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It was in a video that Mr. Gutierrez was heard to say, "What we need to understand is today, someone is going to die in that desert trying to return to their families; women and men are going to die in that desert." He went on to say, "Someone’s going to lose a finger, a hand, an eye, a life today because an unscrupulous employer is going to put them in harm’s way. Someone’s going to die." He continued, "There’s a woman that’s going to be raped in a field somewhere in America today because she has no rights in this country, and we need to end that." These people are coming here ILLEGALLY! I’m just not sure why it is that I should be all that concerned about whether or not theyh survive the trip.
And then, of course, as is always the case with these sleazy, dishonest Democrats, Gutierrez then encouraged his audience to think of all the poor children saying, "There are children who are going to cry and there are marriages that are going to be destroyed because someone is going to be deported, and there are going to be children that are going to be left orphaned in this country." Adding, "For all of those reasons, we would accept that [the Senate’s bill]." Come on, really? I’ve heard some idiotic arguments before, but this crap takes the cake. Gutierrez, by the way, has been leading the charge in the House Democratic Party's efforts to push for amnesty and claims to have a significant number of Republicans with him.
Ok, so let’s look at this objectively. Contrary to what lying sacks of shit like Mr. Gutierrez, essentially on both sides of the aisle, would have you believe, our country was not founded by immigrants, it was, in fact, founded by colonists who were out to forge for themselves, and those who would come after, a new country out of the wilderness. It is our inheritance, our birthright, and it is willingly being sacrificed/squandered at the table of political correctness. And just as surely as Esau, son of Isaac, gave up his inheritance for a pot of stew, Americans are being forced into giving up their inheritance for the porridge of a false self-righteousness of "multiculturalism" that is nothing more than the death of our way of life and our freedom.
The third world bottom-feeders to whom Socialists, like Gutierrez, wish to grant amnesty as soon as possible, have no history or tradition of natural rights, and in fact they have never heard of the concept. Nor do they understand that our Constitution was an attempt to codify those natural God-given rights. Which makes them completely incapable of understanding what our Founders understood, that men who are drawn to centers of power are by nature the worst among us, and that laws are needed to keep them in check. They neither understand nor do they respect that the Constitution was written as a witness against the fallen nature of man, which has not changed, and will not change, until that nature has become angelic.
The descendants of America's founders are now slowly, but surely, being replaced with what are essentially a foreign people, which was all part of the grand design. The American gun-owning, freedom-loving middle-class was seen as being the biggest impediment to One-World-Government-equally-distributed-misery plans of the ruling elite, and therefore had to, somehow, be removed. So it was no accident that American wages started stagnating in the 1970's and have continued to decrease ever since. Simple supply and demand. Since that wasn't enough, because things were still moving too slow, more jobs were moved overseas and more foreigners were then moved in to take those jobs that were still here.
Ben Johnson said this about the 1965 Immigration Act in an article for FrontPageMagazine in 2002:
The 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster By: Ben Johnson | Tuesday, December 10, 2002
"Despite the overwhelming assurances of the bill's supporters, the 1965 Immigration Reform Act has remade society into the image its critics most feared. Immigration levels topping a million a year will increase U.S. population to 400 million within 50 years. Meanwhile, exponents of multiculturalism insist new arrivals make no effort to assimilate; to do so would be "genocidal," a notion that makes a mockery of real genocides. Instead, long-forgotten grudges are nursed against the white populace. Native citizens take to flight as the neighborhoods around them, the norms in their hometowns, are debased for the convenience of low-paid immigrants and well-heeled businessmen. All the while, indigenous paychecks drop through lower wages and higher taxes collected to provide social services for immigrants. And this only takes into account legal immigration.
"Americans must realize demographic trends are not inevitable, the product of mysterious forces beyond their control. Today's population is the result of yesterday's immigration policy, and that policy is as clearly broken as its backers' assurances were facetious. A rational policy will only come about when native Americans place the national interest above liberal howls of 'prejudice' and 'tribalism.'"
Sadly, things have only proceeded to get worse, much worse, since Mr. Johnson first penned those words. I think the time as come to call what's going on here by it's rightful name. What we now have and, quite frankly, have had for some time now, is a war against the American People and our culture, and I think it's pretty obvious that those of us who love our country are losing that war, and losing badly. The cards have been stacked against us by those in Washington who are interested in nothing more than permanently skewing the political playing field. And thus appear determined to shove yet another piece of bogus legislation down our throats. The time as come for us to create our own 'red line', but we must be more committed, than our president, in enforcing it.
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