

Monday, January 31, 2011


It just seems to me that the more time goes by the more members of the current administration that we are currently saddled with, including the president, go about the business of eagerly contributing to the dire the straits in which we find now ourselves. And it is because of the actions of these specific individuals that the more dark and somewhat ominous the future of our country becomes. It is apparent, to me at least, that in what has been a relatively short span of time, both historically and politically speaking, we have managed to descend to a place that is totally unfamiliar to a majority or our population. The rate at which our government is now being encouraged to swallow up large portions of, what has been up to now, our private economy, and the extent which it has managed to encroach into our private lives, has now passed well beyond what has been accepted as being the legal limits in the past. These are very rapidly becoming some truly frightening times, with there being no apparent let up in sight. I fear that any light that we may see coming at us in the tunnel we currently find ourselves, will be nothing more than a train speeding in our direction. That becomes ever more apparent with each visit to the grocery store or stop to fill up my car as I continue to see costs going very rapidly, up. And yet, I see no realistic remedies or serious plans for any corrective action being suggested by any of those who are currently leading this country. Anything other than how oil is just too nasty to use as a fuel and that there will continue to be no new drilling off shore or on any government land. That whole concept seems as being nothing short of idiotic. Meanwhile the areas that serve as the main source for that very same oil, continues to disintegrate and is controlled in large part by those who hate this country. So what is our response to this growing problem? Nothing other than the continued preaching ad nauseam about green energy as being the only thing that can possibly save us. Is that ridiculous, or what? This whole cockamamie scheme is based on nothing other than fraudulent science of the highest order, with any attempt to advance the notion that in order for us to survive we must first work to "correct" the nonexistent "problem" of global warming/climate change, being nothing more than a means to a political end. However, there is a very specific goal here, but it has nothing to do with preventing any potential effects on our environment. The environment that should be of most concern is the one that involves the creation of a massive debt that has the potential to effect generations of Americans yet to be born. That is simply unacceptable.

I do get tired of watching a political party that is essentially off its leach as it continues in its efforts to rob from my children and any potential grandchildren I may yet have for no other reason than to advance its effort to purchase votes. Their excuses for our present grave situation are as lame and their dishonesty is obvious as they enthusiastically profess to be responsible for taking none of the blame. The fault, they say, lies with all of those who either came before or reside in the opposition party. The insidious nature of their hypocritical attempts to disguise their efforts to insert government even further into every aspect of American life should cause even those who voted for this president, and any Democrat, to pause and reflect on the basic intelligence of their vote. Now I know many of them were pretty sure their reward was going to be that they were going to be getting a free ride from this man who they saw as being one of them, and their failure to recognize the possibility that they were most likely being mislead, never even occurred to them. That fact in itself very clearly reveals a very serious character flaw. This man's past resembles very little the past of any of these people, that he refers to as being "his" people. But he was, and continues to be, very successful in using their past to his best advantage. His ancestors did not experience any of the slavery that was present early in this country. And if the truth be told, he has led a rather privileged life, having many things simply handed to him with very little effort being required on his part. What these people refuse to recognize is the fact that this man sees them as nothing more than as a resource to be used in order for him to more easily accomplish his political end. And together with his many minions such as Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright and others, as well as those in the state-controlled media, he has been very successful in keeping these people in line. They have been convinced that they are the victims of an unjust society. When the truth of the matter is, that if they possessed only a little self esteem and an actual desire to work, there is no limit to the level of success that they would be able to attain for themselves.

This continuing downward spiral that we have been embarked upon for the last two years, simply cannot be allowed to go on unabated. The consequences of doing so are just to catastrophic to even contemplate. The present economic and fiscal environment has got to altered to such a degree that allows us to then get to a spot where we can at least begin a leveling off process. And the reckless spending being advocated by our president and his party does nothing but to increase our already massive debt is not going to be what gets us to that afore mentioned leveling off place. And it is this same downward trend that has also had a rather dramatic effect on the World at large. Despite the disdain that our current president seem to possess for this country and its role in the world, with strong American leadership having been sorely lacking for the last two years, we can very easily recognize just how far the world has descended into what can only be described as chaos. But then you have to ask yourself, was that the intension all along? Hot spots have continued to pop up at a rather alarming rate all across the globe and seem to be considered as being inconsequential receiving so very little attention as to have nothing about foreign policy even being mentioned in the latest State of the Union address. The World is becoming an increasingly volatile place, and an America that does noting but to sit on its hands as things continue to very rapidly go down hill, accomplishes nothing more than expediting the situation to a very dangerous level. We are rapidly approaching powder keg status, where even the slightest spark will begin a chain reaction that will be completely unstoppable. America cannot afford to be ambivalent in viewing a declining world and regarding the declining condition as being insignificant when regarding the bigger picture and the impact that a declining world has on this country. There are far to many variables that cannot go without being addressed in some manner in the effort to strengthen our economy here at home. And we must be much more forceful in our dealing with our competitors on the world market. Which is something that has very much been lacking for the last two years.

You know, practically since day one I've been hearing over and over again how it is that those of us who refused to vote for this our first black president, just weren't giving him enough time to get things done. Well, I think it very safe to say that the two years that this guy has been in his present job has provided him with more than enough time. Some would argue that he has been provided with far too much time. And isn't well past the time that he should really stop blaming his predecessor regarding the mess that he was supposedly "left with." Because from where I'm standing, he has taken anything that he was "left with" and made things very much worse. Whining normally isn't characteristic that one expects to see exhibited, especially so frequently, by our president. But that seems all that this guy can manage to do. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, ever seems to be his fault. When in fact, pretty much everything that has transpired and that has only resulted in making our present condition far worse over the course of the last 24 months can be traced directly back to him. All he has managed to accomplish since taking office is to take an already bad situation and make it ten times worse. And the manner in which things have been done indicates that there may have been some ulterior motive at work with their being some purpose in his attempting to bring about exactly what has happened. Which I know probably sounds a little paranoid to some, but that doesn't alter the fact that the only result of the policies thus far put into place has been to bring about the making of things considerably worse. No one in his, or her, right mind who is honestly attempting to strengthen a faltering economy who put into place what this administration, with the help of a Democrat controlled Congress, has put into place over the last 2 years. What has now taken place is exactly what they set out to bring about. A worsening economy, with its continuing high unemployment and fiscal mess that threatens to bring about a financial meltdown on a scale the likes of which truly has not been seen since the "Great Depression.”

With the outcome of the last election, those who have now been put into the position of being the cavalry, must now be willing to carry through with the many promises that were made. They cannot, and must not, allow themselves to be dissuaded from what they were sent to Congress to do. The onslaught that is sure to follow from both the Democrats and their propaganda arm, the state controlled media, will be fierce and persistent. Republicans must remain undaunted as they go about the rescuing of our country. They have essentially become our last line of defense against the rampant socialism of Barry "Almighty" and his Democrat Party.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Many have called our president inept or naïve when describing both his job performance and his apparent political priorities regarding his addressing of certain issues both at here at home and as well as abroad. Now suppose, just for a minute though, that there is something much more sinister at work here, even insidious regarding all that has been going on over the course of the last 2 years. And suppose it's been we the people who have at best been naïve, and at worst far too trusting of this man who, as our elected leader, is supposed to have our best interests at heart. Now we could give him the benefit of the doubt in that he could be genuinely concerned and is trying to do those things that he feels will work best to encourage economic growth and to improve the quality of the lives of all Americans. But benefit of the doubt only goes so far and I'm afraid I'm one of the more cynical ones regarding just what our president is so busy trying to accomplish and why. And rather than being unfortunate results from well intentioned policies being put in place, I would argue that all that has occurred has been what was intended to occur. That the policies that have been thus far put into place were specifically designed to bring about exactly the calamity that has not been lessened but made worse and a direct result of those policies. I think it very safe to say the Barry “Almighty” can be considered as being the architect of our current economic situation.

In the area of employment, once again more Americans than were forecast filed first-time claims for unemployment insurance payments last week, indicating it will take some a significant amount of time for the labor market to mend. I'm always finding myself somewhat baffled by the fact that our supposed experts are always caught by surprise. Everything is always unexpected, maybe these self-professed experts should just give up trying to forecast such things. I mean, their ability, or inability, to do so ranks right up there with those folks who try to predict the number of hurricanes we're supposed to have every year and continue to miss the mark rather badly. So it was that applications for jobless benefits increased by 51,000 to 454,000 in the week that ended on January 22, once again apparently, catching our Labor Department completely by surprise. Supposedly, Barry’s cadre of economists had forecast 405,000 claims, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey. The number of people on unemployment benefit rolls rose, while those collecting extended payments fell. Some faceless Labor Department official attempted to justify the latest unexpected rise on the weather conditions, claiming that snow in four southern states in previous weeks had created a backlog of claims that were processed last week. While the economy has improved, or so the claim goes, it hasn’t been enough to reduce an unemployment rate that Federal Reserve policy makers have said on more than one occasion, is too high and which requires pressing ahead with yet another $600 billion stimulus plan. “If claims drift higher, we’re just going to have to wait and see, tread water,” Julia Coronado, chief economist for North America at BNP Paribas in New York, said. “We’re creating enough jobs to keep the unemployment rate roughly steady and at a pace to keep the economy on track, but it’s not necessarily a picture of rapid improvement.” Estimates in the Bloomberg News survey of 52 economists ranged from 375,000 to 428,000, after the Labor Department initially reported claims fell to 404,000 the prior week.

That previously mentioned faceless Labor Department official very confidently advanced the notion that, yes, it was winter weather in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, in previous weeks that had kept people from filing jobless claims. The net result from that was supposed to have been that those unemployed Americans ended up filing last week, thus boosting the claims number. “In addition to seasonal volatility, we have this extra effect in the numbers,” the Labor Department official said as the figures were released. "Seasonal volatility," is that the latest lame excuse being used by these clowns in their attempt to disguise the fact that they don't have the slightest idea about what you're doing, or why? The four-week moving average, a less-volatile measure, rose to 428,750 from 413,000. The number of people continuing to collect jobless benefits increased by 94,000 in the week ended January 15 to roughly 4 million. Supposedly, our stalwart government economists had forecast that the number would increase to 3.87 million. Meanwhile, those who’ve used up their traditional benefits and are now collecting emergency and extended payments decreased by about 98,000 to 4.62 million in the week ended January 8. It seems that I remember that Barry said that if we would only trust him unemployment wouldn't go over 8 percent. Well, it would seem that we have seriously screwed up here by being stupid enough to believe what Barry was telling us. The end result is that, according to the gurus at the Fed, unemployment is too high to be consistent in the long run with policy makers’ congressional mandate of full employment, with these clown now repeating the obvious in that progress toward its objectives has been “disappointingly slow.” Geez, no sh*t! The labor market gradually improved at the end of last year, with unemployment falling to 9.4 percent in December from 9.8 percent a month earlier, if you can call that an improvement. That was according to Labor Department figures released January 7.

Another example of Barry's stellar handling of the troubled economy comes to us in the form of our ongoing foreclosure crisis that is continuing to only get worse at a break neck pace. What is seen as being a major contributing factor being continuing high unemployment and lackluster job prospects that is forcing homeowners in an increasing number of U.S. metropolitan areas into dire financial straits. In Seattle, Houston and Chicago, cities that were relatively insulated from foreclosures early on in the housing bust, a growing number of homeowners are falling behind on mortgage payments and finding themselves on the receiving end of foreclosure warnings. Others have already seen their homes repossessed by lenders. All told, foreclosure activity jumped in 149 of the country's 206 largest metropolitan areas last year, foreclosure-listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday. The firm tracks notices for defaults, scheduled home auctions and home repossessions, warnings that can lead up to a home eventually being lost to foreclosure. With the outlook regarding our unemployment situation remaining to look rather grim for the foreseeable future, the foreclosure situation is predicted to only get worse in the coming year. Job loss, rather than time-bomb mortgages resetting to higher payments, has become the main driver behind the rising number of foreclosures. "We've actually had a sea change in what's causing foreclosures, from the overheated home prices and bad loans to a second wave of foreclosures actually caused by unemployment and economic displacement," says Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at RealtyTrac.

The Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown metropolitan area in Texas saw its foreclosure rate jump 26 percent from 2009, the largest increase among the top 20 biggest metro areas, the firm said. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, in Washington, ranked second with an increase of nearly 23 percent, while the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta metro area in Georgia was third with a 21 percent bump. In the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet metropolitan area, foreclosure activity rose 16 percent, while home repossessions climbed nearly 20 percent, RealtyTrac said. "As the economy and unemployment improve, you'll see those markets recover fairly quickly, whereas you're still going to have a bit of a hangover in places like California, Florida and Nevada," Sharga said. Those states, and Arizona, remain the country's foreclosure hotbeds, accounting for 19 of the top 20 metropolitan areas with the highest foreclosure rates in 2010. Still, foreclosure activity in many of the metro areas in these states actually declined last year. A big reason for the decline is lenders took steps to delay foreclosure actions in these states as they sought to manage the flow of troubled properties coming onto their books. In the final months of last year, several lenders went further, temporarily halting foreclosure activity to deal with allegations of improper evictions. Most banks have since resumed taking action against borrowers behind in payments, however, and the pace of foreclosures is expected to pick up this year and ultimately outpace 2010 levels. "We believe we're going to see an abnormally high growth of foreclosure activity in the first quarter and we do expect that 2011 will be another record year for foreclosure activity and bank repossessions," Sharga said, adding he projects bank repossessions will rise by at least 20 percent. That's likely to drag down home values further, potentially pushing more homeowners into negative equity, when a borrower owes more on their mortgage than the market value of their home.

And as if you didn't already know it, Social Security is now officially living on borrowed time, and will run at a deficit this year and keep on running in the red until its trust funds are completely exhausted by about 2037. At least that is the opinion of congressional budget experts in bleaker-than-previous estimates. The massive retirement program has been suffering from the effects of the struggling economy for several years. It first went into deficit last year but had been projected to post surpluses for a few more years before permanently slipping into the red in 2016. This year alone, Social Security will pay out $45 billion more in retirement, disability and survivors' benefits than it collects in payroll taxes, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said. That figure nearly triples - to $130 billion - when the new one-year cut in payroll taxes is included. Another piece of good news, I'm being sarcastic here, in yet another sobering estimate, the congressional office said government red ink this year will increase to $1.5 trillion, the most in U.S. history. This is nothing short of pure insanity! This is absolutely embarrassing. The United States of America has now been reduced to the point where we need to beg a Communist country, to assist in covering our debt that has been brought about by our own fiscal irresponsibility. This whole maddening scenario is self-inflicted and I'm wondering if we’re ever going to possess the necessary willpower to dg ourselves out of our present fiscal quagmire.

More than 54 million Americans receive Social Security benefits, averaging $1,076 per month. In the short term, Social Security is suffering from the weak economy that has payroll taxes lagging and applications for benefits rising. In the long term, Social Security will be strained by the growing number of baby boomers retiring and applying for benefits. That little sleigh ride to Hell has already officially begun. The projected Barry created deficits add a sense of urgency to efforts to improve Social Security's finances, an urgency that had been missing up to this point. For much of the past 30 years, the program has run big surpluses, which the government has borrowed to spend on other programs. Now that Social Security is running deficits, the federal government will have to find money elsewhere to help pay for benefits. "So long as Social Security was running surpluses, policymakers could put off the need to fix the program," said Andrew Biggs, a former deputy commissioner at the Social Security Administration who is now a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "Now that the system is running deficits, it simply becomes clear that we need to act on Social Security reform.”

Barry said in his State of the Union address Tuesday night that he wanted "a bipartisan solution to strengthen Social Security for future generations." Isn't that what Bush tried to do? And what did he get for his effort? However, Barry “O” has not embraced recommendations from a debt commission he appointed last year including one that would gradually increase the full retirement age, from 67 to 69, over the next 65 years. But Barry did lay down some markers for making Social Security closer to solvent. "We must do it without putting at risk current retirees, the most vulnerable, or people with disabilities, without slashing benefits for future generations and without subjecting Americans' guaranteed retirement income to the whims of the stock market," Barry said. The program has been supported by a 6.2 percent payroll tax, paid by both workers and employers. In December, Congress passed a one-year tax cut for workers, to 4.2 percent. The lost revenue is to be repaid to Social Security from general revenue funds, meaning it will add to the growing national debt.

On the international front any number of ongoing crises have seem to not be worthy of Barry's attention. One of the hottest spots on the globe, Barry seems almost oblivious to what is going on there. Barry repeatedly gives the impression that he is in over his head and his administration is seen as being feckless regarding the present any serious response to what is going on there. And now the administration is once again drawing fire from foreign policy experts for its blatant ambiguity and deservedly so as it goes about the sending of mixed messages regarding the historic wave of unrest sweeping across the Middle East most recently taking place in Egypt. Increasingly, the administration is coming under increasingly intense criticism for first appearing to encourage pro-democracy movements that it now seems very reluctant to embrace. The clash over human rights also appears to be on the verge of triggering a political clash in the United States, as Barry appears to be very conflicted regarding the topic. Republicans remember well the tepid White House response to the crackdown on protesters following fraudulent elections in Iran in 2009. Republicans complained that Barry’s response was too timid. There is much uncertainty over whether stable, Democratic regimes can prevail over the Islamic extremism that is so common in the nations now experiencing unrest. And with uncertainty comes a certain hesitance on the part of Barry, to commit to the taking any sort of definitive action in the region. And such hesitance implies nothing but weakness. Barry weighed in on the uprising in Egypt during a YouTube interview on Thursday. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who has dominated the country for more than three decades, has been very helpful to the United States, Barry said. “My main hope right now is that violence is not the answer in solving these problems in Egypt. So the government has to be careful about not resorting to violence, and the people on the streets have to be careful about not resorting to violence. And I think it is very important that people have mechanisms in order to express legitimate differences.” Ok, just what the Hell does that gibberish supposed to mean?

Then of course we have that resident moron, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, who has said that the administration believes the Mubarak government is stable, and called Mubarak a “close and important partner.” Foreign policy experts fear the extremist Muslim Brotherhood may take advantage of the crisis and seize power. The unrest in Egypt is just the latest episode of unrest gripping the region. And just another lost opportunity on the part of Barry to exhibit some much needed leadership. In Egypt, tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Cairo and other cities, chanting, waving signs and lobbing Molotov cocktails at police. Mubarak has responded with typical clenched fist tactics that has helped him maintain power for three decades. On Tuesday, Mubarak outlawed further public demonstrations. Police reacted with a brutal crackdown, firing tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd, pummeling protesters with repeated blows from bamboo-cane poles and dragging dissidents away from the safety of the angry crowd. In the clashes, a government building was torched and six were killed. At least 55 protesters and 15 police were injured, according to various reports. More than 850 protesters have been arrested, Egyptian authorities said.

In the past, Barry's willingness to stand firmly with pro-democracy forces has been questionable at best. He seems to be much more comfortable standing with guys like Chavez an Ortega or even the Castro Brothers. I'm sure we all remember his odd response to the Honduras situation not too long ago. Or, when he stated unequivocally in his much-noted June 2009 Cairo speech: “No system of government can or should be imposed by one nation on any other . . . But I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. These are not just American ideas; they are human rights. And that is why we will support them everywhere,” he said. Similarly, in a recent speech in Doha, Qatar, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that regimes in the Middle East were in danger of “sinking into the sand” if they didn’t enact reforms. "Those who cling to the status quo may be able to hold back the full impact of their countries' problems for a little while, but not forever," she said, a warning which seems prescient in the wake of Tunisian events. "If leaders don't offer a positive vision and give young people meaningful ways to contribute, others will fill the vacuum,” she said. But in recent days, the administration has moved carefully, balancing its support for the right to civil protest with support for Middle East stability. And that equivocation has angered activists, including most notably in Egypt.

This is just a brief synopsis of the more glaring issues that reflect the current sad state of our union. Urgent and very bold action to address all of these ongoing issues, plus any number of others, is so desperately needed. There has a heightened sense of urgency that has been created over the course of the last 2 years. And if action, responsible and courageous action, is not taken, and very soon, the end of America as we know it may be much nearer than any of us would like to admit. We can no afford to pussyfoot around by taking actions that will result in doing anything more than kicking the can a little further down the road.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am most likely coming in on the tail end of any commentary on this, but I still felt the need to throw my two cents in. Regardless of what various polls may say, it is apparent that the popularity of our first black president may be waning to some degree. The reason I say this is that the number of those who tuned in this year to hear our great orator president was decidedly smaller than those who tuned in 2010, being down by about 11%, when just over 48 million tuned in for his last State of the Union address, and was down by 18% from the number of viewers for the 2009 version, when nearly 52.4 million watched the address to a joint session of Congress by this, our first black president. Not counting "BJ" Clinton of course, who up until Barry, had been constantly referred to as being our first black president. Could it be that people are finally getting a little bored with hearing the same meaningless rhetoric over and over again? So, just how many of you roughly 43 million who were able to sit through this the latest little Barry "O" dog and pony show on Tuesday night in its entirety, and were actually able to stay awake throughout, came away from the whole experience feeling the least bit uplifted? Or possessing a resurgent and more positive feeling regarding the direction in which Barry has this country is headed? At least if Barry is permitted to have his way. I would expect that except for those who are his most ardent supporters, that wouldn't be very many. Because it is this specific group that is comprised of those individuals who continue to see the government, and we who actually foot the bill through the taxes we pay, as being nothing more than their meal ticket. This entitlement-focused crowd has been convinced to see themselves as being the victims of an unjust society because that's what they've been told ad nauseam by the Democrat Party.

What this entire speech was, was nothing more than an exercise in the rehashing of the same old, tired and worn-out lines that we have heard countless times before during any number of previous "State of the Union" addresses given in years gone by. There was little it any originality. Cliché's were as bountiful as the lies that were told by this man, and told with such a level of ease as to be considered more than slightly unnerving. Although I must confess, very rarely have I ever heard a president contradict himself quite so many times as did our "Dear Leader" Barry, and all in the span of the very same speech. I was almost dizzy be the time the whole thing was over. For those of you who were able to keep from going comatose long enough to pay any amount of attention as our stellar president described how he presently envisions the state of our union, when all was said and done, were you left as confused as I was. Because whatever the method being used by Barry in his effort to add things up, he left the impression of a ledger that somehow just doesn't appear very realistic in terms of it being anywhere near accurate. Something just did not compute when, as Barry urged more spending on one hand and a spending freeze on the other. HUH? Barry spoke ambitiously of putting money into roads, research, education, efficient cars, high-speed rail and other initiatives in his State of the Union speech. Haven't we been hearing the same drivel for 24 months now? He pointed to the transportation and construction projects of the last two years and proposed “we redouble these efforts.“ Are these not some of the same nonexistent "shovel-ready" projects that have been previously discussed and/or promised, some time ago? He coupled all of this with a call to ”freeze annual domestic spending for the next five years.”

But staying true to form, our buddy Barry offered up far more examples of where he would spend more money than where he planned on cutting any, and some of the areas he identified for savings are certain to not yield very much in the way of savings, if anything at all. For example, he said he wants to eliminate “billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies.” All this anti-oil zealot can do is what he's always done, and that is to continue his railing against the oil companies and all of the evil they have wrought upon the planet. Yet he made a similar proposal last year which gained very little traction and eventually ended up going nowhere. He sought $36.5 billion in tax increases on oil and gas companies over the next decade, but Congress largely ignored the request, even though Democrats were then in charge of both houses of Congress. Does this make any sense to anyone except the environmental wacko crowd? With the price of gas already rapidly approaching $4 a gallon, does this sound like anywhere near a rational energy policy? Look, if there is one thing that should be painfully clear about this guy, it's that he hates oil and the companies that produce it. I think it very safe to label his preoccupation with those companies which produce oil as being nothing short of a vendetta. Wait a minute there, let me rephrase myself. That would be American oil companies. I only say that because we recent gave Brazil $10 Billion dollars so that they can modernize their oil industry and we have effectively prohibited American companies from drill in the Gulf of Mexico while the Communist Chinese, the Russians and I think even the North Koreans and India remain free to do so. Ah yes, finally an energy policy that makes sense. NOT!!!

A look at some of Barry "O’s" statements Tuesday night and how they compare with the facts:

OBAMA: Tackling the deficit “means further reducing health care costs, including programs like Medicare and Medicaid, which are the single biggest contributor to our long-term deficit. Health insurance reform will slow these rising costs, which is part of why nonpartisan economists have said that repealing the health care law would add a quarter of a trillion dollars to our deficit.”

THE FACTS: The idea that Obama’s health care law saves money for the government is based on assumptions that are arguable, at best.

To be sure, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated the law will slightly reduce red ink over 10 years. But the office’s analysis assumes that steep cuts in Medicare spending, as called for in the law, will actually take place. Others in the government have concluded it is unrealistic to expect such savings from Medicare.

In recent years, for example, Congress has repeatedly overridden a law that would save the treasury billions by cutting deeply into Medicare pay for doctors. Just last month, the government once again put off the scheduled cuts for another year, at a cost of $19 billion.

That money is being taken out of the health care overhaul. Congress has shown itself sensitive to pressure from seniors and their doctors, and there’s little reason to think that will change.

OBAMA: Vowed to veto any bills sent to him that include “earmarks,” pet spending provisions pushed by individual lawmakers. “Both parties in Congress should know this: If a bill comes to my desk with earmarks inside, I will veto it.”

THE FACTS: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has promised that no bill with earmarks will be sent to Obama in the first place. Republicans have taken the lead in battling earmarks while Obama signed plenty of earmark-laden spending bills when Democrats controlled both houses.

It’s a turnabout for the president; in early 2009, Obama sounded like an apologist for the practice: “Done right, earmarks have given legislators the opportunity to direct federal money to worthy projects that benefit people in their districts, and that‘s why I’ve opposed their outright elimination,” he said then.

OBAMA: “I’m willing to look at other ideas to bring down costs, including one that Republicans suggested last year: medical malpractice reform to rein in frivolous lawsuits.”

THE FACTS: Republicans may be forgiven if this offer makes them feel like Charlie Brown running up to kick the football, only to have it pulled away, again.

Obama has expressed openness before to this prominent Republican proposal, but it has not come to much. It was one of several GOP ideas that were dropped or diminished in the health care law after Obama endorsed them in a televised bipartisan meeting at the height of the debate.

Republicans want federal action to limit jury awards in medical malpractice cases; what Obama appears to be offering, by supporting state efforts, falls far short of that. The president has said he agrees that fear of being sued leads to unnecessary tests and procedures that drive up health care costs. So far the administration has only wanted to study the issue.

Trial lawyers, major political donors to Democratic candidates, are strongly opposed to caps on jury awards. But the administration has been reluctant to support other approaches, such as the creation of specialized courts where expert judges, not juries, would decide malpractice cases.

OBAMA: As testament to the fruits of his administration’s diplomatic efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons, he said the Iranian government “faces tougher and tighter sanctions than ever before.”

THE FACTS: That is true, and it reflects Obama’s promise one year ago that Iran would face “growing consequences” if it failed to heed international demands to constrain its nuclear program. But what Obama didn’t say was that U.S. diplomacy has failed to persuade Tehran to negotiate over U.N. demands that it take steps to prove it is not on the path toward a bomb. Preliminary talks with Iran earlier this month broke off after the Iranians demanded U.S. sanctions be lifted.

I'm sure I'm not saying something that most people don't already realize when I say that this guy has got to be considered as being a consummate liar. However, the sooner more people come to actually realize this fact the better we're all gonna. The destruction to our country has been expedited over the course of the last 24 months and what this "community agitator" is responsible for doing dwarfs pretty much everything that has been perpetrated upon us by anyone going all the way back to the Johnson administration. He was born a liar and he'll die a liar. We're just not sure yet where that first event actually took place. This guy has not been honest or forthcoming about anything throughout his entire life. He has kept more things hidden from the public about his past, and been allowed to do so, more than any president in our history, short of maybe FDR, his hero. And this, his latest little stint before the American people, was nothing more than another occasion of his droning on with a speech that was even described by some liberals as being flat and boring. Personally, while I saw no real need to watch this speech, after doing so, I found that my initial assumption that it would be nothing more than an abysmal waste of time, was correct. I know the present state of our union, it's in a steep downward spiral. So there was no real need, at least on my part, to force myself to listen to how Barry chooses to sugarcoat it as he attempted to describe, and in his own inimitable way, that it is in much better shape than it actually appears. I think the majority of us are able to see that the current state of our union is pretty damn sad. And a very big part of the reason for that, is Barry himself. Barry defines success as being able to bring America to her knees, to humble her before every other country on the planet. To somehow how make her as being responsible for all that is wrong in the world.

A Barry "O" agenda, at least as spelled out in his State of the Union address, is one that would boost spending an additional $20 billion and lead to higher taxes, according to a line-by-line analysis from the National Taxpayers Union Foundation. "President Obama's speech last night hinted at tax reform, and spending restraint, but also opened the door to increases and major spending initiatives," said NTUF Senior Policy Analyst Demian Brady. "Americans heard encouraging words about more efficient government, but little in the way of specifics about spending priorities. This leaves taxpayers wondering not only whether the federal budget deficit is headed upward or downward, but also by how much." In their report provided to Whispers, the foundation conceded that the $20 billion in additional spending was far less than the additional $70 billion in his last State of the Union where he also called for a budget spending freeze and earmark ban. Look, this man presents a clear and present danger to the future of this country. From his policies regarding the economy, employment, energy and national defense as well as domestic and foreign policy, this man is a menace who personifies the greatest threat now faced by this country. And he's our very own PRESIDENT! Any attempt by him to portray himself as moving toward the middle should be seen for exactly what it is. It's all nothing more than an obvious ploy, a charade and a scam. He hopes to play us for fools and that he will be able to distract us just long enough. Make no mistake, my friends, he is not one that can be trusted. And for him to now have the gall, made apparent by some rather strange, uncharacteristic comments , to now claim to posses some sort of kinship with Ronald Reagan, is laughable and nothing short of absurd. If anything, this supporter of a monolithic federal government is the complete antithesis of Ronald Reagan in absolutely every sense. The question is, will we allow him to get away with it?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



Well, just when you think you’ve seen it all, Barry, and company, comes up with something new and, of course, more than just a little radical. So, it is that our present administration has now set out on yet one more quest in its continuing effort to redistribute wealth and to that end has now formulated a rather devious little plan that it sees as being able to provide to them a potential, and rather sizable, windfall. Never ones to be short of ideas that are potentially lethal to our present way of life, these people are constantly on the lookout for any new and improved way that will enable them to move forward in their attempt to remove every last vestige of individualism in this country. The most recent example of this desire is demonstrated by the fact that the Barry “O” administration now says that it wants to “study” and “receive public comment” on the idea of requiring, or to use their words, “encouraging and persuading,” people to voluntarily convert their 401(k) and IRA retirement assets into life-long annuities. Now just why do you think that might be? Why, “To help reduce the chances that workers will run out of funds during their retirement years,” of course, at least according to the Department of Labor. What? Can you possibly run that past me one more time? So if I have this right, what’s really being discussed here is the possibility of an outright seizure of our private retirement accounts in much the same manner that control over our healthcare was seized from us, roughly one year ago. Who in their right mind would ever consider going along with something like this, voluntarily? But you see, as far as Barry is concerned, there's the rub. So at some point I think it very safe to say that some level of coercion will be headed our way all in an attempt to make us a bit more compliant to Barry's way of thinking.

And that process may have already begun. Because you see, in an effort to move forward in this little endeavor, supposedly, the Department of Labor has now teamed up with Timmy “The Tax Cheat’s” Treasury Department to initiate what they are calling, not get this, a “pre-rulemaking act to collect information and data on whether, or to what extent, the [federal government] agencies might take some action to address identified problems facing today’s retirees.” Now does this sound to you, like anything other than what it so blatantly is? For many of those who make up Barry's core constituents, this is no big deal because they don't bother saving for retirement anyway. They are much busier blowing most of their money, most of which is taxpayer provided, on the more important things in life, on those important things like drugs, booze and hookers. For those who do actually do try to put some money away for the day when they finally get to retire, they should be very well aware of the fact that anything the governments gets their greedy little mitts on, very rapidly becomes insolvent at best, and at worst simply worthless. And to find proof of that one need look no further than Social Security or better yet, the Post Office. Social Security will be broke in a manner of months if it isn’t broke already and the U.S. Post Office has been operating in the hole for years. Or how about AMTRAK? Far from having the Midas touch, pretty much everything the government comes into contact with very quickly turns to sh*t, and stays that way.

With the administration's use of typical bureaucrat-ese in attempting to describe the purpose and reasoning behind their proposal, you don’t have to be paranoid or a conspiracy nut to smell a rat here. This is very clearly, far from being just an academic exercise; it is, by the bureaucrats’ own admission, a “pre-rulemaking act,” which implies that there will be follow-on rulemaking act just over the horizon. So you better grab onto your wallet and maintain a very tight grip on. It isn’t like they haven't already established a track record regarding their distaste for the rights of the individual or for seizing upon what would normally be those things long considered as being strictly personal decisions. Just like the debacle that was and remains “Obamacare.” And just as with "Obamacare" we have that supposed vanguard for the elderly, AARP, once again throwing its members squarely under the proverbial bus for the sake of on the receiving end of some generous Democrat kickbacks. Because this purely fraudulent organization seems also to now be very much in favor of this the latest Democrat idea designed to allow the government a way to further insinuate itself into the life of every American citizen by acquiring a controlling interest, so to speak, in the financial aspirations of of our retired folks. Which begs the question, “Why is it, exactly, that AARP is not up in arms to protect your retirement?” The answer to that questions is a very simple one, it's because these people continue to support “Big Government Liberalism” because it, in turn, supports AARP! And why do so many of our elderly continue to buy into the notion that this organization, which consistently demonstrates very little enthusiasm when it comes to actually defending the needs of its members, have the best interests at heart regarding those whom they profess to care so much about. You don’t have to be a "Beltway Insider" to recognize that this scheme is only the precursor to that actual setting up of a so-called public-private partnership between Washington and Wall Street to confiscate private retirement assets in the name of protecting retirees. In other words, the government will have to seize assets to preserve them, or something like that.

Also, you don’t necessarily have to be a Nobel Prize winner in economics like say, that loony leftie, Paul Krugman, to figure out that the purpose behind this scheme, and it is a scheme make no mistake, is to gain federal control over an estimated $3.613 trillion in IRA and $2.350 trillion in 401(k) retirement accounts. Just as you do not need to be an economist to recognize that the policies thus far put into place by this band of bureaucratic malcontents have been designed to do every thing but to actually strengthen our wavering economy. All that you must do is to just start paying attention. We must all choose to be selective regarding who it is from which we get our information. Does anyone honestly think that the policies that have thus far been put into place by Barry and his cadre of leftist Democrats were really intended to have a positive effect on our economy? If so, then my friends you are truly naïve. Either that or you're one of those devout Democrat constituents who have managed to guarantee receipt of your monthly taxpayer funded check in exchange for your continuing reliable vote. Obviously for the rest of us, it should go without saying that we need to effectively ignore those who have come to serve as nothing more than being the mouthpieces for the Democrat Party, which these days is essentially anyone in the state controlled media. You shouldn’t have to rely on the word of some media financial wizard before being able to notice for yourself that the U.S. Government is broke and is now well down the road to complete insolvency. You just have to be a concerned and well-informed citizen and you will very quickly realize that this six-trillion-dollar scheme would be an ideal way to pawn off increasingly hard to sell federal bonds on workers, you just have to listen to the Chinese threaten to cease purchasing federal Treasuries.

And with today's political environment being what it is, with special thanks for it being so, going out to Barry and the Democrats, you certainly don’t have to consider yourself as being overly suspicious of politicians in order to understand that this is nothing more than a very typical ploy. A ploy that could very well end up being the perfect way for the government to expropriate private retirement savings in an attempt to bail the federal government out of what most people see as a looming bankruptcy. All that is genuinely required here is that you just have to possess the necessary common sense and the ability to learn from some very recent past experience. But, if you're one of those people who need something a bit more tangible to go on than just your instincts and gut feelings regarding the devious little “pre-rulemaking” process the Barry "O" Administration has initiated here, consider these basic rules by which government constantly operates and then apply them to the facts as we now know them to be:

"The Rules:

Rule Number One: Always remember, what government would make mandatory it first makes voluntary. And that is the ploy that most definitely being utilized here.

Rule Number Two: “Pre-Rulemaking” is the public-sector equivalent to “Pre-Crime,” a.k.a. casing the joint: When government studies the need for a voluntary government program in order to find ways that “government and the private sector can work together to ensure that people have the tools they need” to make the right voluntary choices already available to them in the private sector, government is unambiguously preparing to make the voluntary mandatory.

Rule Number Three: The Welfare State is a massive, wealth-sucking, redistributive black hole: When the government transforms something voluntary into something mandatory, it invariably uses its tax and regulatory powers to convert the new mandatory government program into an engine of massive income and wealth redistribution.

Rule Number Four: There is no such thing as “voluntary socialism:” After government invites people to opt into a “voluntary government program,” it quickly proceeds to stigmatize and criminalize those who refuse to do so and then taxes and regulates the holdouts to “pay for” the “privilege” of “free riding” on all the other “good citizens” inside the government-run program.

Now, apply the facts:

The Facts:

Fact Number One: Individuals already may convert their 401(k) and IRA retirement plans into annuities, no problem. There is no need for the government to do anything to allow people to convert their 401(k) and IRA assets into a secure stream of lifetime income because there already exists a plethora of private insurance companies and other financial institutions willing to convert retirement accounts into annuities. Government need not apply.

Fact Number Two: As revealed in public documents, studies and testimony, the Treasury Department and the Department of Labor are in the preliminary stages of creating a “voluntary” government program to “encourage” people to annuitize their retirement savings. The stated purpose of the “pre-rulemaking initiative” is to “engage interested persons in exploring ways that the [federal] Agencies and the private sector can work together to ensure that workers have the tools they need to help ensure their retirement savings last a lifetime.” In other words, the federal government is preparing to gin up another so-called public-private initiative (a.k.a. public-private cartel) to “encourage and persuade” 401(k) and IRA participants to convert their 401(k) and IRA assets into a “stream of lifetime income,” i.e., into annuities.

Fact Number Three: They are also seeking comments on whether “13. Some form of lifetime income distribution option be required for defined contribution plans.” In other words, they are seriously considering forcing you to use your retirement savings to buy government approved annuities.

Fact Number Four: The federal government already is the biggest threat to retirees’ “running out of funds during their retirement years.” Rather than allowing retirees to deplete their retirement savings at the rate that best suits them, the government requires “mandatory withdrawal” of a certain percentage of workers’ retirement nest eggs after the age of 70 years and six months. By the age of 75, the federal government requires withdrawal of almost one-quarter of a worker’s nest egg and almost half by age 80. If the Obama Administration were truly concerned that retirees might “run out of funds during their retirement years,” it would repeal the mandatory withdrawal rules instead of cooking up new ways to get the government’s hands on people’s retirement funds.

Fact Number Five: The departmental documents discussing this public-private annuitization scheme hint that the program would utilize private insurance companies to manage the annuities. To understand how this would work, look at how ObamaCare plans to utilize private insurance companies as its cat’s paw to manage and ration health care.

Fact Number Six: The academic papers and expert testimony being promoted by the Feds to justify wide-scale annuitization of private retirement plans reveal: The public-private annuitization cartel scheme would entail massive investment in federal bonds; and the ultimate objective is to eliminate tax breaks for 401(k) accounts and IRAs and effectively confiscate workers’ retirement-plan accounts and convert them into universal Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) managed by the Social Security Administration."

I think most of us, or at least those of us who actually pay taxes and expend the necessary to actually save for our retirement should, are able to recognize what’s underway here. It is essentially the manufacturing of a scenario, an insidious plot of sorts, where all of the money that we have worked very hard for, and in some case scrimped to save over the course of our lives in an attempt to prepare for our "golden years," is then essentially stolen from us so that Barry and the Democrats can turn around and use it to subsidize their rabid spending spree. There can be no justification for this, other than of course, the incredible spending spree that has directly resulted in our present $14+ Trillion dollar deficit. And now you know the rules and have seen the facts regarding how they, corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, play the game. Therefore the conclusion is much less ambiguous: In the name of helping and protecting retirees, the Barry “O” Administration has arbitrarily decided once again that it knows what's best for us and has therefore embarked on a process, which if not stopped before it really gets started, is destined to end with the effective nationalization of private retirement accounts. A six-trillion-dollar honey pot of private retirement savings is just too much temptation for Barry and the Democrats to resist. To Barry and the Democrats this is seen as free money. Money for the taking because they will be able to put it to much better use, than the people who worked for it and went without in order to save it. These Democrats are nothing short of disgusting.

We have all been witness to how the juggernaut that is the liberal perpetuated Welfare-State Establishment, when in pursuit of private wealth to satisfy its growing fiscal addiction, is like an addict in pursuit of his or her next fix. Once it gets even the slightest whiff of a stash in its nose, our government shows no willingness to be dissuaded from doing all that is necessary and using any and all mean means available in its attempt to acquire control of it. It will go to any ends, engage in any deceit, including self delusion and outright theft, to get its hands on that perceived stash. Then, once acquired, it begins yet another search. And as always when dealing with liberal Democrats, that is defined as being any means viewed as being necessary and that are always considered to be acceptable. And just as reliable is the fact that the left will always call any manner of distrust held by the people regarding what they are doing, or trying to do, as nothing more than pure paranoia and rage directed against the political machine. Any one who has the nerve to stand against these corrupt Democrats as almost immediately labeled as being anti-government, right wing nuts. Democrats maintain the claim that any fear is totally unwarranted when it’s the government that’s after your individual rights and private property. However, the fear should be seen as being very real whenever you have the government, especially when it's under Democrat control, on the hunt for money. Any potential source of additional funds is always viewed as being available to the government. Because Democrats are always of the opinion that all money belongs to the government.

As if you needed any more reasons to be very distrustful of Democrats or of any further incentive to work to vote them out of office any time the opportunity may present itself, this whole concept only deepens existing distrust and drives home the point that these corrupt miscreants need to go. The unions, and their Democrat allies in Congress are still pushing very hard to do away with 401k accounts, to be replaced by Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs). Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist-Vermont) and Tom Harkin (Socialist-Iowa) have held any number of hearings in the past to explore just that possibility. Both Senators are members of the HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, or as some like to refer to it, the union HELP themselves to our retirement savings.) House Minority Leader, at the time, John Boehner and 12 other Republicans signed a letter urging opposition to GRAs to Treasury Secretary Timmy "The Tax cheat" Geithner and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. According to the letter, establishment of GRAs would end the tax breaks given to 401k accounts. If you think GRAs are a good idea, think again. Oh, unless of course you happen to be a member of a union with an underfunded pension plan. And so you may ask, just why are unions pushing this? Well, it's a commonly known fact that the average union pension plan is only about 60 percent funded, far below the point at which the government considers a pension plan “endangered.” Estimates suggest unions’ multi-employer pension plans are underfunded by $165 "Billion" and could be on the verge of collapse. Therefore, Union leaders see these “retirement security” ideas like GRAs as vehicles to a back-door pension bailout, where union leaders will no longer have to worry about the fact they’ve underfunded their rank and file members’ pension plans. Just let the taxpayers take care of it. Labor is the biggest source of campaign cash for Democrats (Retirement USA backers AFL-CIO and SEIU are spent in the neighborhood of $88 million on this last election), and Harkin also wants to pass “card check," the proposal to do away with secret ballots in workplace representation elections, during the next session of Congress.

The whole premise for this very intriguing concept sprouting from the creative minds of our very enlightened leaders, proposes the forcing of everyone into a new and improved government retirement system that would essentially pay out equally to all Americans, those who have scrimped and saved as well as to those in organized labor who have grossly mismanaged their pension plans. This whole idea is nothing if not patently unfair and seems too crazy to even contemplate. If memory serves, wasn't it Barry who has said on any number of occasions that he is all about creating a system that is fair and equitable for all. If that is in fact the case, I'm wondering how he can justify this his latest little bureaucratic boondoggle? If this shady little shenanigan of his comes off as planned, what we're going to have happen here is that a lot of people are going to get screwed. We'll end up where we have honest hard working people getting seriously short changed for no other reason than the allowing of Barry to then turn right around and come running to the assistance of his Union "masters." While this is nothing less than just one more example of his blatant hypocrisy, it is also standard operating procedure for a very sleazy political hack who has ever come down the pike in the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party, over time, has become what can only be described as being a wholly owned subsidiary of the Unions. Unions are now desperate and with Barry and the Democrats being in hock to Big Labor right up to their scrawny little necks, their union bosses are now calling in the many favors they are owed. Why do you think unions spent so much on those November mid term elections? They’d get a bailout that won’t be called a bailout. The Democrats will tell you they will be saving your retirement, when in fact they’ll be bailing out their union allies.

Just how stupid is it that these people think we are. Are they that confident that we will simply continue swallow their never-ending attempts to encroach farther into our lives while insisting it is they who are entitled to more and more of what we work so hard for. It is because of the specific policies set forth by this White House and a Congress that was, until recently, under the complete control of a pathologically corrupt Democrat Party for the last 4 years, that has resulted in exorbitant prices for both food and fuel. And now they want to rob from us our retirement savings from us just when Social Security is now on the verge of being totally broke. This madness must be made to stop one way or another. Socialism does not work, it never has and it never will. Get over it!

Friday, January 21, 2011


So I have a question for all of you who so obviously got caught up in all of the hype that was present at the time. After now having elected our first black president roughly 26 months ago, what exactly do we now have to show for that effort? Well let's go over the list here of what has transpired; we have a man who as our president has quite literally declared war on small business owners, we have rampant unemployment, a housing market that isn't worth crap, government ownership of two automobile companies as well as a large portion of our financial sector, a government that has now assumed complete control of the entire student loan program, a government that has also now acquired control of our healthcare, an absolutely insane energy policy, gas prices that are very rapidly headed toward $4 a gallon, food prices soaring, a national debt of over $14 Trillion, the serious reducing of America's stature in the World, a military that has now been reduced to a cockamamie social experiment as well as having its funding about to severely cut, new and much needed weapons systems being summarily killed to simply save money, our "War on Terror" has been reduced to being called an "Overseas Contingency Operation," terrorist attacks are now generically referred to as being "man caused disasters, NASA has been converted into a Muslim outreach arm of the government and any number of additional things that are simply too numerous to list here. So, I guess what I'm getting at here is this, except for the blacks, of course, who is it that still thinks that it was really a good idea to have elected this guy? This is "Hope and Change?" Also I would also like to say, that this president who was supposed to be "post-racial," has proven himself to be anything but. Far from being a positive influence for the lessening of any racial tension in this country, I'm afraid he has had just the opposite effect, especially regarding a hostility, perceived or otherwise, that seems to be directed as whites. I would say there has been a rather dramatic increase in that area, witness the accusations against a white cop who was just doing his job, or blatant voter intimidation committed Black Panthers which was not deemed worthy of pursuing by Barry's Justice Department. I think another very big reason that there is a perception of racial bias toward whites on the part of Barry, stems from his scheme to attempt to force those who make up the largest portion of actual tax payers, that would be whites, to further subsidize the behavior of those who comprise the largest portion of those who pay absolutely no taxes and are usually, black. That's the sole premise behind "Obamacare," it's nothing more than another method of redistribution away from those who work in order to provide to their families and toward those who are absolutely nothing more than society's parasites.

Other than those who, of course, comprise the list of usual suspects, who is there among us who is of the opinion that any of what has been done thus far by the present Barry regime, has resulted in anything that has been for the good of the country in any way, shape, manner or form? Let's face it, the largest segment of those who still enthusiastically support Barry is made up in very large part by those who have become firmly attached to the government teat. So I would hazard to guess that many of these individuals who possess an ingrained entitlement mentality remain extremely proud of the fact that they voted for the first black president. I would also argue that at the time they voted for him, they knew full well that he was nothing more than an unabashed and devout socialist and could not have cared less. Plus they see him as now putting the shoe on the other foot, so to speak. Where for years they have been convinced to see themselves as being oppressed and put upon by what they have been told, repeatedly is an unfair society, it is they who now, because of Barry, get to kick sand into the collective face of those whom they view as being their oppressors. But these morons have allowed themselves to conned to where they miss the point entirely. It is the government and the Democrats very specifically, that they should view as being guilty of oppressing them. But, at least according to recent polls the blinders seem to still be firmly in place as they continue to remain loyal to this blatantly corrupt, Chicago thug politician. I assume they continue stand by their vote for this man who has repeatedly demonstrated some sort of sick vendetta going against his own country. And he is not above using those who so doggedly remain his biggest supporters. But you see, to these people it's not about what's best for the country, it never is, and for the last 45+ years it hasn't been. That's how long it's been since they effectively sold their soul to "the Party." So, not counting those who voted for him for no other reason than because of his skin color, for those who thought they really were voting for "Hope and Change," is the agenda presently being pursued the agenda they had in mind at the time? How many were simply so infatuated by his race or blinded by the charisma, that his philosophy regarding how he planned to govern, or to “transform America,” was simply swept by the wayside? Realistically speaking, it is because of this one man that our country is now literally hanging by a very thin thread with there being what has been described by some, as being a theft of liberty now having taken place in what was once the freest nation on Earth. These willing accomplices so eager to assist Barry in his efforts to transform America can only be viewed as being severely mentally deficient.

In yet another recent example of Barry’s gamesmanship in regarding his attempt to try to pass himself off as being what we all should know by now that he is not, he chose to author a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. In it Barry works very hard to create the impression that he is suddenly becoming more pro-business and actually an advocate for small businesses. Try as he might, this whole notion that he has somehow seen the light flies in the face of everything he has said and done in this regard since officially taking officer 2 years ago. We cannot allow ourselves to be fooled by this most recent attempt of Barry's to reinvent himself. As that old saying goes, a leopard cannot change its spots. In that very op-ed Barry promised to sign an executive order that is designed to root out “dumb” and “outdated” regulations that “stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive.” However, there is much more to this little charade than meets the eye. Look, liberal Democrats live for one thing and that is to create any number of dumb and outdated regulations in order to permit the government to acquire ever more control of an increasingly substantial portion of both our society and economy. They work to stifle job growth and place constraints on the economy that only serves to slow any future economic growth. Because, you see, an improving economy is not conducive to allowing the Democrats to advance their long term goal, which is to force an ever increasing number of people onto the government dole. Now regarding this new executive order, what many people may not know, is that this order now allows agencies, when weighing costs and benefits for example, to consider “equity, human dignity, fairness and distributive impacts,” and each agency must “select, in choosing among alternative regulatory approaches, those approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other advantages; distributive impacts; and equity).” Ok now in English, the purpose here is to reexamine regulations and choose replacements that adhere to, as much as possible, social justice principles such as “distribution” and “equity.”

As always when we're dealing with Democrats, and Barry specifically, you must always work to read between the lines. You must always look very closely at the language used, as well as the substance of whatever it is that is being proposed. As such, in this case, this executive order as a whole, raises some serious doubts about what the order is really intended to do. Wall Street Journal writer David Wessel asks some important questions after reading it: "So did the president actually change anything? Did he swipe a talking point from Republicans to show that he really does care about the economy? Or was this an admission that his appointees have spent the past two years making up for lost time, pushing so many rules that they may have hurt the economy?" The answer, according to Jacob Lew, the head of the White House Office of Management and Budget, is that the order isn’t really groundbreaking, it mostly reaffirms what the agencies already do. “This order requires that federal agencies ensure that regulations protect our safety, health and environment while promoting economic growth,” Barry writes. “And it orders a government-wide review of the rules already on the books to remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive. It’s a review that will help bring order to regulations that have become a patchwork of overlapping rules, the result of tinkering by administrations and legislators of both parties and the influence of special interests in Washington over decades.” Look, if there I one thing that guys like Barry never do, it's to admit in any way that there was any error committed on their part, and that it is never actually their fault if their policies should fail. Barry is never going to admit that anything he has done has actually hurt the economy. Now, he can continue to make that claim until the cows come home, but anyone with any brains knows that it is specifically because of policies that he has put in place that the economy is now further into the ditch that it was when he started. That has been his intent all along.

Still, our buddy Barry has gone to great lengths to make sure we understand that this order doesn’t erase the need for any future additional regulations. According to Barry, as with all Democrats, it is a major role of government to flex its regulatory muscle whenever and wherever it may be needed, to make sure that the greedy tendencies of those evil business folks a kept fully in check. “Where necessary, we won’t shy away from addressing obvious gaps: new safety rules for infant formula; procedures to stop preventable infections in hospitals; efforts to target chronic violators of workplace safety laws,” he says, and then adds: “But we are also making it our mission to root out regulations that conflict, that are not worth the cost, or that are just plain dumb.” The president gives saccharin, an artificial sweetener, as an example. While many Americans use it in their coffee, the EPA requires companies to treat it as hazardous waste. Not any more. He concludes his op-ed with a final decree: “We’re also getting rid of absurd and unnecessary paperwork requirements that waste time and money.” “We’re looking at the system as a whole to make sure we avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulation,” he writes in sum. “And finally, today I am directing federal agencies to do more to account for—and reduce—the burdens regulations may place on small businesses. Small firms drive growth and create most new jobs in this country. We need to make sure nothing stands in their way.” Essentially all Barry has managed to do is to not remove any of the speed bumps or impediments that presently stand in way of enhancing the chances of an economic recovery, he's merely rearranged them. I doubt there will be any positive net result that will stem from any of what he is supposedly proposing. It all nothing more than smoke and mirrors, and an attempt to make us all think that he is genuinely concerned about the current state of our economy.

I am not trying to say that all that he has managed to do, or even tried to do, in his desire to destroy this country was done because he is black. All I'm trying to say here, is that because of the rush by so many to vote for the first black president, they pretty much had a momentary loss of reason resulting in they're throwing caution to the wind. And in short, all that they have now essentially received in return for their efforts is nothing short of an ongoing, wholesale attack on the very foundations of our Republic. These people failed to heed the rhetoric of the individual and instead chose to believe the image portrayed of this man by the state controlled media. And look where that has gotten us. If the election of 2008 taught us anything, it is that we can no longer afford to trust those who have a tingling going up their leg when listening to any candidate, regardless of party affiliation. While they may personally support one candidate over another, they must remain impartial when reporting on the news of the day. Their function is not one where they are called upon to persuade, their function is to inform. But far too many, in this specific instance, were infatuated with a specific candidate and made no attempt to keep their feelings to themselves. Hence, we are, where we are, right between a rock and a hard place because of the inability of our state-controlled media to properly do their job and because the people allowed themselves to fall prey to the opinions of those in the media. Had they chose to do a little investigative work on their own, they have discovered some of what Barry and the media very successfully kept well hidden. There is plenty of blame to go around here.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


And so it was on this past Tuesday that six more states, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, said that they would be joining a lawsuit in Florida against Barry's attempted seizure of the healthcare system in this country. What this effectively means that now more than half of the country is now officially against this debacle and are now set to challenge this most egregious law. The announcement to so came as House members in Washington, led by the new Republican majority, debated the rationale behind the intent to repeal the law. These six additional states will now join Florida and 19 others, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said. "It sends a strong message that more than half of the states consider the healthcare law unconstitutional and are willing to fight it in court," she said in a statement. These 26 states involved here are fighting for all 50 with their efforts to advance the lawsuit while presenting a united front in they're claim that the new healthcare law is blatantly unconstitutional and violates people's rights by forcing all to buy health insurance by 2014 or face stiff penalties. Government attorneys have said, and on more than one occasion, the states do not have standing to challenge the law and want the case dismissed. That would be a typically arrogant response coming from those defending the premise that some faceless bureaucrat is better suited to determine what sort of medical treatment is and is not needed by any individual.

Lawsuits have also been filed elsewhere. One federal judge in Virginia ruled in December that the insurance-purchase mandate was unconstitutional, though two other federal judges have upheld the requirement. It's rather obvious that many of these judges have now become far too willing to uphold this travesty, allowing their politics to cloud their judgment and interfere in what should be a decision based on nothing other than the Constitution. Instead they have made a conscious decision to abuse their position, as well as the trust placed in them, to aid and abet a corrupt administration in its efforts to advance a highly suspect political agenda. An agenda that thus far has done much more harm than good to this country. It's expected the Supreme Court will ultimately have to resolve the issue, but with the current make up of the court and the activist judges, and non-judges, that current preside, I don't have a warm fuzzy about the right decision being arrived at. If Barry is able to be provided with one more opportunity to maneuver one more activist judge onto the Court, it will be a stake through the heart of our Republic. And trust me when I say, there is nothing that would make Barry happier. He is determined in his efforts to fundamentally transform this country, to bring about what he views as a society that is more "fair and equitable." In what is really the perfect example of just how thoroughly ignorant Democrats are of all things regarding what our Constitution actually says, we have Rep. John Lewis, yet another know-nothing Democrat, and one who hales from Georgia, who stated that he believes that the Constitution justifies Obamacare’s mandate that people must buy health insurance. And what does he base this notion on? Well according to this moron, it's on the Constitution’s reference to the “pursuit of happiness” that specifically justifies that mandate. There’s just one problem, the pursuit of happiness isn’t in the Constitution. That would be the Declaration of Independence. This is the intellect of those who are so determined to seize control of our ability to obtain healthcare for ourselves. If this doesn't scare every single freedom loving American, nothing will!

In the Florida case, the states also argue that the federal government is violating the Constitution by forcing a mandate on the states without providing money to pay for it. They say the new law gives the state's the impossible choice of accepting the new costs or forfeiting federal Medicaid funding. Florida U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, a Reagan appointee, could rule later this month whether he will grant a summary judgment in favor of the states or the Barry "O" administration without a trial. Florida's former Republican Attorney General Bill McCollum filed the lawsuit just minutes after Barry "Almighty" signed the 10-year, $938 billion healthcare bill into law in March. He chose a court in Pensacola, one of Florida's most conservative cities. The nation's most influential small business lobby, the National Federation of Independent Business, also joined the suit. The other states that are also suing the federal government are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington. Can this many people be wrong? This maniacal undertaking that is Obamacare has got to be stopped dead in its tracks. The states not only have the right, but the responsibility to their respective populations, to exhaust every option in their effort to rein in what is so obviously an out of control federal bureaucracy.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, so to speak, in Washington, the White House summarily dismissed the vote to repeal the law, saying the Republicans' push for repeal was "not" a serious legislative effort. I guess if we're using the standard Democrat definition of a "serious legislative effort" then that assessment is probably true. Because you see, for Democrats "serious legislative effort" is defined as the shoving of a piece of unwanted, unwarranted and unneeded legislation down the unwilling throats of the American people for no other reason that to advance the standard Democrat "progressive" agenda. We all know that as long as Democrats have a majority in the Senate, they will be able to successfully block any attempt at repeal that comes to that chamber. But be that as it may, the Republicans in their effort to gain support during the last campaign, promised to work toward repealing this law. And just because it may die in the Senate or most certainly were it ever to reach Barry's desk, that does not relieve them of carrying through with the promise that was made to the American people. Promises made, are promises that need to be kept. After the horrendous reign of "Stretch" Pelosi, there is much need to restore some level of integrity and trust back to the House. Because it should go without saying that as long as "Dingy" Harry and the Democrats remain in charge, any attempt to do so in the Senate will be very quickly quashed. Democrats care very little about such things as honesty, trust, ethic and integrity. They have no core beliefs, for them it's all about the accumulation of political power and control over the people. They are a very dangerous crowd, we here. To see them as anything but what they are is to place yourself in extreme peril.

And so it was in preparation of that much anticipated vote in the House, that more of the typical Democrat hypocrisy reared it ugly head and was very much on display for all to witness. Using what I can only presume to be the new level of tempered political discourse now being advocated by the likes of Barry, we saw Rep. Steve Cohen, Democrat from Tennessee, as he used a late night House floor speech Tuesday to resort to typical Democrat rhetoric, hitting Republicans for what he called "lies" about a "government takeover" of the health care system, going so far as to evoke Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. "They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie, just like Goebbels. You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie and eventually people believe it," he said. This clown Cohen, who I'm told is Jewish, went on to compare that "lie" to the term "blood libel," a phrase that historically was used to falsely accuse Jews of killing Christian children. In present times, the term has come to be understood by some as any false accusation of murder. Sarah Palin used the term last week, but being a Democrat and therefore lacking any amount of courage, Cohen did not mention her by name in his speech. "Blood libel. That's the same kind of thing. The Germans said enough about the Jews and people believed it and you had the Holocaust. We've heard it over and over again on this floor, government takeover of health care. Politifact, non-partisan, Pulitzer Prize winning 2009 St. Petersburg times said the biggest lie of 2010 was government takeover of health care because there is no government takeover," said the hypocritical Mr. Cohen.

Boy, I'm sure glad we've all decided to become so much more civil to one another, otherwise I might be worried. However, as we watch the debate from the floor of the House, the civility seemed to be pretty onesided. While the Republicans were focused on discussing the merits of repealing the law and reasoning behind the effort, the Democrats, instead of focusing on the supposed benefits of the legislation they're so proud of, chose to resort to their typical tactics and focusing their assault on the outright slandering of those calling for repeal. Let's be honest here, Democrats are nothing more than pond scum. They were born out of scum and once they leave this Earth they will revert back to that very same scum. They reside in the gutter and show no willingness whatsoever to extricate themselves from the muck that seems to gives them their strength.