

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Mr. Matthews, resident moron and one of the outstanding caliber of individuals over there at that ratings juggernaut MSNBC, just can't seem help himself when it comes to spewing the type of drivel that his network is so well-known for. Now that that other simpleton, Keith Olbermann, has moved to wherever it is that missing links like him go, "Mr. Tingles" is left to advance the lunatic mantra of the very bizarre left. And with the network ratings apparently now very rapidly headed for the basement, when compared to other news outlets reporting on the Egyptian turmoil, “Screwball” host Chris "Mr. Tingles" Matthews took off on one of usual rants, this past Wednesday, going to far as to interrupt breaking "news" coverage for no other reason that to take a number of pot shots at Fox News and Glenn Beck. "Mr. Tingles" described Beck's statements on Egypt as being a “right-wing freak-out.” Matthews said Beck’s Tuesday warnings that a worst-case scenario evolving from Egypt is that Muslim radicals would try to take over the world, a view by the way that is also expressed by several Muslim extremists, were intended “to distract us from any kind of serious conversation that might involve thought.” So "Mr.Tingles" proposition is that we sit down and have a "serious conversation" with a bunch of psychopaths who wish no more than to have us dead. No doubt about it, our friend "Mr. Tingles" is in serious need of some profession treatment for whatever condition from which he currently suffers. He has truly gone round the proverbial bend, come unraveled, so to speak. But I am very curious about something. Who is it exactly that continues to view this boob as being a credible source of useful information? I can only guess that the population which remains stuck in the shallow end of the gene pool must take a great deal of comfort when tuning in to listen to the his ranting on a nightly basis.

Here's what this journalistic prostitute, "Mr. Tingles," said of Glenn Beck, “Here’s his delusional analysis: The pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt could lead to a Muslim takeover of the world and the establishment of a new Islamic caliphate.” "Mr. Tingles" called Beck a fear monger. “Did you get that? While the rest of the world is trying to figure out a solution to this crisis, Beck is trying to terrify people and ultimately blame, guess who, President Obama and the liberals. Does anybody check this guy’s copy over there?” Matthews asked, saying the claims were a “right-wing freak-out." "Mr. Tingles" added, "Is Fox saying that they believe this stuff, this argument, the latest, that we should arm up personally, build our bunkers, and vote against Democrats or any Republican that doesn’t side with Beck and [Rep. Michele] Bachmann, and the rest of this band of looney tunes?” Looney tunes, “Mr. Tingles?” I think not. If there is a network anywhere out there which is allowed to profess itself to be a viable news organization and yet, in truth, is nothing more than an odd ensemble of rather bizarre cartoon characters, it is MSNBC, followed very closely behind, by CNN. So I think it best that you should try to get a grip on yourself which, I can only assume is something that you already do on, pretty much, a very frequent basis. If you get my drift, there "Mr. Tingles." The manner in which this buffoon practices his chosen profession is nothing short of dishonest, to say the least. It really gets difficult to take one seriously who is constantly riding on the outskirts of sanity. When someone is doing nothing more than ranting it detracts from what he, or she, is ranting about. The message is lost because of the bizarre method in which it being relayed to the audience.

If we take into account the many ravings that have as their source any number of prominent Muslim radicals, both here and abroad, Beck’s warnings are far from what would, under normal conditions, qualify as being a “delusional analysis.” The warnings are based on what these deranged religious fanatics have actually said. So on the contrary, the delusional ones would appear to be "Mr. Tingles" and his many perverted colleagues in the state-controlled media. A recent example that bolsters Mr. Beck's spot on analysis of our present situation would an exchange that took place and was witnessed on Wednesday by anyone who happened to be among the many viewers of the Fox News’ Sean Hannity program. Hannity played host to an individual that can only be described as a lunatic Muslim “cleric” by the name of Anjem Choudary. An individual that I think it safe to define as being more than a little controversial, who was asked to discuss the continuing turbulence in Egypt and to get his "opinion" regarding who will likely fill the power vacuum when President Hosni Mubarak steps down. Keep in mind that this religious zealot, Choudary, is one of those "extremists" who is all in favor of implementing sharia law in the UK and on any number of occasions has praised the 9/11 terrorists, calling them “magnificent martyrs.” I guess my main question would be, who gives a flying uk-fa what this guy thinks. He's a nut, and a very dangerous nut at that! He has also been an active figure in Islam4UK, a group banned under UK anti-terror proscription laws last year. Over the course of their discussion, Choudary suggested that the situation in Egypt offers a real opportunity for an Islamic uprising and a chance for the Muslim Brotherhood, a group banned under Mubarak, to reinsert itself into the country’s politics. According to Choudary, the people of Egypt do not oppose sharia law and instead would rather be free of Western customs. How about we ask the people of Egypt that question. I mean just on the off chance that they may disagree with that assessment.

When Hannity pressed this "cleric," who represents the so-called "Religion of Peace," on his views of sharia law and, specifically, the stoning of individuals for offenses such as adultery, Choudary unapologetically insists that stoning men and women is acceptable after implementing shariah law, the “education system of Islam” and the “social and economic justice.” This bonafide religious wackjob said Egypt will be ruled by Sharia law and eventually so will the United States, and the whole world, will fall to radical Islam. In a rather heated interview, Sheik Anjem Choudary also fell back on the same old story line calling for the destruction of Israel, saying the Jewish state needs to be “repelled” for what it has done to Muslims. “Sharia will come and it will remove the corruption of democracy, and freedom, and all of your exploitation,” Choudary said. “You are worried because you know Islam is coming to your backyard.” On this point this nut may be pretty close to being correct. I am worried that this religion populated by fanatics has already be able to gain a foothold here in America and is very rapidly, with support of Democrats and any number of leftist organizations, gaining strength in this country, to the point it may soon very difficult to eradicate it. I'm also more than a little worried about the fact that our current president doesn't seem to be the least bit interested in preventing just such an occurrence from taking place here. The present lackluster manner in which our present resident of the Oval Office chooses to address a very serious issue leaves the impression that he is more interested in appeasing the terrorists than he is in defending the homeland against any potential radical Islamic onslaught.

After hedging his answers on several questions regarding his rather twisted beliefs, Hannity vehemently asked Choudary to be specific about al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden. “You said you were on Osama bin Laden’s side: Three thousand Americans were slaughtered on 9-11, you support this man. I am asking you, do you think the people responsible for that are going to go to meet Allah in heaven and get 72 virgins?” Hannity asked. “It’s a simple - you’re supposed to be a lawyer and you’re not particularly bright – It’s a simple question: Do they get the virgins or not sir?" Choudary attempted to evade the question entirely by taking a page from the Democrats playbook, attempting to answer the question by instead detailing U.S. actions in Iraq. Hannity would have none of it. “The point is, you are radical, murder-supporting fascist, and you want [your ways] to be spread to the rest of the world,” Hannity said. Hannity then asked if Choudary would like to see Israel’s destruction. “When you occupy someone’s land, and you steal their resources, and you kill innocent, men, women, and children, then of course that needs to be repelled,” Choudary replied. “Every Muslim knows that Israel is occupying Muslim land. This is Muslim land that has been stolen – and it will be revived.” Exhibiting another trait of the Democrat party, that being the ad nauseam repeating of a lie in the hopes a sufficient number of people will eventually come to believe it as being true, this "cleric" continued to spew the party line, so to speak. If I didn't know better, I'd swear this guy was a Democrat. I mean what he's saying doesn't really vary all that much from that which we continually hear from Democrat Party leadership, including Imam Obama.

So back to "Mr. Tingles." What I would like to ask Chris, is why it is that he and his rather pathetic little "brain trust" of vitriolic miscreants, insist upon taking the side of those who practice this most perverted of religions? I don't get it! Why is it that he seems to favor living in what would be the equivalent of the freakin stone age? He and is crowd best be careful what they wish for, because they just might get it. Then what? I guess it should be pretty obvious then as to why Nielsen ratings of cable news networks’ coverage of the Egyptian unrest show MSNBC dropping to third place across prime time on February 1. I fail to understand why so many in the media are willing, almost eager, to join with "Mr. Tingles" in his enthusiastic support for these individuals who are obsessed with the annihilation of all those they view as being infidels. Ah, that would be me and you, just for a little clarification. And why is it that they all seem to be so comfortable with the radical agenda that this "religion of peace" means to advance every where it is provided an opportunity to do so.

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