

Saturday, December 3, 2011


With the stress of the job once again become too much to bear, and never one to shy away from taking full advantage of the perks of his office, the presidential clan is once again departing on yet another extended vacation. At a time when most Americans are lucky to get even a few weeks of holiday every year, it seems our esteemed “Dear Beloved Leader” gets a little more freedom in the matter. So it is then that Barry “Almighty” has announced his Christmas vacation back to the Asian province of Hawaii, and this time for a staggering 17 days. Barry, who visited the Asian island just two short weeks ago for an economic summit, will head back to Honolulu on Saturday December 17 and remain there until Monday January 2.

Barry, who we’re told was apparently raised in Hawaii until he was six, will be joined on this little trip by his wife Michelle, who is great at telling the rest of us how to live, and their two daughters, Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10. The White House travel office announced the president has no public events scheduled for the trip, but I think it safe to say that if an opportunity to raise some campaign cash arises it will be taken advantage of. The President's family covers the cost of a private beach front residence in Kailua, Oahu, for their vacation - a ‘Winter White House’ that costs up to $3,500 a day, or $75,000 a month. But guess what, it’s the local and federal taxpayers who will get to help pay the bill for travel and security. What a deal!

Last year the trip ran up a total cost of more than $1 million, at least according to the Hawaii Reporter. Barry announced this next trip during a campaign fundraiser on Oahu's Leeward Coast during his stay on the island last month. ‘It is great to be home, great to feel that Aloha spirit,’ he said. ‘And Michelle and the girls will be back shortly for Christmas vacation, as we do every year. We'll see if Washington gets its business done, so I can get here as well. But that's always a challenge.’ Ya right, what a freakin crock. This guy isn’t known for putting anything ahead of his many vacations. I seem to remember our state-controlled media being all over Bush every time he went on anything that could even remotely be call a vacation, but nary a peep when it’s Barry.

It follows an 11-day stay in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, earlier this year, which is also believed to have cost the U.S. taxpayer millions. Next week, the president will be saving a few cents by hosting a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.  Barry will speak with Harper at the White House about economic competitiveness, security and key global issues. Harper has urged Barry to support an oil pipeline from western Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast. But Barry’s administration said last month it was delaying a decision on the project until after the next election, the excuse being so that it can study new potential routes that would avoid environmentally sensitive areas in the Midwest. Once again he chooses politics over getting people back to work.

So while we have millions of Americans forced to go through yet another Christmas without a job, we have a president demonstrating what can only be described as a rarely seen level of callousness and disregard for what those Americans are going through in this holiday season. Americans for whom he professes to care so much about. They say actions speak much louder than words, and his willingness to take such an extravagant vacation speaks literally volumes regarding how it is that he really feels about those being made to suffer through yet another Christmas. He is a most shallow individual and a narcissist to the extreme. He’s not to be bothered with the petty problems of the little people, even though he is the primary reason for their being made to struggle.

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