

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


In what is nothing more than a blatant attempt to do the dirty work of their Democrat Party task masters, the group which likes to refer to itself as being largest civil rights group in America, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), is now taking it upon itself to petition the UN over what it claims is a concerted effort to disenfranchise black and Latino voters ahead of next year's presidential election. The organization will this week present what it identifies as evidence to the UN high commissioner on human rights of what it regards as a conscious attempt to "block the vote" on the part of state legislatures across the US. Next March the NAACP will send a delegation of legal experts to Geneva to enlist the support of the UN human rights council. And the rationale for all of this nonsense? Well, it seems that the NAACP contends that America in the throes of a consciously conceived and well orchestrated move to strip black and other ethnic minority groups of the right to vote. William Barber, a member of the association's national board, in his over-the-top rhetoric, said it was the "most vicious, coordinated and sinister attack to narrow participation in our democracy since the early 20th century". I think that's more than a stretch. But as we all know when it comes to Democrats, regardless of color, the truth is always considered something that's expendable.

So in its concocted little report, Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America, the NAACP departs on a mission, of sorts, to explore ways to create the impression of what it describes as voter suppression measures that it says are now taking place particularly in southern and western states. Fourteen states have passed a total of 25 measures that it claims will unfairly restrict the right to vote, among black and Hispanic voters in particular. The new measures that this group seems to find so offensive are measures focused – not coincidentally, the association insists – in states with the fastest growing black populations (Florida, Georgia, Texas and North Carolina) and Latino populations (South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee). The NAACP sees this as a cynical backlash to the surge in ethnic minority voting that was evident in 2008. In that year, black and Hispanic voters turned out in record numbers, partly in a wave of enthusiasm for Barry "Almighty." More than 2 million extra black voters turned out over 2004, an increase of 15%. Among Hispanics, the upturn was even more pronounced. Two million additional voters attended the polls – a rise of 28% on the previous presidential election. But the question remains, out of those supposed two million additional voters, how many were fraudulent? How many individuals were permitted to vote more than once? How many dead voters voted? How many pets voted? All for Democrats!

According to this stellar group of racists, the claim continues to be made that the scale of the assault on voting rights that they see, is on the increase and unprecedented, at least according to those identified as being experts on electoral law. Some outfit called, The Brennan Center for Justice, based at New York University law school, supposedly estimates that the new measures could bar as many as 5 million eligible voters from taking part in choosing the occupant of the White House next year. That number should be considered as being highly suspect because after even a cursory check into its source, this Brennen Center for Justice, very quickly reveals that it's data may be based much more on politics than on any actual facts. One big red flag is the fact that this organization is currently headed by Michael Waldman who just so happens to be the former Director of speechwriting for old "Slick Willie" Clinton from 1995–1999. The Brennan Center for Justice itself was founded in 1995 by both the family and former law clerks of Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan. Brennan, though appointed by Republican Dwight Eisenhower, was one of those liberal Democrats who believed that the Constitution is a "living" document and it's that notion that figures prominently into the center’s work. Brennan, himself was known for his rather outspoken progressive views, including opposition to the death penalty and support for abortion rights.

One very obvious fact here is that in this particular instance the NAACP is doing nothing more than to perform as an extension, or a proxy, of the Democrat Party. Thus, what is therefore providing some, if not most, of the motivation here for these bizarre accusations being made by the NAACP, is the fact that of 14 the states that have currently embarked on such measures are those who happen to hold two-thirds of the electoral college votes needed to win the presidency. Or to put another way, of the 12 battleground states that will determine the outcome of the presidential race, five have already cut back on voting rights and two more are in discussions about following suit. The claims being made are that ethnic minority groups are not the only sections of society at risk of losing their voting rights. And again, we find this leftist/progressive Brennan Center warning us that young voters and students, older voters and poor income groups are also vulnerable. The NAACP claims voting rights are being whittled away at every stage of the electoral process. First of all, they claim that the registration of new voters is being impeded in several states by moves to block voter registration drives that have historically proved to be an important way of bringing black and Hispanic people to the poll. But what seems to be of very little concern to these folks is how routinely our soldiers are disenfranchised. But hey, most of them vote Republican.

Four states – Florida, Iowa, Kentucky and Virginia – continue to withhold the vote from anyone convicted of a criminal offence, and rightly so. In Florida, offenders who have completed their sentences have to wait at least five years before they can even apply to restore their right to register to vote. Across the US, more than 5 million Americans are denied the right to vote on grounds that they were convicted of a felony, 4 million of whom have fully completed their sentence and almost half of whom are black or Hispanic. That's too bad. These individuals made a very conscious decision to become felons and therefore made a decision to relinquish their right to vote. No one held a gun to their head forcing them to commit a crime, they did that of their own free will. Other measures have rightly reduced the ease of early voting, a convenience that supposedly is disproportionately heavily used by African-Americans. Even more importantly, 34 states have introduced a requirement that voters carry photo ID cards on the day of the election itself. There is nothing in any of these measure that has been specifically designed to "prevent" anyone from voting. Benjamin Jealous, the NAACP's president, spewing the typical party line, said the moves amounted to "a massive attempt at state-sponsored voter suppression." He added that the association will be urging the UN "to look at what is a coordinated campaign to disenfranchise persons of color."

Look, as I have said on any number of previous occasions, all that is being required of those who wish to vote is that they be able to provide some proof of identification. It is not some concerted effort designed specifically to prevent someone from voting, only to ensure that individuals are who they say they are at the time of voting, and that they only vote once. It is an attempt to curb the problem of voter fraud that we now have occuring with increasing regularity, with all instances being found to be committed by one political party, the Democrat Party. But I can't help but wonder if what the NAACP is saying here is that blacks and Hispanics are simply too stupid to figure out how to get a proper form of identification? I can only assume that that must be the case. Voting is the most important privilege we Americans possess and these sleaze bags in the NAACP, dancing on the strings pulled by their masters in the Democrat Party, are doing all they can to diminish it. Voter fraud to these people is something that's viewed as being a very productive means to an end. That end being, of course, victory at the ballot box. While these same individuals are always the first to accuse the other side of cheating, that's really nothing more than a diversionary tactic designed to deflect the public's attention away from their own election shenanigans. It's all an exercise involving a very sinister slight of hand intended to rob from the American people their right to chose who it is that they wish to have govern them.

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