

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Barry “Almighty” said fixing the economy is going to take more than one term and may even take more than one president, that according to excerpts from a Communist Broadcasting System (CBS) “60 Minutes” interview to air tomorrow, Sunday.  Facing an 8.6 unemployment rate, down from 9 percent in October, Barry makes the claim that he “didn’t overpromise” regarding his being able to “fix” the economy. “I didn’t overpromise. And I didn’t underestimate how tough this was gonna be.” Barry said. But why has it really been, as Barry says, so tough? Perhaps because of the fact that Barry has resisted, and quite emphatically so, the taking of any meaningful steps that would have actually resulted in both the creating of jobs, and therefore the strengthening of our economy. He has done nothing more than to lie to us every step of the way regarding his possessing any desire whatsoever to actually “fix” our anemic economy. With even the most cursory of glances at the polices which he has put into place, it becomes very obvious, very quickly, that that has never been his intention. To Barry, it has all been perceived as being nothing more than a crisis not to be allowed to go wasted.

When this guy first took his place in the Oval Office the price of gas was at $1.83 a gallon and unemployment was sitting at 7.6 percent. Now had he chosen to do so, he could have taken the right steps at that time and we would not be in the spot we are today with nearly 9 percent unemployment and nearly 4 dollar a gallon gas. And had he so decided, his reelection would now be a no-brainer. But instead of following in the example of Reagan, taking measures that we know work to improve a struggling economy, he chose to follow in the steps of Jimmy Carter, only a Carter on steroids. His first priority was to work to massively increase the size of the federal bureaucracy and against the will of the American people I might add. He also allowed the Democrat congressional leadership to write what was referred to, then and now, as being a “stimulus” for our flagging economy, but was actually nothing more than a Democrat wish list and a method by which Barry could use to repay those who helped him get elected. And the Democrat propaganda continues to this days about how the “stimulus” worked and the proof lies in the many jobs the were “saved” through the implementation of this faux “stimulus.”

He has said on any number of other occasions that individual Americans who are struggling have “every reason to be impatient” but that turning structural problems in the economy around is going to take time. “I always believed that this was a long-term project,” Barry said. “It was gonna take more than a year. It was gonna take more than two years. It was gonna take more than one term. Probably takes more than one president.” Ok, I think the majority of the American people are very much past being merely impatient with Barry. And besides, I don’t really think it’s impatience that most people are feeling. I thinks it’s more a sense of frustration, dissolution and, in some cases, even anger. They’ve watched a president who has very obviously has absolutely no interest, whatsoever, in doing what needs to be done, and who seems to be intent on “using” the economic problems, that he himself has exacerbated, as a means to his own end. When I hear Barry refer to this as being a “long-term project” I can’t help but wonder exactly what it is that he might be talking about. Is he talking about “fixing” the economy, or he is referring to his ongoing efforts to “fundamentally transform” this country?

Barry’s words come in the face of new poll numbers that said just 41 percent of Americans believe he deserves to be elected to a second term. Still, he said the unemployment rate could drop to 8 percent before the general election in November. “I think it’s possible,” Barry said, “But — I’m not in the job of prognosticating on the economy. I’m in the job of putting in place the tools that allow the economy to thrive and Americans to succeed.” In the interview, Barry laughingly compared himself to a ship captain in a storm. No matter how well the ship is being steered, he said, if it’s rocking back and forth, people will blame the captain.” “People are going say, ‘You know what? A good captain would have had us in some smooth waters and sunny skies, at this point,’” he said. Adding, “And I don’t control the weather. What I can control are the policies we‘re putting in place to make a difference in people’s lives.” So Barry actually views his smug self as being the “captain?” Is that hilarious, or what? That’s a rather strange analogy, maybe there is some similarity with the captain of the “Titanic,” the only difference is that in this case he sees the iceberg coming and chooses to do nothing more than to increase the ship’s speed toward it.

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