

Friday, August 27, 2010


The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) seems to somewhat determined in their efforts to sabotage whatever chances of success that may exist, regarding the much ballyhooed and potentially substantial Republican gains actually becoming a reality come this November. The present efforts underway could prove to be quite detrimental to our being able to kick old "Dingy" Harry to the curb and out of his job as Majority Leader, provided he wins his own election. How can we expect to be successful in this endeavor of all the players have their own separate agendas? There is only one agenda that should be of primary importance, and that is the agenda of the American people and their overwhelming desire to rescue our country from those now currently running it. These petty political squabbles will benefit no one, other than the Democrats of course, and could quite possibly ruin any chance whatsoever of our being able to gain control of one or both Houses of Congress. Which is what should be the priority on EVERYBODY'S mind. So, with that having been said, I would ask that anyone even thinking about sending any amount of money to the NRSC to please seriously reconsider that notion and instead join me in sending money to Jim DeMint's, Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF). Sending money to the NRSC is nothing more than a total waste of time, money and effort, because your money will not be spent as you would wish it to be, on getting conservative candidates elected. Likewise, I've been sending no money to the Republican National Committee (RNC) for pretty much the same reason, instead sending it to specific candidates that I wish to support. Because that's the only way I can guaranteee myself that the right candidates are getting my money! When I see some of those who are now in leadership positions in the Republican Party, from RNC Chairman Steele to NRSC Chairman John Cornyn, I'm amazed that we are still in, at least what appears to be, as good a position as we are regarding November's election. Here we are apparently with a very good chance to position ourselves to prevent our current president from completely destroying our country, and those on our side are now trying to bring down everything. I used to be a big fan of John Cornyn's but not so much any more, I do not understand his motivation behind the actions he has taken in some of the more critical races.

Erick Erickson over at Redstate had what I thought was a great piece on Friday that lays bare the most recent example of the NRSC shenanigans going on up in Alaska. He writes that, "17,000 of the 24,000 absentee ballots in Alaska will probably be counted Monday. Given Joe Miller’s late surge, it may not help him. However, I am told by a number of people that given where those absentee ballots came from and his overall support in the areas, the odds remain in Joe Miller’s favor." So it would seem that with it once again caught backing the wrong horse, our stellar NRSC should have simply kept its nose very much out of what was going on in Alaska. Mr. Erickson goes on, "But word is coming out of Washington that the National Republican Senatorial Committee, already in “cover their butts” mode, is intervening in Alaska to help Lisa Murkowski." The will of the people must be considered as being paramount. Incumbent or not, those up for election or re-election are deserving of no extra help against those from whom they may find themselves embroiled in a primary challenge. Those in positions of party leadership must force themselves to remain completely detached until the primary process has been allowed to run its course with a candidate being selected by the voters. Before that there is absolutely no reason for involvement by either the RNC or the NRSC, none! The party establishment should never attempt in any way to manipulate the outcome of any election, primary or general. Mr. Erickson writes that, "John Cornyn, Chairman of the NRSC, has been upfront that the NRSC will help incumbent Republicans being challenged. But there is a problem with Murkowski. I have confirmed through multiple sources that Lisa Murkowski has already approached the Alaska Libertarian Party. In exchange for putting her on the Libertarian ticket in November, Murkowski will hand the Libertarians a sizable chunk of her +$1 million war chest. The Libertarian Party Chairman, Scot Kohlhaas, is denying direct talks with Murkowski, and says it probably won’t happen, but I can confirm conversations are still happening regarding this." And I whole heartedly agree with Mr. Erickson when he says that, "I am willing to bet that John Cornyn is sending Murkowski help without first getting a promise from her that she will not run third party if she loses." Shades of Charlie Crist. How much money was funneled to Charlie's campaign by Mr. Cornyn, only to then have Charlie, when he saw that he was going to be getting his butt kicked, switch to Independent then turn around and keep all of the money. What a deal. This is no way to run a railroad!

I, for the life of me, can't quite figure out what it is that those in charge see as being their long term goal here. Is it to get more conservatives elected or is it to maintain the status quo? Let's face it, the leadership has a very impressive string to failures that can be firmly attached, and traced directly back, to the actions of those who are controlling the flow of money. And, as Mr. Erickson states in his column, "What’s more, the NRSC, in “cover their butts” mode, is telling every reporter who will listen that Lisa Murkowski did not take the NRSC’s advice and attack Joe Miller. In fact, the NRSC gave the same advice to Sue Lowden, Jane Norton, Charlie Crist, Trey Grayson and other NRSC losers." He adds that," The advice is simple — attack the opponent for being fiscally responsible, i.e. opposed to earmarks and being a real fiscal conservative. Joe Miller is speaking out on this and accusing the NRSC of meddling in the election. If and when he gets to Washington, the number of people opposed to the present GOP leadership will have one more." And I find myself in agreement when Mr. Erickson makes the point that, "It’s as if Rob Jesmer, the NRSC’s Executive Director, is a Tea Party saboteur, intentionally destroying the NRSC." But, "On the bright side, because of Rob Jesmer’s incompetence, the GOP has one of the most conservative batches of candidates in a long time: Angle, Buck, Lee, Paul, Rubio, and Toomey — all opposed by the NRSC and supported by Jim DeMint." Yep you read it right. The most conservative batch of candidates in a long time and all are being "OPPOSED" by the very organization that should be working extra hard to get them all elected. Go figure! It is all a very sad commentary when those charged with the responsibility of finding good, solidly conservative candidates seem to be ignoring that which is their primary responsibility, and it is just one more example of why the GOP suffers from a severe credibility problem. I become a little more worried with each passing day that we're going to end up blowing this opportunity, and I fear there may not be another such chance that will come around in my lifetime. To have so much at stake in this election and to still be willing to play these stupid games reveals, and very clearly so, the lack of seriousness with which our leadership seems to be taking things. Playtime is over boys, we can ill afford to take any unnecessary chances and allow what should be a very successful election outcome to slip through our grasp.

It is just this type of unseemly activity that is all too reminiscent of typical Democrat shady electioneering practices that are present during every single election cycle. We should consider ourselves as being better than that. If these clowns, through their own idiotic actions, and ineptness, succeed in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and allow this train wreck of a presidency to continue pretty much unabated, then I'm afraid that the days of me calling myself a Republican may finally have come to a very unceremonious end. This is the type of behavior one expects to see from the likes of "Dingy" Harry and Barry "Almighty" not from those who call themselves Republicans! And you just have to know that the state run media would be salivating and only too happy to play up to the hilt any backroom dealing that comes to light. We can't say we're different from the Democrats if we are going to insist on exhibiting the same rather distasteful tendency to behave just like them. It just seems that our party leadership does nothing more than talk out of both sides of their mouths. They say one thing on TV and quite another when they're in some smoke filled backroom. That's not the ideal way to build trust. We all need to be having the same goal here which is the getting of more conservatives elected to Congress. If that is not your goal, then get out of the way and make room for those whose goal it is. PLEASE


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