

Sunday, March 23, 2014


If we can believe Jimmy Carter, somehow Barry "Almighty" is the first president to not see the wisdom in seeking advice from the former president who, up until 2008, had been considered by many to have been the worst president in modern American history. At least that’s what Carter told NBC’s "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "President Clinton did and President George W. Bush and H.W. Bush and even Ronald Reagan used to call on us to go into sensitive areas," Carter told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Sunday. Although, try as I might, I just can’t come up with a single reason that might have prompted Reagan to have ever bothered to make such a call. So I’m not quite sure what it is that might have motivated Ronald Reagan to call him, other than to perhaps ask, "Hey Jimmy, what the hell were you thinking when you did that?" Other than that, I doubt there would have been much reason for any call to have been made.

Many have argued that in many ways Barry’s presidency is essentially nothing more than a continuation of Carter’s disastrous four years in office. And since the men see the world through a similar lens, there would never be any need for communication to take place. It is difficult to explain with "complete candor" why he and Barry do not have a closer relationship, Carter said, but he thinks it has something to do with his center at Emory University. He believes the Carter Center's views of equal treatment when it comes to the Middle East's countries may have caused tension between him and Barry. "I think the problem was that — in dealing with the issue of peace in between Israel and Egypt — the Carter Center has taken a very strong and public position of equal treatment between the Palestinians and the Israelis," said Carter. "And I think this was a sensitive area in which the president didn't want to be involved."

Carter also told Mitchell that he left the Southern Baptist Convention last year after it passed rules at its annual meeting "to require that women be subservient to their husbands, and women could no longer serve as a pastoral priest or as a deacon." Carter had been part of the SBC for years before he left the church, serving as a deacon and Sunday School teacher for six decades. Carter also commented on the problem of sexual abuse in the military and on the nation's college and university campuses. "Presidents of universities and colleges and commanding officers don't want to admit that under their leadership, sexual abuse is taking place, so rapists prevail," Carter said. And that’s exactly what I would expect to hear from someone who, like Barry, possesses absolutely zero leadership ability and is nothing more than an armchair quarterback. And as such. I feel that Carter really has no right to criticize those who do.

Also, as if anyone were truly interested, Carter made his opinion known on the ongoing situation in Ukraine. Remember now, that it was in 1980 when he banned U.S. athletes from participating in the Moscow Olympics. That was his rather limp-wristed response to the then-Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. And Carter said where the Ukraine is concerned, "there has to be a concerted international prohibition against Putin going any further than Crimea." But the problem with that supposed solution is the fact that Barry has now lost the trust of most of our friends, and any semblance of respect of our enemies. And just like Carter before him, Barry now seems very determined in his efforts to put America on the path to be so severely weakened that she will be made incapable of providing leadership. And just as it was with Carter, that’s exactly Barry’s intent. Neither man views America as being a force for good.

And of course Carter also saw fit to discuss, briefly, the scandal concerning the National Security Agency and its surveillance practices. "I have felt that my own communications were probably monitored," said Carter. "When I want to communicate with a foreign leader privately, I type or write the letter myself, put it in the mailbox and mail it... I believe if I send an email it will be monitored." What business does this political has-been have communicating with foreign leaders? And is it not, more often then not, that he chooses to communicate with those with whom he has much more in common? That would be those who, like him, hate this country. So it is with great curiosity that I wonder just what sort of information this former president might wish to keep from prying eyes. Like Barry, Carter has demonstrated on any number of occasions that he is nothing less than an enemy of this country.

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