

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This guy Barry just kills me, he's a laugh a minute. He must really be in awe of himself. After months of accusing the Chamber of Commerce of essentially laundering foreign money and then using it to contribute to the campaigns of various Republican candidates during the midterm elections, Barry now apparently wants to make like none of those incendiary accusations were never made and "Barry" the hatchet. And on top of all that, he seems to now view himself as being qualified to come before the same group and to do nothing more than lecture to them from up there on high about their responsibilities as he sees them. So after two years of his continuous and full frontal assault on our private sector economy, suddenly we are all now supposed to see him as being its friend, its ally. So we find him now working ever so diligently to convince the American people that he's not a socialist while at the same time to reaffirm his commitment to creating private sector jobs even after all of his attempts to destroy that same private sector, or if not destroy, at least to severely weaken it. He wishes us to now believe that he and his administration is really a friend of the private sector, so it was in that vein that Barry addressed the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday. Question, how exactly does one reaffirm something that nearly everyone has long ago realized that this guy has never really been the least bit in favor of? Just curious. But while taking time to address the group may seem like an olive branch offering from Barry and his administration, the president’s remarks seemed to demonstrate a continuing divide between the president and the business community.

However, sounding ever the "socialist," throughout the entire speech, Barry repeatedly stressed that businesses "owe" certain responsibilities to the nation. “I understand the challenges you face. I understand you are under incredible pressure to cut costs and keep your margins up. I understand the significance of your obligations to your shareholders and the pressures that are created by quarterly reports,” Obama said. “I get it.” No, he doesn't. It's not even close. What kind of private enterprise has this parasite ever run that would create an understanding within him of what it takes to run a business, any business? He's a "COMMUNITY AGITATOR," nothing more, nothing less! When it comes to running a private business, Hell, when it come to running anything, this guy is absolutely clueless! Neither have I, but what I do know is that if I'm running a business the only people to whom I "owe" anything are my stock holders, if I have any, and my employees. I owe the nation nothing more than the money that is essentially stolen from me in the form of "taxes" that are way, way to high. In return, Barry suggested the government has responsibility to “encourage American innovation.” The president also used his speech to garner support for his investment priorities, including infrastructure development and education reform. What the government's responsibility is, is to get out of the freakin way by keeping regulations, as well as taxes, at an absolute minimum. But that's not the way Barry thinks the whole system should work. He wants to stick the government's nose into every nook and cranny and as far in as possible. And we have all seen how well that works!

Ya know, this guy really seems to think that he has the power of being able to dictate to these people, of telling those who are actually capable of running private businesses exactly what they should be doing and how they should be doing it. Because at times during this little cockamamie speech of his, he came across as being pretty direct in demanding that businesses take on a more "charitable" role, suggesting that corporate profits “be shared by American workers.” Is that not the most idiotic thing you have ever heard in your life? Saying, "Of course, your responsibility goes beyond recognizing the need for certain standards and safeguards. If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports to help you compete, the benefits can’t just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They should be shared by American workers, who need to know that expanding trade and opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line." Tell me again that this guy isn’t a Socialist. Adding that, "We cannot go back to the kind of economy – and culture – we saw in the years leading up to the recession, where growth and gains in productivity just didn’t translate into rising incomes and opportunity for the middle class." What a crock! I'd be telling this jerk to kcuf ffo! This is nothing more than progressive gibberish. Let's be honest here, if any of these people ran their respective businesses in the same manner that this clown runs the government just how long could they expect to remain in business.

While it continues to be claimed by any number of talking heads, even many on the Right, that he is trying to move toward the ideological center, I personally just don't see it. It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing but just another Barry ploy, because he's done nothing that adds any amount of substance or credibility, whatsoever, to any of those ridicules claims. And what's really funny is when I see a cover such as the one on the most recent Time Magazine that has Barry "Almighty" and the Gipper on the cover. Give me a break! And as he attempts to now portray the image that he has somehow now become more of a "centrist" in the run up to his 2012 reelection bid, even though most are able to see right through this nonsense, his liberal base may have something to say about that and not be as supportive as he hopes. “Two weeks ago the President promised that he would work to rebuild people’s faith in government, meeting with the biggest lobbyists in the country is hardly a step in the right direction,” said Erica Payne, the founder The Agenda Project, a 501(c)4 that works with "progressive" organizations to coordinate messaging. The group launched this online ad condemning Barry’s decision to even speak to the Chamber. “Go talk to whoever you want to, but let‘s not have a lot of illusions about who you’re going to talk to,” Payne added. “Obama went to meet with lobbyists for the biggest 45 corporations in the country, all of whom are opposed to very basic reforms, environmentalism, all of it.” “Let’s just not lie about it,” she said. Environmentalism, now there's something that's of primary concerned to most Americans.

Adding to the hilarity of the whole day, were the several protesters that gathered outside the Chamber building and were joined by, of all people, Ralph "Mr. Corvair" Nader, who actually accused Barry of turning his back on labor unions. Turning his back on unions? You gotta be kidding me! If there is one president who has never and will never turn his back on the corrupt unions in this country, it's our old buddy Barry. But will the president’s outreach to the business community really fool anyone or win him any favor with the American public? Not if they have any amount of brains. If the last two years are any indication, this meeting of the minds will likely be very short-lived which is as it should be. But hey, in search of that silver lining inside of that dark cloud, the good news for Barry was at least the Chamber of Commerce broke into applause twice during his speech Monday morning to welcome his ideas. The bad news however was that they clapped only twice during the entire 35-minute address. And in what has to be the understatement of this century, Barry himself acknowledged early on that he doesn't have the best relationship with the Chamber. Gee, ya think? (“Maybe if we had brought over a fruit cake when we first moved in, we would have got off to a better start,” he joked.) Yuk, yuk, yuk!! What a freakin dope. The first applause line came halfway through Barry’s remarks, as he spoke of opening up new markets and selling more American goods in other countries.

“I’ll go anywhere to be a booster for American businesses, American workers and American products,” so proclaimed our “Dear Leader,” Barry “Almighty” the audience which then broke into its second episode of applause. Then, in an ad-libbed moment, Barry remarked, “And I don’t charge a commission.” No, he just charges exorbitant taxes on businesses that do nothing but effectively smother the ability of our private sector to expand in any meaningful way. The only other applause for Barry "Almighty" came at the very end of his rather vague and absurd speech, when Obama once again hit the right note in calling for bringing jobs back to the United States. “That’s good for everybody,” he said. “So if I’ve got a message, that message is: ‘Now’s the time to invest in America.’ ” As the audience applauded, Barry repeated, “Now’s the time to invest in America.” But it's a little hard for most of these people to invest in anything, let alone America, when Barry has got his grubby little paws so far deep into their pockets. There has not been anyone since Carter who has had such an obvious vendetta against our private sector. And for him to fraudulently portray himself as being anything other than what he is, reveals what a shallow and morally bankrupt individual he truly is. He is a charlatan of the highest order and is not to be trusted in anything he says. He has no ones best interest at heart but his own.

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