

Monday, August 9, 2010


While not wanting to sound like I am somehow claiming to possess some level of superiority here, I have to say that I am extremely curious about something. What is it about being a member of pretty much any minority community that seems to instill or encourage in those individuals the rather strange mentality that drives a rather warped sense of entitlement? When looking around and taking note of the obviously precarious position in which this country now finds itself, what is about those who make up an overwhelming majority of these people, that has them possessing such an inane sense of being owed something? And where does this "need" to portray oneself as being a "victim" come from? Does it stem from something ingrained in their DNA, have they just become too comfortable in their welfare status or, is it that they have simply been manipulated by a political party into believing that they truly are unable to make it on their own without the receiving any of the unique assistance that only that the Democrat Party can provide. And how exactly did they reach a point where they have achieved such an incredible level of collective, as well as chronic, paranoia that, even among the very well educated, although that may in itself be the problem, seems to run rampant with they’re thinking that all of us white folks have nothing better to do than to be out to get them? Look, I'm a live and let live kinda guy I possess no ill will toward those different from me as long as what they do has no impact on me or on my ability to provide for my family. I am someone who favors helping anyone truly down on their luck and in need. But not forever, even my generosity has a very specific limit. At some point people need to be motivated enough to get out there and develop a little initiative and self-respect to fend for themselves. And don’t try to tell me you can't find a job because of your race. That's nothing more than a cop out, plain and simple. It's now time for a great many of these people to do nothing more than to, quite simply, grow up. Because if they are "victims" of anything, it would be their own ignorance. Ignorance of why it is exactly that the overall condition of their community, over time continues to change very little. And the reason for that little dilemma would of course be, the Democrats. But that little light bulb just never seems to come on. Hell, it doesn't even flicker!

And ya know, how dare these self-righteous, sanctimonious and yes, even, ignorant individuals continue to use as an excuse, something that ended over 140 years ago. Granted, I'm not going sit here try and claim that there weren't things like segregation that did take place for far too long and much too far into more recent times, historically speaking, and I'm sure that some would say that they still take place. But which political party was it that worked, and continues to work, toward the taking of specific actions to bring about an end to such things? And while the president at that time may have been a Democrat, which Party was it that ensured the successful passage for both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act in 1964 and 65, it wasn’t the racist Democrat Party. Ah, that would be the same party that took the nation to war to end slavery, the Republican Party. Perhaps if they made themselves a bit less ignorant regarding history or spent less time listening to all of the drivel coming from their supposed “spokesmen,” who we know are beholden to the Democrats, they might finally get a clue as to who it is that is on their side. And again, it sure ain't the Democrats! What’s really pathetic is the fact that these people have a personality complex of a most bizarre and extreme nature. The “only” ones who see them as being supposedly inferior and are determined to convince them that they are, remains to be those who are supposed to be the one offering up the most encouragement, not excuses. Come on folks, for crying out loud, GET A GRIP! Life's tough, nobody is entitled to a free ride. We all have choices to make in our life, sometimes we make good ones, sometimes we don't. But no matter who you are, the making of bad ones is no ones fault but your own. It's time to claim a little ownership here. And it is a fact of life that some folk’s decisions are easier than other folk’s for any number of reasons. It is just a very simple fact that while we may not all be born with the same advantages, we are all born with the same opportunities. But it all boils down to what we need to do to make of the most of those opportunities and if we are willing to do whatever's necessary to take advantage of them. Quit your damn whining, after all, nobody likes a whiner. Get off your duff and find something to do that justifies your existence. Something other than trying to continually reach into my wallet! The best thing that any of these folks could do for themselves is to cut the umbilical cord that runs from themselves straight to the Democrat Party and has done so ever since the creation of that infamous “Great Society." If they were ever to actually do that, the sense of freedom that would come rushing into them would be unlike anything they have ever experienced. It truly would create for them real “hope and change,” not the vague illusion promised by others, but as something tangible and actually brought about by their own actions. Because the intent of the Democrats is not to move those at the lower end of the economic scale up, but instead it is to move those at the upper end, down. It's a philosophy of let's all be miserable together, except of course for the political elite. Realistically speaking, what is that I would gain personally by having someone else being brought down to where I am. We should all want to strive to be up there where they are and should be willing to work hard in order to get there. But the Democrats are constantly putting up more and more roadblocks preventing us from doing so. WHY? Because the need for victims is what's paramount to the Democrats being able to move forward with their highly toxic agenda, that's why!

These people continue to be their own worst enemy and on so many different levels. They insist on voting for the one political party which has been the sole source of all their misfortune, which should strike anyone looking in from the outside as being more than just a little odd. What exactly have they gotten in return for their blind devotion and their continuing affiliation with the Democrat Party? The guarantee of receiving a taxpayer funded check from the government? Is that all that they see their self-respect as being worth? Ah, and then there was that brainchild of LBJ’s called the “War On Poverty” or, what now I suppose might be referred to by some as being something like the poverty contingency operation. And just has been accomplished by all those billions of dollars spent? Well, let’s see, we have a prison population that still has as its largest percentage of inmates, members of the minority community, the family unit within the minority community that is essentially laying in absolute shambles, a 70 percent out of wedlock birth rate, if we’re being honest, the stigma of affirmative action and their continuing to remain essentially trapped in self-destructing neighborhoods located in fiscally imploding cities, and being run by none other than….Democrats. And yet, these people remain convinced that they are so much more better off than if they were to ever cast a vote for those evil, racist, church burning, lynch mob crazy Republicans. And just who is that repeatedly portrays that image to them? Why that would be none other than those perpetually self-promoting racist scumbags of which Al "Bullhorn" Sharpton, Jesse "Blackmailer" Jackson and "Calypso Louie" Farrakhan are only three of the biggest offenders. It is men like these who, while obviously being on the Democrat Party payroll, are the main reason that the minority which they claim to represent, continue to demonstrate their undying allegiance to a political party whose sole purpose is to ensure that those who comprise this minority remain stymied in any effort made to improve their lives. These people are constantly encouraged to believe that the best they can ever hope for will result only from their continuing to remain willingly dependent on the Democrat Party. How tragic is that? Ignorance is no excuse and neither is being clueless. These people have got to realize that it is the Democrat Party that is the speed bump on the road to they're being to achieve any satisfactory level of progress and has essentially maintained them in their lower level existence. And the sooner they realize that the ones whom they continue to trust and to look upon as being trusted leaders are nothing more than well paid accomplices, essentially shills, of the Democrat Party, the better off they are going to be. Which begs the question, why do they tolerate it? Can it really be as simple as they're being permanently affixed to the receiving end of the steady flow of taxpayer funded Welfare checks and food stamps? Have their expectations really been reduced to that? Are they really that afraid of kicking off the training wheels and just going for it, throwing caution to the wind? Despite what Barry may say, if you wish to become successful, you're gonna need to take risks. Risks that will very much be worth it if, any level of success is achieved. Obviously if failure is the result, then the risk may not seem worth it at the time, but then you pick yourself up, review the things that were learned in order to increase the odds of becoming successful in any future attempts. But don't come crying to me with you hand out for any of my hard earned money because you're simply afraid to crawl out from under the shelter of some government entitlement umbrella.

I worry about the future especially when I see the ease with which so many people can be so easily manipulated into believing things that are so patently false. People seem to be willing to believe that their inability to succeed at something must be someone else’s fault, after all, they have just tried so hard. The only reason that they are somehow being prevented from succeeding must be because of their skin color. No, they're being prevented from succeeding because the Democrats need victims, and what better way to supply yourself with victims, than to create them and to then blame their plight on the opposition party. There does remain a political party in this country who possess a very obvious racial bias, but as much as some would like you to believe, it is NOT the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the luck of the draw that we may possess the natural ability or the necessary talent, skill or commitment to succeed at some endeavor. We each have or own unique abilities and skill sets but without the opportunities to put them into practice they are worthless. That is where the Democrats come in. They work ever so diligently to reduce those opportunities through any number of ways. But if they were to simply stand aside, one would very easily be provided with any number of opportunities to try, and to actually achieve, some degree of success. But if the Democrats were to do that, well then these people would no longer be victims in "need" of Democrat entitlements, and therefore no longer in need of the Democrats. Everyone has some natural ability or skills, and when mixed with hard work "anyone" can achieve measurable success were it not for the impediment of the Democrat Party. And that goes for everyone no matter their race, who has been blessed with the privilege of living in this country. But too many listen to, and give far too much credence to, those who tell them that they can't. They are told that if only they were white, then all their problems would be solved. BUNK!! And yet, when someone actually takes the time to make the effort to try to convince them of the truth, they're simply not willing to listen, resorting to name calling and sometimes even threats of violence. Even when those trying to enlighten come from within their own community. The term brainwashing does not even begin to describe the condition with which these people presently find themselves being afflicted. No offense intended here, but it's much more closely resembles being brain dead. What gives these people any right to make demands that they be entitled to their fair share of my earnings as if they are owed something? I owe them nothing, least of all any of the money I earn by actually working for it. Which is something maybe they should be forced to try out for themselves. Yeh, yeh I know, now I'm a racist. Get over yourselves, you'll be much better off in the long run!

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