

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ok, this one goes out to all of you supposed undecideds, don't knows and even to you "Independents." Now, from everything that I'm hearing, it's all gonna come down to you folks regarding what it is that the rest of us, we who wish to save our country, are hoping to see take place in November. While that may be so, it remains a little difficult for me to understand exactly how it is that anyone with even half a brain can be watching what is being done here and not feel that what they are seeing is our country being destroyed, quite literally, before their very eyes. With unemployment now at the highest level since Jimmy "The Moron" Carter and dwarfing the 7.6 rate which was the highest level under Bush 43, that was endlessly condemned by Democrats as being unacceptable, it kinda makes you wonder how it is, that with us now supposedly in a place unseen since "The Great Depression," that the only acceptable way of going about dealing with our economic problem is to revert to the same failed methods used by FDR. The same spending our way out of our economic problem nonsense that only served to exacerbate things then, is having pretty much the same effect now. We are seeing the proof that history most definitely does repeat itself with the passage of rampant spending under the guise of a bogus "stimulus" package that we were guaranteed would keep unemployment at or below 8 percent. Meanwhile, Communist China will be breaking ground on a brand new facility this month to manufacture the iPhone. It is a facility which will employ 200,000 "new" workers producing approximately 200,000 iPhones per day and generate $13 billion worth of products for export annually starting next August. Let's see, I forget, tell me again exactly what it is that our government is doing to put Americans back to work? That would be, NOTHING! Because now as in the past, we are engaged in a level of government spending that has proven time and again that it does nothing more than to make a bad economic environment worse, much worse. And yet, everything still remains as being Bush's fault. It's amazing. So as Barry has us headed down the tubes at nearly breakneck speed, what is it exactly that has all you folks remaining so confused about what it is that he has intended for us? Why is it that what's so obvious to so many others, remains so completely obvious to you? Here we are plunging into this grand abyss where we’re drowning in debt, debt that, for all intents and purposes, is limitless, with Barry and the Democrats all saying "don't worry, be happy." Debt, I might add, that has been created by those currently in power and is something that even our grand kids will be working to pay off. And what is the grand solution to solving this massive debt problem? Well, according to the Democrats the only remedy possible comes in the form of higher taxes. Imagine that, the Democrats want to raise our taxes. How about a little reversal in the direction of the Democrat's current spending binge? As in less and not more, a lot less. Why am I continually being asked by these spendthrift Democrats to cover more and more of the cost of what is essentially the grandiose ideas of these people? This drive by the Democrats to take more and more in the form of taxes to fund more and more government expansion, has got to come to a stop. After all, how many of them pay taxes? Something doesn't quite seem to make too much sense here, limitless spending can only end one way, tragically. Just ask the people of Greece. The fact is that these politicians are completely oblivious to the pain and suffering that they are causing and that is being experienced by average American people. Or is it me, am I missing something, is it me that doesn't understand all that Barry is doing is really what's in my best interest? Maybe, but I sure don't think so. All I see being done here is legislation that is being rammed through Congress without ever being read and that only serves to create new and improved ways for allowing the government to worm its way farther and farther into areas of my life that should be of absolutely no concern to anyone else, especially Barry. He does not know what's best for me or my family, no matter how much he may think so. If you agree with me, then why the Hell are you still undecided about what it is that we need to do in order to try and stop this madness? I think it very safe to say that we have now reached a level of toxicity with respect to our government that has us at the point where now nearly any level of freedom is rapidly becoming completely unsustainable. As Americans, our freedoms and our liberties are now just a hair away from requiring that they be placed on life support.

Further evidence of the level of contempt with which these political elitists view the American people comes to light almost every day. And as we continue to see, it is a very obvious fact that the Congressional cesspool is far from having been sufficiently drained of its more fragrant sewage that comes in the form of its more corrupt members, despite there having been promises made to the contrary by Nancy "I've had way too much Botox" Pelosi. It remains pretty well stocked with the likes of Charlie "The Taxcheat" Rangel, Maxine "Yes I'm a Socialist" Waters, John "Abscam" Murtha, whoops this sorry sack of poo has croaked, and probably any number of others who are neck deep in slime but who just haven't yet bubbled to the surface, all thanks to a highly complicit news media. And what’s really quite pathetic is to now have our president going out and about doing nothing more than whining about the fact that no one is taking notice of all his "accomplishments," or appreciating all that he has done "for" us. How dare we? And you've just got to be asking yourself, is this guy for real? Other than making him feel good about himself, just what exactly have all his "accomplishments" wrought upon the rest of us? Ah, let’s see. That would be the wildly out of control deficit caused by his wildly out of control spending, a massive expansion of governmental intrusion into the private lives of every single American citizen with the passage of his healthcare "reform," car companies which are now nothing more than wholly owned subsidiaries of the federal government, financial "reform" that does nothing of what it was promised to do, and that only serves as allowing the government one more avenue into our lives, and on and on it goes. And everything is based on Lies, Lies and yet even more Lies. The mere fact that Barry views these things as being "accomplishments" should be throwing up a freaking red flag for every single person who calls themselves an undecided, a don't know or even an "Independent." In this case one man's accomplishments should be considered as being another man's nightmare. Nothing of what has been done by Barry and his fellow Democrats can be, or should be, seen has being anything that even remotely resembles any sort of an "accomplishment." Unless, of course the desire of the perpetrator of said "accomplishments" is to diminish as much as possible what limited freedoms that are still able to be enjoyed by the people of this country. To those who are so infatuated with Barry, I would only ask for them to look deep inside and to then decide for themselves whether or not what Barry is doing to our country is really what they wish to be done to it? Is it worth it for them to continue to allow Barry to decide what is best for them?

I think most of us can agree that some pretty drastic measures are now being called for and if not taken in a mere 91 days, 2012 could very well prove to be the equivalent of smacking into that proverbial brick wall at somewhere near 100 miles an hour. And still, even if progress can be made in the coming election, the best we may be able to hope for is to succeed only in reducing the speed with which the likely inevitable impact will occur. Instead of taking place at 100 miles per hour, we may reduce it to let's say, 50 miles per hour. So while we may succeed in lessening the severity of the impact, there may very well be an impact just the same, unless much of what has been done in the last 18+ months is either severely limited or repealed altogether. These are some very dangerous times that we are now living in and there should now be no reason whatsoever for any fence sitting. At this point the damage that has already been done is monumental, and with proposed legislation such as Cap and Trade already being discussed, and actually passed in the House, only the bringing about of more damage lays ahead. Now I think that we all know, and with some degree of certainty, that those who comprise the black community, a group quite literally blinded by race, will be of absolutely zero help in achieving any degree of success in our endeavor to stop our runaway government. So that makes it all the more imperative that every sane and rational voter "must" see this corrupt Congress and president for exactly what they are. That would be, as individuals who are Hell bent on destroying our free market Capitalist system in favor of a European Socialist style setup that will put us very firmly on the fast track to financial ruin. I would ask every American who was so eager to vote for Barry in 2008 to rethink what it was that motivated them to do so, and hopefully come to their senses at least long enough to vote against all those who favor the advancing of his America wreaking agenda. What we are now witnessing, and have been since January 20, 2009, is a very willful as well as purposeful decision to govern against the will of the people. And no matter how hard he tries to deny that that is what is in fact being done here, his credibility in making such a claim is nonexistent. Oh, and by the way, just how many of all you undecideds, don't knows or "Independents" fit into Barry's category of…"the wealthy?" Because with income taxes set to go way up come January 1 when the Bush tax cuts expire, another of Barry's campaign promises will literally go up in smoke. To claim as he has that what is about to happen is not a tax hike, is to be just a bit more than disingenuous. How can it be called anything else? But he bases his decision to go through with letting these tax cuts expire on what is by no means any sort of economic policy but instead on his rather cockamamie notion of income redistribution. So what will happen is that effective January 1 of next year everyone who actually pays taxes, will then be paying even MORE in taxes. Nationally, the typical middle-income family, which has a median income of $63,366, would see its federal income tax burden increase by $1,540 if the Bush-era tax cuts expire. As well, all those whom Barry so fondly refers to as "the wealthy" will be "forced" to fork over over 50 percent of their income to the government in the form of local, state and federal taxes. Hey, what a deal! So, instead of all that money potentially going toward the hiring of new or additional employees it will go to Barry and his various cronies to disperse amongst those whom they see as being in need. But his little plan is going to impact far more than just the "wealthy." If you are one of the declining number who actually does pay income tax, then you will be seeing their tax bills go UP! Like I said, this decision has no basis in any economic theory whatsoever.

Well, here's to hoping that all you undecideds, don't knows and "Independents" come to what is seen by many as being right conclusion come election time. No offense intended here, but I'm not holding my breath.

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