

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Ok then, just when you think you've heard the most idiotic thing you could ever hear come out of the mouth of some black politician, along comes John Lewis, Democrat from Georgia, to prove you wrong. And, actually, in a pretty big way! Because this moron has now gone so far as to actually compare National Security Agency (NSA) leaker Edward Snowden to Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Sorry John, but try as I might, I just ain't seeing the connection here. When I look at Snowden, the last thing I see is someone like a Gandhi or a King.

This blatantly idiotic statement came during an interview with the UK Guardian that was published on Wednesday, in which this doofus, Lewis, actually made the claim that this Snowden clown was following in the footsteps of others who have engaged in non-violent civil disobedience. Lewis, like so many others that make up the membership of that rather bizarre little group, the Congressional Black Caucus, is rather famous, or infamous, for saying some pretty outlandish, and pretty idiotic, things, but this one has to take the cake.

"In keeping with the philosophy and the discipline of non-violence, in keeping with the teaching of Henry David Thoreau and people like Gandhi and others, if you believe something that is not right, something is unjust, and you are willing to defy customs, traditions, bad laws, then you have a conscience," Lewis said. "You have a right to defy those laws and be willing to pay the price." What the Hell is he talking about? His cockamamie analogy just don't make no sense. But making sense isn't really what folks like him are known for.

And then, as if somehow it means something, Lewis noted that is what "we did" during the civil rights movement and mentioned he "got arrested 40 times during the sixties. Since I've been in Congress I've been arrested four times. Sometimes you have to act by the dictates of your conscience. You have to do it." Obviously this senile old fart has been in Congress a bit too long. And so what if he's been arrested four times. I guess, like most blacks, he must see that as being some kind of a rather perverse badge of honor. I'm less than impressed!

Lewis also said the federal government similarly spied on and targeted Martin Luther King. "We had that problem during the height of the civil rights movement," Lewis said. "People spied on, and got information on Martin Luther King Junior, and tried to use it against him, on the movement, tried to plant people within different organizations--that probably led to the destruction of some of those groups." Yup, you're right there, John. But you know what, those folks who were doing the spying were actually none other than DEMOCRATS! So there!

He, and many like him, are the primary cause of things being the way are in this country today, and why things have gotten to be so upside down. And no, I'm talking about his being black, what I'm talking about is the fact that he's a flaming, America hating, liberal. People like him make me sick. They are determined to wreak as much havoc as they possibly can in their effort to tear down this country. These clowns are scum of the highest order. And they prove that point just about every time they open up their big fat mouths!

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