

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Add to an already growing list of rabid socialists rumored to be interested in running for the White House in 2016, the governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland, Marty O’Malley. "It's going well," Marty said of preparations. "By the end of this year, I think we're on course to have a body of work that lays the framework of a candidacy for 2016." So now we have Hitlery Clinton, Andy Cuomo and now, Marty on the Democrat side and then we have Chris Christie on the Republican side.

Marty had said back in April that he was then considering a White House bid and would give it more serious consideration during the latter part of 2013. Marty also said that other aspects of weighing a bid for the White House involved his political action committee being able to help elect 'like-minded candidates", in other words more of his fellow Socialists, and increasing his social media presence. So, I can only assume that Marty is now of the opinion that that framework has been sufficiently laid.

After a legislative session, that from a socialist’s point of view was successful, that saw Marty able to pass bills on guns, the death penalty and transportation, it’s very easy to see just how much of a leftist he is. He said he’s now taking some time "to let my soul catch up to where my body's been." But it remains unclear if Marty will toss his hat in the ring if Hitlery decides to make her run. I mean, if that were to happen they would be forced into competing to see who would be willing to go further to the left.

Anyway, it was a McClatchy-Marist Poll last month that found Marty polling at just 1 percent of the Democrat primary electorate, if Hitlery were also to decide to run. A May poll from Quinnipiac University found that even with Hitlery out of the race for the Democrat nomination, Marty would start off with the support of only 3 percent of Democrat voters. But hey, I’m sure there are few promises that this guy would not be willing to make in his effort to get himself elected. Isn’t that what guys like him do?

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