It just seems to me that the more time goes by the more members of the current administration that we are currently saddled with, including the president, go about the business of eagerly contributing to the dire the straits in which we find now ourselves. And it is because of the actions of these specific individuals that the more dark and somewhat ominous the future of our country becomes. It is apparent, to me at least, that in what has been a relatively short span of time, both historically and politically speaking, we have managed to descend to a place that is totally unfamiliar to a majority or our population. The rate at which our government is now being encouraged to swallow up large portions of, what has been up to now, our private economy, and the extent which it has managed to encroach into our private lives, has now passed well beyond what has been accepted as being the legal limits in the past. These are very rapidly becoming some truly frightening times, with there being no apparent let up in sight. I fear that any light that we may see coming at us in the tunnel we currently find ourselves, will be nothing more than a train speeding in our direction. That becomes ever more apparent with each visit to the grocery store or stop to fill up my car as I continue to see costs going very rapidly, up. And yet, I see no realistic remedies or serious plans for any corrective action being suggested by any of those who are currently leading this country. Anything other than how oil is just too nasty to use as a fuel and that there will continue to be no new drilling off shore or on any government land. That whole concept seems as being nothing short of idiotic. Meanwhile the areas that serve as the main source for that very same oil, continues to disintegrate and is controlled in large part by those who hate this country. So what is our response to this growing problem? Nothing other than the continued preaching ad nauseam about green energy as being the only thing that can possibly save us. Is that ridiculous, or what? This whole cockamamie scheme is based on nothing other than fraudulent science of the highest order, with any attempt to advance the notion that in order for us to survive we must first work to "correct" the nonexistent "problem" of global warming/climate change, being nothing more than a means to a political end. However, there is a very specific goal here, but it has nothing to do with preventing any potential effects on our environment. The environment that should be of most concern is the one that involves the creation of a massive debt that has the potential to effect generations of Americans yet to be born. That is simply unacceptable.
I do get tired of watching a political party that is essentially off its leach as it continues in its efforts to rob from my children and any potential grandchildren I may yet have for no other reason than to advance its effort to purchase votes. Their excuses for our present grave situation are as lame and their dishonesty is obvious as they enthusiastically profess to be responsible for taking none of the blame. The fault, they say, lies with all of those who either came before or reside in the opposition party. The insidious nature of their hypocritical attempts to disguise their efforts to insert government even further into every aspect of American life should cause even those who voted for this president, and any Democrat, to pause and reflect on the basic intelligence of their vote. Now I know many of them were pretty sure their reward was going to be that they were going to be getting a free ride from this man who they saw as being one of them, and their failure to recognize the possibility that they were most likely being mislead, never even occurred to them. That fact in itself very clearly reveals a very serious character flaw. This man's past resembles very little the past of any of these people, that he refers to as being "his" people. But he was, and continues to be, very successful in using their past to his best advantage. His ancestors did not experience any of the slavery that was present early in this country. And if the truth be told, he has led a rather privileged life, having many things simply handed to him with very little effort being required on his part. What these people refuse to recognize is the fact that this man sees them as nothing more than as a resource to be used in order for him to more easily accomplish his political end. And together with his many minions such as Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright and others, as well as those in the state-controlled media, he has been very successful in keeping these people in line. They have been convinced that they are the victims of an unjust society. When the truth of the matter is, that if they possessed only a little self esteem and an actual desire to work, there is no limit to the level of success that they would be able to attain for themselves.
This continuing downward spiral that we have been embarked upon for the last two years, simply cannot be allowed to go on unabated. The consequences of doing so are just to catastrophic to even contemplate. The present economic and fiscal environment has got to altered to such a degree that allows us to then get to a spot where we can at least begin a leveling off process. And the reckless spending being advocated by our president and his party does nothing but to increase our already massive debt is not going to be what gets us to that afore mentioned leveling off place. And it is this same downward trend that has also had a rather dramatic effect on the World at large. Despite the disdain that our current president seem to possess for this country and its role in the world, with strong American leadership having been sorely lacking for the last two years, we can very easily recognize just how far the world has descended into what can only be described as chaos. But then you have to ask yourself, was that the intension all along? Hot spots have continued to pop up at a rather alarming rate all across the globe and seem to be considered as being inconsequential receiving so very little attention as to have nothing about foreign policy even being mentioned in the latest State of the Union address. The World is becoming an increasingly volatile place, and an America that does noting but to sit on its hands as things continue to very rapidly go down hill, accomplishes nothing more than expediting the situation to a very dangerous level. We are rapidly approaching powder keg status, where even the slightest spark will begin a chain reaction that will be completely unstoppable. America cannot afford to be ambivalent in viewing a declining world and regarding the declining condition as being insignificant when regarding the bigger picture and the impact that a declining world has on this country. There are far to many variables that cannot go without being addressed in some manner in the effort to strengthen our economy here at home. And we must be much more forceful in our dealing with our competitors on the world market. Which is something that has very much been lacking for the last two years.
You know, practically since day one I've been hearing over and over again how it is that those of us who refused to vote for this our first black president, just weren't giving him enough time to get things done. Well, I think it very safe to say that the two years that this guy has been in his present job has provided him with more than enough time. Some would argue that he has been provided with far too much time. And isn't well past the time that he should really stop blaming his predecessor regarding the mess that he was supposedly "left with." Because from where I'm standing, he has taken anything that he was "left with" and made things very much worse. Whining normally isn't characteristic that one expects to see exhibited, especially so frequently, by our president. But that seems all that this guy can manage to do. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, ever seems to be his fault. When in fact, pretty much everything that has transpired and that has only resulted in making our present condition far worse over the course of the last 24 months can be traced directly back to him. All he has managed to accomplish since taking office is to take an already bad situation and make it ten times worse. And the manner in which things have been done indicates that there may have been some ulterior motive at work with their being some purpose in his attempting to bring about exactly what has happened. Which I know probably sounds a little paranoid to some, but that doesn't alter the fact that the only result of the policies thus far put into place has been to bring about the making of things considerably worse. No one in his, or her, right mind who is honestly attempting to strengthen a faltering economy who put into place what this administration, with the help of a Democrat controlled Congress, has put into place over the last 2 years. What has now taken place is exactly what they set out to bring about. A worsening economy, with its continuing high unemployment and fiscal mess that threatens to bring about a financial meltdown on a scale the likes of which truly has not been seen since the "Great Depression.”
With the outcome of the last election, those who have now been put into the position of being the cavalry, must now be willing to carry through with the many promises that were made. They cannot, and must not, allow themselves to be dissuaded from what they were sent to Congress to do. The onslaught that is sure to follow from both the Democrats and their propaganda arm, the state controlled media, will be fierce and persistent. Republicans must remain undaunted as they go about the rescuing of our country. They have essentially become our last line of defense against the rampant socialism of Barry "Almighty" and his Democrat Party.