

Monday, August 19, 2013


Well this past Sunday we were again provided with an opportunity to witness that which former senior White House adviser, and that perennial slime bag, David Plouffe does best, to mock anyone who choose to oppose the policies of Barry "Almighty". He ridiculed Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus' statements Sunday that the GOP is "drastically changing its approach to politics." Plouffe, who appeared on ABC's "This Week" following Priebus, said it's going to take a lot more than the hiring of 157 field workers to win the presidency.

"They don’t have a product to sell, so you can hire 10,000 people," Plouffe said. "To win the presidency in 2016 … they have to grow their vote amongst the Hispanic community, suburban women, younger voters, the growing Asian community …" In other words, pretty much the same groups of people who have come to make up what is essentially our parasite class that has been the primary recipient of the majority of taxpayer funded, Democrat giveaways. Folks who have decided to selfishly sell their future as well as the futures of their kids.

He said he sees Republicans as continuing to dig in their heels on both immigration reform and Obamacare. "Until immigration reform gets done, the Republican Party is not going to be heard," Plouffe said. "They're not rehabilitating. They're doubling down." So I guess, to his typical way of thinking, until Republicans agree to cave on demands for amnesty, and bring themselves to agree to the fact that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced bread, they'll make no headway. Plouffe is a con artist, busy selling to the American people nothing more than a bill of goods.

Regarding Obamacare, Plouffe said the Republican rhetoric surrounding the legislation will backfire. "I think the Republican Party, by the way, is going to pay a big price three or four years down the road because what they've said about Obamacare's not going to come to pass," he said. "It's not going to kill the economy. I think they've sort of set themselves up with a very dangerous trap door here." To make such an idiotic statement is to simply deny reality. Support for Obamacare, if you can call it that, has been falling since it's passage.

And then we were also just oh so blessed to hear from that resident nut job from Minnesota, Keith Ellison, who naturally agreed with Plouffe about the Republican Party's outreach efforts. "At the end of the day, the Republican Party has to talk about how they're going to solve problems for Americans," Ellison said. "You’ve got to stand for something, and they stand for obstruction." I guess that would be the very same problems created by Barry and the Democrats that have resulted in nothing more than a national catastrophe when it comes to our economy.

And despite what these two pathetic losers would like us all to believe, I disagree with their argument that the Republicans are behaving as nothing more than obstructionists. Sadly, it's the Republicans who have now, by default, become what is the last line of defense for this country, against the effort currently underway by Barry and the Democrat to destroy it. I say sadly because, to my way of thinking, Republicans have done precious little to obstruct enough of Barry's socialist policies and have compromised far too often.

Losers like the two sleazy characters mentioned above, are forced into spreading their socialist propaganda out of what is essentially nothing but fear. Because if a majority of the American people were ever to finally snap out of their entitlement trance, and granted the chances if that lessens with each passing day, these guys and their party will be the ones being made to face a day of reckoning. So they work to convince anyone who is stupid enough to believe them that it's the Democrats who are out there fighting for the little guy. Which is nothing but a lie!

Because the drive here is to eradicate what used to be considered the middle class and to replace it with what is a dependent class. And effort to do just that have been underway since day one of Barry being our president. Those of us who stand against the increasing amount of government interference into our lives are viewed by scum like Plouffe as being the enemy. And those few politicians who stand with us are painted as being anti-gay, anti-minority and anti women, when guys like Plouffe and Barry are anti-America. Remember, it's all about priorities, folks.

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