

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Now I'm sure most of you, by now, have heard about the horrific act recently committed by a rodeo clown at Missouri State Fair. An act so horrific in nature and one that we are suppose to view as being yet another example of the type of racism that remains so prevalent in America. An act that consisted of nothing more than wearing a mask that bore the likeness of Barry "Almighty." I am curious though about how many of these very same thin-skinned Democrats who are now so aghast over the actions of a clown, would be laughing hysterically if the mask the clown had been wearing was perhaps a likeness of Bush or even Reagan? I would venture to guess that it would be most of them. At the very least, I’m quite sure, there would be none of them who would claim to see even the slightest thing wrong with the clown's behavior.

But it would seem that when it comes to our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barack Hussein Obama, the same guy who kids are now saying prayers to, well then, such an act must be seen as nothing other than what it most assuredly is, and as something not to be tolerated in any way, shape, manner or form! But Barry, as much as he would like it to be and many of his 'followers' see him as, is not a God. He is our president, and really not a very good one. And there is nothing special about him. And if anything can be said in respect to his being black, it's that it has allowed him to get away with things that no white president could have ever hoped to get away with. And isn't it a bit ironic, that the political party that claims to be so tolerant is actually quite intolerant, especially of those who disagree with it?

I guess it can now be safely assumed that our sense of humor is one more thing, on a very long list of many, that we have now lost and for no other reason than that we now have a egomaniacal president who happens to be black. And apparently a couple of Democrats from the state where this horrific incident occurred are of the opinion that what has been committed here borders on being something akin to blasphemy. Claire McCaskill and William Lacy Clay were among the politicians who condemned the rodeo clown who wore the mask of Barry and asked the crowd if they wanted to see the president "run down by a bull." I can only assume that Clay, who is black, is another one of those paranoid blacks who sees a racist behind every bush, or mask. McCaskill, on the other hand, is simply a sleazy opportunist.

The egregious incident that has the panties of so many Democrats in quite the bunch, took place at the Missouri State Fair over this past weekend. Our esteemed Mr. Clay thought it important enough to issue an idiotic statement condemning this disgraceful act. He stated that in his opinion the act showed "an ugly face of intolerance." He went on to say, "I am amazed that in 2013, such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair. Our fair is supposed to showcase the best of Missouri, instead, it showed an ugly face of intolerance and ignorance to the world." Sorry, but I'm just not making the connection, here, of how we get from a comedy routine by a clown all the way to the "ugly face of intolerance and ignorance."

And of course not to be out done, McCaskill also released a statement of her own on Sunday calling the performance "shameful." "If what’s being reported is true, then it’s shameful and it’s unacceptable," her statement said. "The State Fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love. But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse-that somehow it’s ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the President of our great nation. Missouri is better than this, and I expect someone to be held accountable." Yup, by all means, let's tar and feather the poor clown because he chose to make fun of Barry "Almighty."

Ya know, I think it fair to say that this over-the-top response to what was nothing more than an attempt at humor, can be used to further demonstrate just how far things can be said to have deteriorated in this country. And now word comes that the rodeo clown responsible for the performance has been permanently banned from the Missouri State Fair. Come on, really? People, what have we allowed ourselves to be turned into? Comedians, which clowns are by their very name, make fun of political 'leaders' all the time. And when it's a conservative or a Republican everybody always gets a good laugh. But somehow when it's a Democrat, and a black one to boot, we're all supposed to be far more respectful, even reverent. Sorry, that just ain't happening. Especially not with this guy!

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