

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Giving us a little indication of just what might be headed in our direction, in their effort to con the American people, top Democratic Party backers are already in discussions about how best to fund a television-advertising blitz in support of Barry "Almighty's re-election bid. An internal debate has already begun about who should run the group and whether there should be just one organization or several. Barry discouraged independent groups from working on his behalf during the 2008 presidential race. Democratic strategists now believe Barry's campaign will give them the green light to create independent advertising efforts for 2012 to rival the well-funded conservative groups that appeared in the 2010 congressional elections. Wealthy Democratic donors and party activists have met several times in recent months to map out the best strategy to help Barry win a second term. So with the battle plans are being drawn it is never too early for the American people to also begin to prepare themselves for what we all know is coming in the form of distortions, falsehoods and outright lies that will be hurled at them beginning in the not too distant future. Every attempt will be made to portray Barry as being something other than what he is. The American people will no doubt be inundated with what amounts to nothing more than fiction disguised as truth and echoed ad nauseam by members of the state controlled media. These media types see themselves as being the ones who got Barry elected the first time around, and they are brimming with confidence that they'll be able to get him re-elected. We need to make ourselves immune to the media hype that is designed to create an image of this guy that is far removed from anything that even remotely resembles reality.

The meetings thus far have included the usual suspects, that sleazy cast of characters that together form the mainstay of the Democrat Party electioneering/dirty tricks apparatus. You know the ones, representatives of labor groups such as the AFL-CIO, the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union; abortion-rights organizations including NARAL Pro-Choice America; the League of Conservation Voters and other environmental groups; and some of the biggest Democratic campaign givers and insiders, such as strategist and former "Clintonista," Harold Ickes. "There is a general consensus that there needs to be something big on our side to counter what the other side did in the last election," said Steve Rosenthal, a Democratic strategist who led one recent meeting at Tuscana West, an Italian restaurant in Washington. I'm confused on what this clown is talking about. What exactly did the "other side" do in the last election? They weren't the one laundering money coming in from foreign donations. Anyway, I'm sure there will be a full court press designed around distracting the American people from the abysmal job Barry has done in nearly every facet of his job. Every thing will be presented as if seen through the lens of rose colored glasses in an effort to once again attempt to portray Barry as some kind of centrist and very likely going so far as comparing him to Ronald Reagan. That laughable little ploy has already been floated by a recent edition of Time magazine. The question that is yet to be answered is, will the American people buy into the nonsense, yet again, that we know is most assuredly coming. You know what they say, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

Among the big donors involved in these ongoing discussions is Rob McKay, the son of the founder of Taco Bell, you know, the fake meat place. As a guy who is now a San Francisco-based "activist," Mr. McKay leads a group of wealthy liberal Democrats who enjoy nothing more than to fund ultra liberal organizations. Other Democrats involved in the formulation of plans include Robert Dyson, the chief executive of a large New York-based investment firm. Independent campaign groups are supposed to be separate from candidate campaigns. Under campaign-finance law, presidential candidates can't receive donations from corporations or labor unions. Right, unless of course you're Barry, then you're simply above all of that petty nonsense. Individual contributions are limited to $2,500 per person for the 2012 general election. By contrast, most outside campaign groups can accept unlimited donations from individuals, labor unions and companies, but are barred from coordinating their campaign efforts with the candidates' campaigns. That's not exactly how I remember things happening during the last go round with this guy. There were many questions left unanswered regarding sources of large amount of campaign cash that came flooding into the Barry's campaign coffers. Republicans had better start preparing themselves for any number of shady tactics that they are most likely going to be running up against. They can ill afford to be caught flatfooted by this ethically challenged gang of political hacks. Our side has to be willing to play the game by the same rules as do our adversaries if we are to have any hope of achieving victory. There is simply too much at stack to do otherwise.

One Democrat involved in creating and implementing the pro-Barry effort, is David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, another in a string of George Soros funded liberal "watchdog" groups. Mr. Brock could be involved in private Democratic groups raising funds for various advocacy ads. The sleazy Mr. Brock also founded a group, no doubt with more Soros money, called American Bridge that accepts donations that are then used in its efforts to go about the digging up of dirt on any and all of the Republicans hoping to unseat Barry in his bid for re-election in 2012. No doubt more of that civility that Democrats say is so badly needed. Mr. Brock's Media Matters is a frequent, and very vocal, critic of Fox News, as is his butt-buddy and well known sugar daddy, Soros, which like the Wall Street Journal is owned by News Corp. Mr. Brock said he expected there to be multiple independent groups "working in concert, just as there are on the Republican side." But he said the emphasis would be on cooperation. "I don't see this as a competitive situation," he said. The RNC and other groups on the Right had best consider that as being a shot across their bow. The gathering and assembling of assets needs to get started now if it hasn't gotten started already. There is not a moment to lose, especially when our side is the only one playing by the rules and is therefore operating at a distinct disadvantage. We can count on the Democrats being up to their usual tricks and to employ their standard tactics. We must start getting ready now!

Still other Democrats expect to create separate groups to lead the pro-Barry effort. These Democrats say they want the White House to provide some signal indicating which group will become the central outside organization supporting the president's re-election. Under current campaign-finance law, it would be illegal for Barry or people working for his campaign to discuss strategy with those running the outside political entity. But as we all know, since when has the possibility of something being illegal ever stopped the Democrats and especially Barry himself? I lost count of the number of shenanigans that went on during 2008. However, Democrats do say that if one of Barry's current or former aides were to join one of these outside groups, they would take that as a strong sign that the president had "unofficially" anointed it. "That would be a very big signal that something is being formed that everyone can back and that wouldn't violate the spirit of the last campaign," said Andy Stern, former head of the SEIU, who remains an active player in plotting the Barry strategy for 2012. And trust me when I say that "plotting" is exactly the right way to describe what is currently underway by this collection of very shady characters. We must be wary of the pending onslaught that is most definitely headed our way in the not too distant future. Because there is no way that those currently devising the plans will be able to rely on the truth when it comes to telling the story of all that Barry has done. They will also be forced into glossing over his many lapses in leadership, a quality that he most definitely lacking. As just one of the more serious examples, the Middle East which, thanks to this global warming nut, we have become even more dependent upon for oil is now literally going up in smoke while he has done nothing more than to sit on his hands. Meanwhile, $15 a gallon gas is now said to be something that could very much become a reality.

There is speculation among Democrats that recently departed White House spokesman Robert "That Silver Tongued Devil" Gibbs may assume leadership of a prominent, new campaign organization. Gibbs in a leadership position? You're joking! Other possible candidates include Barry spokesman Bill Burton and White House adviser Sean Sweeney, both of whom left the White House last week. Mr. Gibbs said in an email that he wasn't going to "start or run" any outside political group. But we know honest truthful this clown is. Mr. Burton said he and Mr. Sweeney intend to do political consulting work, but have not committed to any individual or group. Right! All of these guys are nothing but liars and try to be too clever by about half. Who is it exactly that they think they're fooling? In the 2010 election, several new conservative organizations spent about $300 million to help Republicans win control of the House. One group, Americans for Prosperity, spent nearly $40 million against Democrats in 2010, up from about $14 million in 2006. The conservative organization was heavily funded by Charles and David Koch, who own Koch Industries Inc. Those conservative groups, who have not yet settled on their plans for the 2012 election, had best get themselves properly motivated. And it is possible that some may be tempted to focus more of their attention on races for the Senate, where Republicans believe they will be able win the majority. However, believing that you can gain the majority and actually being able to accomplish that feat are two very different things. We cannot afford to waste any time, money on effort upon those things that we have fewer opportunities to actually prevail. In either case, they had better get moving or they are liable to end up having the butts handed to them on both fronts. Now is not the time to become complacent, our present situation gets more dire with each passing day.

This country is so far into the toilet financially, economically as well as internationally that the absolute last thing we need is a second Barry term. It would be far worse than had there been a second Carter term, which many have argued is what we are currently living through. If those currently working on what they see as being the necessary chicanery to gain Barry a second term are in fact successful in their endeavor, then the future of this great country becomes considerably darker. We on the right must be just as determined in our efforts to bring this disastrous presidency to its rightful end. Barry must be sent packing so that he can then move on to the lecture circuit joining his buddies "BJ" Clinton and Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter in their continuing efforts to slander America. I find it more that just a little amazing that is in this rather unique group of sycophants that we would have an Oxford scholar and 2 Nobel laureates. Yes my friends, truth is in fact, stranger than fiction, much stranger.

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