

Monday, August 23, 2010


Whether or not this much talked about Ground Zero Mosque becomes a reality, if the controversy has brought anything to the forefront, it is the revelation of the growing, and very dangerous, alliance between the Democrat Party and any number of various Muslim organizations now present here in America. Organizations which have, as their common thread, an affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood and its worldwide connections. From Barry “Almighty” to Chuckie Schumer to Nancy Pelosi to New York’s moron of a governor, David Paterson to the moronic junior Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken, secular Democrats all, all are very supportive of the Mosque being built at Ground Zero. While polls repeatedly have shown that a vast number of Americans are against this abomination being built, Democrats continue, once more, to ignore the will of the people by throwing their support behind this monument to terrorism being built. And being built on what is still considered by most Americans to be nothing short of sacred ground. With questions regarding both funding and backers of this mosques remaining unanswered, the basis for supporting this mosque can be based on nothing else that pure politics. In fact Nancy Pelosi has even gone to far as to call for an investigation of those groups and individuals who oppose it being built. But there were many indications regarding the presence of this alliance long before the debate involving this mosque. There were any number of questionable contributors to the Barry campaign for president who had, and continue to maintain, relationships with any number of very dubious organizations. Such organizations as the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA), the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and many others. Contributors which the state run media showed not the slightest interest in investigating and making the public aware. Was it the prospect of Barry implementing a Jihad presidency that served as the requisite motivation for these highly illegal contributions?

We are all aware of the fact that the Democrats have a history of habitually demonstrating the same hostility toward our Constitution, as do today’s Islamists. The desire for government to control every aspect of a person’s life is another thing that both the Democrats and Islamists share. Such things as personal property rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and of religion as well as the freedom of assembly are also aspects of American society that both groups would love to see come to an end. As well as our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. If one pays attention to the common interests of these two groups, who under normal circumstance would most like be perceived as unlikely allies, it becomes apparent and rather quickly, that they are not such strange bedfellows after all. That the Democrats and any one of the afore mentioned Islamist organizations share a rather wide-ranging platform of anti-capitalist positions on economic issues is only one of the many areas of agreement. These organizations, which it seems that the Democrat Party has now allied itself with, are essentially “collectivist groups” with socialist aims to increase the power of the government through entitlement programs, increased taxation, and restricting free markets whenever and wherever possible. When considering what the goals might be of the Barry administration's current Middle East policy that’s now being employed, one can only look on and say, WTF, over. What might the motivation be for taking any number of the present stances held by the Democrats regarding the continuing Middle East peace dilemma? You have to wonder; just whose side of this ongoing Middle East conflict does America now find itself, and why? Wishing to seek the approval of those very same dictatorial theocracies in one of the most primitive areas of the globe, this man, our president, has gone so far as to give $900 million to the blatant terrorist group, Hamas, who is now in charge of Gaza. And just how many visits has our “Supreme Leader” made to Arab countries with not one, not one, being made to Israel? While Barry “Almighty” is more than willing prostrate himself before the King of Saudi Arabia in a unbelievable act that should have embarrassed every single American, he finds it as being completely acceptable behavior to snub the Prime Minister of Israel, and friend of the United States, Benjamin Netanyahu. This is nothing short of a blatant example of Barry’s being an unseemly and unprincipled individual. Such actions accomplish nothing but to stir doubt in the minds of many of those who hate Israel, causing them to doubt just where it is that American allegiance may now lie and possibly encouraging them to take more aggressive action against Israel than they normally would have. It is a guarantee that these countries will be much bolder in their action against Israel if the feel they have nothing to fear from a Democrat lead America. So it would seem that the Democrats, lead by Barry, intend for America to now desert the Jewish state after years of friendship and to now side with the terror supporting Muslim countries that completely surround it. Even in the instance of a little unexpected honesty, such as when in 1977 and coming in the form of a statement by Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, Democrats still choose to ignore the facts. Here's what Mr. Muhsein said: "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.”

And as recent as September 23, 2009 Barry made it very clear on whose side of this issue he, as well as his party, have chosen to stand. While standing before that august and highly dysfunctional organization known as the U.N., he made the statement, “We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continue Israeli settlements.” With him, at the same time, calling for the establishment of a “viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.” Barry is well aware that a “contiguous” Palestinian state would cut Israel in two. Then in November 2009 came the official statement, saying essentially the same thing, from the Barry State Department. The statement, “Our goal in the region is clear: two sides living side by side in peace and security; a Jewish state of Israel, with which America retains unbreakable bonds, and with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, that ends the daily humiliations of Palestinians under occupation, and that realizes the full and remarkable potential of the Palestinian people.” William J. Burns, the State Department’s undersecretary for political affairs went on to say, “We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.” Going further this same individual added, “We consider the Israeli offer to refrain settlement activity to be a potentially important step, but it obviously falls short of the continuing Roadmap obligation for a full settlement freeze.” But what demands were being made of the Palestinians in order to get free of these “daily humiliations” and claim their “viable, independent” state “with contiguous territory”? Why, nothing at all, of course. True to this continuing, and rather disturbing, pattern being displayed by Democrats, has made no demands whatsoever upon the Palestinians.

This is all nothing more than the continuation of the very obvious and ongoing assault against Christianity being conducted by the Left, one that has been continuing unabated for nearly as long as I can remember. Over that period of time it has become far too acceptable to degrade and ridicule religion as well as certain people of faith. It now seems to be very much in vogue to bash Christians and the religion to which they belong. And because of the Left's slanderous rhetoric designed to maintain some misconceived perception regarding the existence of a mythical wall of separation between Church and State, society as a whole has suffered greatly by losing much of its civility over the years. Of course it would seem that that proverbial wall is applicable only to the Christian and Jewish faiths. Since acquiring their new ally in this very same assault, in return for their assistance, Islam apparently has become immune to any such criticism or ridicule. Because if you happen to be a Muslim, well then, you should be permitted to follow the demands of your religion completely unfettered, no matter how arcane or primitive they may be. A direct result of this ever-present onslaught on Christianity has been an encouragement, of sorts, for a growing aggressiveness of the nationwide Muslim community to very covertly encroach further and further into America's constitutional society. At the same time it seeks to make an ever-increasing number of demands for more and more autonomy within that very same society. Because there seems to be a growing sentiment among far too many in the Muslim community of this country that they are somehow entitled, because of their “beliefs”, to replace the system of laws of this country, within their own communities, for now, with Sharia Law. And it would seem that a growing number of Democrats are in complete agreement with that notion. What these individuals seem to be completely missing here is the fact that that is not exactly how our system works. We are not a nation of many little enclaves living by their own rules, we are "One nation under God", with all our citizens operating under the same set of laws that, theoretically, are to apply equally to every citizen. Despite how the Democrats may feel about it, no one is supposed to get a pass because a certain behavior that, while against the law for every other citizen, is suddenly “not” against the law because it is permitted in the practicing of one’s faith. That's nothing but pure nonsense! All they are entitled to is the right to freely practice their religion without fear of any form of reprisal as long as in the practicing of that religion, laws, our laws, are not broken. At the same time, they do not have the right to infringe upon the rights of others to practice their religion. A result of this alliance that seems to exist, this particular demographic seems to be under the mistaken impression that America should now be expected to bend to their will, that they must never be the one asked to conform out of respect for their "religion." However, the Democrats seem to be just a little too willing to allow these religious fanatics a certain amount of flexibility in their efforts to set about the taking advantage of our freedoms to energetically work at undermining our present constitutional system of laws. This simply cannot be tolerated.

Let's face it, it is a commonly known fact that the most gruesome, heinous and atrocious acts of violence committed anywhere in the world are done so, and on nearly a daily basis, all in the name of Islam. And it is those who practice this so-called "Religion of Peace", who for whatever reason, see nothing wrong with this. And apparently, at least as long as they have the same agenda as do the Democrats, neither does Barry. Ironically, Barry repeatedly makes the claim that it is the Republicans who wish to take us back to the future. But the truth is, nothing could be further from the truth. Because it is the Democrats and their allies who wish to take us back, way back. It would seem that people are in need of constant reminding of the fact that, despite what Barry and the Democrats would like to claim, it is not America that must alter itself to make itself as being welcoming to all those who wish to come to our shores, it is those who wish to be considered as being American who must be called upon to conform to the requirements of our culture. While there will be no demands made upon to totally divest themselves of their culture, they must be made to realize that it is now secondary. That’s where this alliance is its most insidious. The American people must be made to realize that the participants in this most dangerous of alliances, wish nothing more than to turn this country into an equivalent of Third World dictatorship. America must not be allowed to become the type of country that would ever become conducive to the rather twisted Muslim religious sensibilities. I have had it with these psychopathic religious zealots coming into my country and murdering, or attempting to murder, innocent men, women and children in the name of their violent religion. Despite what Barry says, America "is", and always has been, a Christian country, founded on the Judeo-Christian faith, principles and teachings. And when Barry says, "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America 's story," as he did June of last when he was in Cairo, I'm sure exactly what it is he is talking about. I’m a pretty fair student of American history and I don't seem to recall any Muslims playing any kind of role anywhere in the history of my country. Now I know there have been more than a few attempts made at destroying it. Is that what Barry “Almighty” meant? We here in America are not Muslims nor do we wish to become Muslims for any number of very clear reasons. For one thing, Islam is not now nor has it ever been throughout its existence, anything that remotely resembles in any way, shape, matter or form, a religion of peace. What it is, is a complete antithesis of Christianity, which is a religion of peace. Islam is nothing if not a violent, unforgiving, bloodthirsty, primitive and oppressive faith that is practiced only by some of the most sadistic and masochistic types of individuals on the planet. It is for these reasons that those who chose to practice it should be allowed only very limited access into this country and those who are allowed to enter, should have their movement severely restricted. These people preach what they practice, which is nothing but unadulterated hatred, religious intolerance and violence.

We cannot count on the state run media to expose what goes on behind the curtain regarding the activities of these co-conspirators as they plot how to destroy our country. And we cannot allow ourselves to be convinced into believing that this whole scenario is harmless and that these people mean us no harm. If we allow this charade to continue we are nothing short of active participants in our own demise as a free and independent nation. Both of these group must be made aware that we know what they are up to and that we are willing to do whatever is necessary to save our country from them. This November we must back up our words with action. The question remains, will we?

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