

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Even under the best of circumstances, being inept wouldn't even come close to describing what it is we are witnessing on the part of our president. And while that word has been bandied about pretty freely over the course of the last three years, to continue to do so only serves to imply a certain level of naïveté on the part of the user. Because, I would argue that most, if not all, that we have been witness to over the course of his time in office, has been done with a specific purpose in mind. From his seizure of our healthcare system to his seizure of auto companies and major chunks of our financial sector, all have been done in an effort to, to use Barry's words, "fundamentally transform" America. And in doing so, no one has done more in their effort to exterminate the middle class than has Barack Hussein Obama!

And now as the GOP primaries are officially beginning to heat up, and the 2012 election quickly approaches, the Team Barry "Almighty" has reportedly decided to focus all of its attention on the economy. Perhaps three years of being hammered by Republicans for poor job growth and high unemployment prompted this supposed change of focus. “We’re seeing continuing high levels of unemployment. We see home values declining; foreclosures remain at record levels,” said former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, concluding that Barry "Almighty" “has failed in the job he was elected to do.” And Romney’s not the only high-profile GOP candidate to attack Barry "Almighty" on the economy. All of the Barry's potential rivals have take shot at one point or another. And with good reason, there is so much there to work with.

Therefore, because Barry "Almighty" would very much like to see a repeat of the 2008 election, there had to be a change on strategies, so, therefore, don’t expect to see any of the nonsensical, feel-good messages like “Hope and Change.” Instead, get ready for a whole new tact this time around, get ready for the dawn of “Fair Shot.” As Christi Parsons and David Lauter, of an outfit called McClatchy-Tribune News Service, point out, the Barry administration, up until this point, has relied mostly on the “It Could Be Worse” tactic while defending its economic initiatives. However, and for all of the obvious reasons, strategists in the Barry camp don’t think this message will go far with average Americans. They decided they needed something a bit more proactive and endearing to voters.

So, what about this new campaign theme? Well, Parsons and Lautner report, "…increasingly, Obama and his aides have switched to a longer view, trying to focus attention on what they portray as the president’s defense of the middle class…The theme of giving the middle class a “fair shot” potentially works against whoever survives the demolition derby among the Republican hopefuls…The “fair shot” theme also provides a more positive message than previous Barry formulations, which some analysts saw as harder-edged attacks on the wealthy, after all “fair shot” has a nicer ring to it than "punish our enemies." But my question to anyone willing to buy into this drivel would be, "In what other country on the entire planet, would anyone get a fairer shot than in this country?"

Supposedly this new strategy is based upon “defending the middle class” and giving them a “fair shot.” “This isn’t just about recovering from this recession,” said some nameless senior adviser to Barry, “This is about saving the middle class from a decline that’s been going on for three decades.” The president’s “Teddy Roosevelt” speech at Osawatomie, KS., earlier this year marked the beginning of this new “Defenders of the Middle Class” campaign strategy. You can expect to hear a lot more of this type of rhetoric, especially during his upcoming State of the Union address. “It’s a much stronger position than where he was before,” said Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg. Talking about the “state of the middle class” connects with voters in a way that discussing the “state of the recovery” doesn’t, he said.

Not surprisingly, however, those who perceive themselves as being "in the know," have labeled this new strategy as “class warfare,” and rightly so. They also accuse Barry of doing nothing more than to continue in his effort to “duck the nation’s problem of creating jobs,” again, rightly so. I mean, all joking aside, here we have a guy who has claimed, repeatedly and quite proudly, that he would put his record up against anyone's, yet he refuses to use it as the basis of his campaign. Instead, he comes up with yet another cutesy bumper-sticker slogan, “Defenders of the Middle Class.” “Obama set the stage for the new approach this fall as he told friends that he felt a need to deliver a speech that would look at the nation’s economic troubles from a ‘higher altitude,’” reports Parsons and Lautner.

Numerous Democratic strategists believe that there are two benefits to this new campaign strategy. First, they believe there is a large audience, you know the imbeciles who makeup the Occupy Wherever crowd, that will take an instant liking to the message. Second, they believe ”Republicans have played into their argument by first backing tax cuts for the wealthy and then balking at a payroll tax cut aimed at the middle class,” writes Parsons and Lautner. “The social Darwinism, the trickle-down economics – these are just not working for this country,” said David "The Turd" Axelrod. “The president’s vision was a very distinct vision from what the Republicans are offering.” That is one statement from this corrupt goon I can agree with. Barry preaches nothing but socialism, the Republicans preach freedom. Can't get anymore "distinct" than that!

Look, anyone who seriously thinks that our "Dear Beloved Leader" is some ardent defender of the middle class is, and for very obvious reasons, dumber than dirt. Something much closer to the truth would be to say that he has single-handedly done more to obliterate the middle class than Jimmy "The Butt-Lick" Carter ever thought about. Name me one thing, just one thing, that Barry has done to help out the middle class. Was Obamacare something that was meant to help out the middle class? Or how about his outright refusal to drill here at home in effort to show some level of concern for those in the middle class who are struggling with escalating energy prices? Or how about his efforts to so over-regulate the private sector we're at the point where no one, or hardly anyone, is willing to hire new employees? Defender of the middle class? No, I think NOT!

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