

Friday, August 30, 2013


Growing up as I did in a rural part of America in the 1950s and 60s, never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that America would ever look as she does in 2013. Granted, as a kid back then I rarely, if ever, gave all that much thought to the politics of the time. But I do, however, remember hearing my father, a fella who never made it past the 6th grade, make that rare comment every now and then about certain politicians. He was a staunch Republican and man who never really had a good word to say about those whom he labeled as being, "God-damned Democrats."

And so in being unable to go back to, what I view as being, those better days, I'm now forced to contend with some of the most unscrupulous people to ever hold public office, and also am made to worry about the future that they have now created for my daughter through what is nothing more than their unquenchable thirst for political power. I watch as they waste Trillions upon Trillions of dollars that are spent for no other reason than their continuing efforts to buy more votes. And I wonder how kids like my daughter will ever have any hope of being able to pay any of it back.

And strangely enough, that seems to bother very little, most of the people with whom I work, many of whom, I'm quite sure, voted for the very same ones doing most of the spending. And in listening to some of them talk, they seem to be totally oblivious to what those they voted for, are really up to. It's really quite amazing. And when I hear them complaining about the price of gas, or about how high their last utility bill was, I simply ask why it is that they're not ecstatic, since it's the very ones they voted for, who are the very same ones mainly responsible for the high cost of both.

But they just look at me as if to say, "No way!" And then they shake their head in disagreement, like I'm just making it all up. Sadly there seems to be far to many people just like that, people who are either blissfully ignorant or don't mind in the least that their only legacy to their children will be one of a mountain of debt that will most likely prevent their children from ever being able to have a good and decent life. Parents used to want the best for their children, but I assume that that sentiment no longer holds true, as the primary cause of our growing debt stems from the greed of those very same parents.

So if I'm ever lucky enough to win the lottery, what I plan on doing is to take my wife, my daughter, her husband, and his parents if they wish, along with my cats and move everyone to someplace far, far away from here, to a place where we'll be well out of reach from the growing madness in this country. It would be difficult, I admit, but necessary. But barring a big lottery win, I'll be forced to stay here and do the best I can to ensure the survival, and safety, of my family. But the odds favoring my being able to succeed in that endeavor become less and less with each passing day.

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