

Friday, December 9, 2011


Rep. Darrell Issa is one of my favorites in the House. And I just loved it when the fireworks broke out in Congress today as he warned Attorney General Eric Holder that he could be held in contempt of Congress for his failure to cooperate with an investigation into the debacle referred to as the Fast and Furious program, in which the Barry "Almighty" administration allowed guns to "walk" into Mexico, where they then ended up in the hands of Mexican drug lords. The little bit of theater which occurred came at the end of a House Judiciary committee hearing that lasted nearly seven hours including recesses. Things kind of exploded when Issa compared Holder's stonewalling to the Nixon era to which Holder responded to by comparing Issa's tactics to those of Sen. Joe McCarthy. I think Mr. Issa was much closer to the mark than was Mr. Holder.

Mr. Issa, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform committee that is investigating the Fast and Furious program, pressed Holder on whether he would comply with a subpoena request to release documents crucial to the probe. The California congressman noted that if Holder did not cooperate or give a good reason for not providing the documents, he risked being held in contempt of Congress. Holder said he would consider the request, and respond as prior Attorneys General had. Issa responded by comparing Holder to John Mitchell, a pointed reference to one of President Nixon's Attorneys General, who was implicated in the Watergate scandal. Holder quickly fired back by doing his best to invoke the McCarthy-era line, "Have you no shame?" To which Issa retorted, "Have YOU no shame?”

If Mr. Holder was going to attempt to some how disparage Mr. Issa by conjuring up the specter of Sen. McCarthy, then he might want to work on getting the quote correct. The actual line, uttered to McCarthy during a 1954 hearing by Army counsel Joseph Nye Welch, was, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" Holder is about as inept as his boss is arrogant together these two sleazy characters make quite the dynamic duo. Both are great at your typical sophomoric name calling as a means of trying to diminish, in some way, those who are demanding that they accept some level of accountability regarding their unethical behavior. But as I have said on any number of occasions, these clowns see themselves as above the law and able to do whatever it is that they see fit without fear of reprisal.

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