

Friday, August 9, 2013


As if I needed any less reason to support Paul Ryan as he seems to have now set his sights on being able to successfully navigate an amnesty bill through the House, it seems that the arm of the Mark Zuckerberg-backed immigration reform group that focuses primarily on supposed conservatives, is going on air in Milwaukee with a pro-reform spot and is specifically defending our Mr. Ryan. Now I gotta tell ya, anytime you have guys like Zuckerberg out there defending these supposed conservatives, little alarm bells should be going off in your head. And you need to be paying attention to them, because they're trying to tell you something!

Apparently, according to some source whose business, job or hobby it is to track the air waves, this bogus little group of Zuckerberg's with the even more bogus, innocuous sounding, name, Americans for a Conservative Direction, bought roughly $350,000 worth of TV ad time and targeted it squarely toward Ryan’s district. Now to put that into better perspective, that's almost double the amount that the anti-immigration Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is spending on 30-second spots accusing Ryan of backing "amnesty." Which is exactly what he's doing! He apparently wants to be the House version of Rubio.

The spot being run by Zuckerberg's group begins with a picture of Ryan and says, "Amnesty? Not a chance," and goes on to say the House budget chairman is looking at a "conservative solution" to the issue of immigration. It then focuses on more muscular pieces of the reform effort such as increased border security, E-verify and items like back taxes charged to illegal immigrants already in the country. The buy runs from Friday through Sept. 3 on both cable and broadcast networks. Now this should really call into question Ryan's calling himself a conservative if folks like Zuckerberg are coming to his defense.

Ryan and his RINO buds have been working quite feverishly to push through the House a version of what's being referred to as comprehensive reform which is really nothing short of amnesty. And as we heard earlier this week from Luis Gutierrez, a Democrat from Illinois, he's confident of already having 40-50 Republicans ready to vote for his amnesty bill. So it looks like the American people are once again poised to take it in the shorts yet again. Now I know Boehner has said that there would be no vote on any bill that did not have a majority of Republicans onboard, but do YOU trust him to stick to that 'promise'?

Look, I'm just getting so tired of being told to shut up and take it like man. And I'm not going to take it anymore. This whole notion of amnesty benefits no one but the Democrat Party, in that it will essentially create millions of brand new Democrat voters. So I'm just not understanding why it is that so many who call themselves conservative are in such an all fired hurry to make that into a reality. And if this drive is successful any hope of ever being able to rid ourselves of Obamacare will likely go up in smoke. We need to be on the phone and sending nonstop emails to our folks in the House. This effort must be STOPPED!!

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