

Saturday, December 24, 2011


In what was a pre-Christmas interview with Baba “The Sea Hag” Walters that aired on ABC the other night, those watching witnessed a very rare event. It was when Barry “Almighty” referred to himself as being lazy and going on to say that it’s the result of having grown up in Hawaii, with the sun and beach. And this fact comes as a surprise to whom, exactly? This guy has spent nearly half of his entire time in office either on the golf course or on vacation somewhere. Anyway in this idiotic interview, Baba asks each: "What's the trait you most deplore in yourself and the trait you most deplore in others?"

"Laziness," the president replies.
"You're lazy?" Baba asks.
"You know, it's interesting,” says the president. “There is a deep down -- underneath all the work that I do -- I think there's a laziness in me. It's probably from, you know, growing up in Hawaii and it's sunny outside, and sitting on the beach”
“Sounds good to me,” Baba replies.

Barry is currently on yet another “family” vacation, this one for 10-days. He was scheduled to leave earlier and to stay in Hawaii for over two weeks, but changed his plans after Mitt Romney, a leading contender for the Republican nomination for president, rapped him for leaving town before a budget deal had been reached. Romney has repeatedly criticized the president for his lax work ethic and for taking long vacations, saying earlier this month: “Obama’s idea of a hands-on approach to the economy is getting a grip on his golf club.”

Laziness is but one of the very many troublesome traits possessed by our, less than stellar, president. And his simply being “lazy” is far from being the most important or dangerous. Far more dangerous are the traits that we have seen him demonstrate on any number of occasions over the course of the last 3+ years that reveal a very flawed individual. Traits like dishonesty, his inability, or unwillingness, to tell the truth, his complete lack of character and his willingness to “use” the American people to accomplish an agenda, the specific purpose of which is, to destroy this country.

For him to sit there, during this interview, with his big-butted wife, with that smug look in his face, and while in a location that very few average Americans can afford to “vacation” this year, thanks to his socialist policies, was nothing if not nauseating. But then, average don’t have the U.S. taxpayers to rely on to pick up a significant portion of the tab. Barry “Almighty” has thrown us, our Constitution and our country under the proverbial bus more times than I care to count. And I don’t see him backing off of his continuing to do so in, what I hope, will be his brief remaining time in office.

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