

Thursday, August 1, 2013


In looking back at all the previous holders of his office, has there been a president in all of our history that held as much promise, as Barry did, upon his coming into office? Strangely enough, I would argue that there has not. And the magnitude of the opportunity that was, and continues to be, squandered by this man, and for no other reason than to pursue a political philosophy that is so completely foreign to everything on which this country was founded, is unlikely to be equaled until the end of time. And in taking the time to place side by side all that this man could have done and what he has actually done, the differences become all the more stark, and really quite depressing.

Upon entering his current office, Barry could have easily taken it upon himself to truly unite this nation, and on a level never before witnessed. He could have been truly transformational, and in a good sense. But instead, over the course of his presidency he has expended a great of effort to do entirely the opposite. To the point where one could arguably make the case that never before has this country been as divided as it is today. Where he could have very likely become a hero to both blacks and whites as well as rich and poor, I would argue, that today, he stands as being a true hero to very few. Because he has succeeded in only making the lives of so many in this country, so very much worse.

To have simply wasted the incredible amount of potential that he possessed, politically speaking, I think it fair to say, is what I would call his greatest failure. And what makes it all the more disappointing, even tragic, is the fact that it was, essentially, a conscious decision on his part. Whether because of his upbringing, his education or his past associations with some very questionable individual, he saw in America a country badly in need of what he called a "fundamental transformation." And it was that which became his mission as president. And, unfortunately, it's a mission that he has been able to meet with a great deal of success in his being able to turn into a reality.

And now, in looking back over the years since he was first set foot in the Oval Office, we see a country that has been systematically dismantled, and on so many levels, to the point of being barely recognizable. Sadly, under this president the American dream has been made into more of an American nightmare. We now find our government feeling itself entitled to encroach into areas where it, quite simply, has no business. We see our individual freedoms slowly being bled away, with bureaucrats having now assumed far too much control over how we are permitted to live out our lives. We're forced to pay increasing amounts for gas, food and utilities, and being left with little for anything else.

And having said all of that it's important that when judging whether he has been a success or a failure, to not allow race to cloud how one arrives at one's conclusion in that regard. Because, seriously, I don't think that race ever played much of a role other than, of course, as something to be used as way to divide us in such a manner as to make the furthering of the political agenda all the more easier to accomplish. So therefore I would argue that what has been perpetrated against this country has had far more to do with ideology that with race. But keep in mind, nothing that Barry has been able to do could have been done without the American people having allowed him to do so. And it's all just so sad.

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