

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


While I have always been a fan of Michael Steele’s, but someone really does need to take him aside and have a real heart to heart with the guy. He needs to be made to understand that he's a big boy now and that no one really likes a whiner or, for that matter, has much sympathy for one either. Having been one of his supporters from very early on, it pains me to no end to have to say this. But, it needs to be said. And for him to go out and to take a swipe at the GOP, whether he was joking or not, when discussing how it was that he came to lose his re-election bid for RNC Chairman while on, of all places, HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” pretty much explains in a nutshell how he came to be unemployed. I think we all know with some degree of certainty that this clown, Maher is no friend of anyone who calls him or herself a conservative. His sole purpose in life is to attempt to make conservatives, all conservatives, out to be nothing more than a bunch of ignorant rubes. More often than not, in his endeavor to do so, he's proven himself to be nothing more than just another raving nut who gets off by calling anyone who happens to disagree with his rather warped way of looking at things, every vile name he can think of. And being the degenerate that we all know that he is, he can be rather creative in how he may choose to go about describing those with whom he disagrees. So I do find myself questioning the motives behind Mr. Steele's willingness to sink so low as to go on Maher's HBO program. Was it nothing more than a, "I'll show them" moment? If not, what then? I would have thought that he would have taken his defeat more like a man and to then go in search of other, more productive, ways to assist the same political party that, at least up to now, he has professed to be a proud member of. Nope, I guess he'd rather behave like some liberal and be nothing more than a big crybaby. I feel like I'm watching that insurance commercial, you know the one, all I need is a box of tissues that I can throw at him.

And our favorite moron, Mr. Maher, during Steele's Friday appearance, noted that the GOP had achieved huge congressional victories in the 2010 midterm elections under Steele’s stewardship, making the comment that, “your reward for that was that you got fired.” Mr. Steele’s response, which I found a little troubling, was, “Republican justice. You know the reality of it is, oops, no I don’t want to walk that back,” Steele said, apparently aware of the implications of what he had just said. Going into what is essentially the enemy camp for no other reason than to attempt some level of revenge against perceived enemies or in an effort to perpetrate some sort of "payback," is behavior that is nothing short of demeaning, and exposes a rather extreme lack of character. “Remember two years ago, three years ago, you had a party that was on the front cover of Time magazine as an endangered species. We couldn’t find people to run for office let alone claim they were Republican,” he said. “So the reality of it was we went out around the country, we built it from the bottom-up. We went back to our grassroots.” Look, if we can be honest here for just a minute, I simply do not agree with the whole notion that either Steele or the RNC played that big of a role regarding either the margins of victory or the number of Republican victories that came about in the midterm elections. The RNC, and I can only assume at the direction of Mr. Steele, refused to support some well-established conservative candidates, choosing instead to back the usual cadre of RINO's. The RNC even went so far as to withhold funding from certain conservative candidates even after they had won their respective primaries. So I think Mr. Steele is being a little disingenuous and should be very careful when trying to claim too much credit for the election outcome.

Demonstrating his persistence at always trying to stir the pot, so to speak, Maher seemed to take particular pleasure in taking his customary jabs at former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., over their perceived gaffes. “She does get a little harder to defend, does she not?” Maher asked Steele about Palin, adding, “Between her and Michele Bachmann, I don’t know who knows history less. “History is important. You've got to admit she got Sputnik all wrong,” Maher continued about Palin. “She gets everything all wrong. And the knives are out for her. They used to back off, and they can't do it anymore. She's just too stupid, even for them.” Steele, known for some verbal gaffes of his own during his tenure as RNC chairman, to his credit said that he resented the “stupid” comment and defended Palin. "Look, I've been in those situations where you say something and you get the context wrong, you get dates wrong, you get things wrong,” conceding that the Republican “knives are out" for Palin. “I followed her tweet after that and she qualified what she was trying to say.” Ya know the real laugher here is that both Palin and Bachmann have a much better grasp of history than Maher could ever hope to have. And Mr. Steele could have very easily taken some pot shots at Barry making the point that at least neither Palin or Bachmann have ever made the claim that there are 57 states, as did Maher's hero, Barry "Almighty." Also I can't recall ever hearing either Palin or Bachmann make reference to a Navy "corpse"man. Not that it would have made any difference to Maher, he's part of the crowd which is always standing at the ready to defend or to explain away any gaff by our "Dear Leader," Imam Obama. The mentality of this crowd, almost in its entirety, is limited at best, coming in with a combined IQ that would match the shoe size of any one of them.

Guys like Maher far too often consider themselves as being in the role of social watchdog, ever watchful for any social injustice, perceived or otherwise, that may raise its ugly head. They are the self appointed protectors of the many victims they see being created almost daily by our terribly unjust society. But in reality, this band of misfits and deviants are nothing more than a collection of self-righteous egomaniacs for whom the biggest thrill in life is the sound of their own voice. They are nothing more than aggressive self-promoters and loudmouthed malcontents. They see themselves as being just so much smarter and, of course, much more enlightened than the rest of us, even though a substantial number of these clowns barely made it out of high school. They seem to be under the misguided notion that just because someone gives you a television show, a big movie deal or signs you to a record contract, that somehow that makes you some sort of "worldly" expert. Suddenly people are now supposed to listen to what it is that you may have to say regarding any topic on which you may choose to speak. And these imbeciles always seem to be somewhat offended when we scoff at the incessant idiocy that consistently spews out of their mouths. Sorry there Bill, you're a moron, get used to it. And you’re pretty much the last person I would ever listen to regarding just about anything!

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