be the one to break the bad news to Barry, and any Democrat seeking re-election this year, while most on the loony left do in fact fully embrace the Democrats’ positions on the issues listed above, I think it pretty safe to say that there are millions of Americans who are very firmly opposed to his positions, and on nearly every single issue. Over the course of the last five years, in what has been his continuing effort to "fundamentally transform" our nation, all that he has accomplished is to run it even further into the ground. More people are now living off the government than at any other time in our history.

With each passing day some new poll comes out that makes it all the more clear that, despite the wasting of $17 million every month on ads designed to push it, more and more people want nothing to do with Obamacare. And when you put that together with the fact that real unemployment, not the bogus numbers that are being reported, has essentially skyrocketed, or the fact that the cost of gas, as well as the cost of heating and cooling our homes, is now twice as much as it was when Barry was elected, and the millions of people now receiving some form of government subsistence, more people are just tired of it all.

So, is Barry living in denial as he goes about the seeking of clues for why the Democrats will likely be on the receiving end of what could be a pretty severe drubbing come this November? But really, if that does in fact come to pass, it really shouldn’t be all that difficult to figure out why. Barry has constantly chosen to ignore completely those who did not vote for him. He as been all about dividing us, not bringing us all together. And it’s those folks who did not vote for him that have now become the ones who are continuing to be raped, financially speaking, by Barry and the Democrats in an effort to provide more to those who did vote for him.

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