

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


And on it goes with this president. It grows more apparent with each passing day that the president has a certain level of contempt for the American people. He sees them as being greedy, wasteful and to a certain degree, selfish. And he very obviously cares very little about what it is that they think, or how they feel about the manner in which their country is currently being governed. His approval or disapproval numbers seem to matter very little to him, because I suppose as he sees it, we're stuck with him until at least 2012. Therefore he feels that he can do whatever he wants regardless of whether or not it coincides with the will of the people. And if in fact he does not get reelected come 2012, I have a feeling that it won't really matter all that much to him because by that time he will have had an ample number of opportunities to do all that he had wished to do when he set out on his mission to destroy America. An America which is home for such unalienable freedoms as rugged individualism, property rights, intellectual property rights, freedom of speech and religion and the right to assemble. All are basic God given rights and all are what Barry seeks to diminish or to perhaps get rid of entirely, or worse, with his seeing government as being what should be the lone source able to allocate all such freedoms. And sadly, together with numerous likeminded allies in the Congress and the state run media, he is making considerable progress. And by the time he is through, much of what he will have been able to do will likely be very difficult, if not impossible to undo, which is just what he intends. And should he in fact fail to get reelected, one thing that will most definitely result once he has left office, is that he will, by virtue of the impact he had upon this country, earn a very prominent spot, becoming an overnight sensation, on the leftist lecture circuit where he will have much to talk about at, no doubt, some pretty hefty asking prices. After all, he is a Nobel laureate and will be seen as the man who not only oversaw, but was the man who actually brought about, the demise of America. He will have as his main accomplishment the putting of America on the fast track to oblivion, which I think it safe to say, has been his goal from the outset. And he has had a great many accomplices in this effort to do so, including every one of those who saw fit to vote for him. I hope they are comfortable in their deceit and are able to enjoy the misery that they can be considered as being responsible for bringing upon our once great nation. I think it safe to say that I have a very deep sense of loathing for every one of them because of what they have done, especially since it was done for no other reason than for their own personal gain or simply as an act of malice with them seeing Barry's election as being some form of payback directed at "Whitie." Furthermore, it is quite obvious the disdain that he has for those who did not vote for him. All one has to do to find the basis for that accusation is to look no further than the recent Gulf oil spill and at the states that were effected by it. All have Republican governors. One can't help but wonder if the response would have been just as slow and nearly nonexistent had the governors of those very same states been Democrats. And then there's Arizona, with it's own Republican governor. I could ask if Barry would have sunk to suing that state had the governor of Arizona been a Democrat. But then that would be a rhetorical question since if there was currently a Democrat governor of Arizona, the law, for which the state was recently sued for trying to implement, would have never existed in the first place. Instead, it is most likely that Arizona would have become a sanctuary state, which even though a violation of federal law, is something which Barry seems to have absolutely no problem with. This man was hailed as being the great uniter, the "ONE" we were all supposed to be waiting for, but today I think it would be very difficult to argue against the fact that he has proven to be anything other than very much the opposite. I think it safe to say that he is most likely the most divisive individual to have ever held his present office. Because I would venture to say that this country has never been more divided than it is today, and mainly because of one individual. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a., Barack Hussein Obama, hm, hm, hm.

What motivates such a man as our current president? Why does a man seek to be the leader of a country that he possesses such a near hatred for as well as for many of the people who comprise its population? I ask this after witnessing him time and again taking such great pleasure in his recurring attempts at belittling this country whenever and wherever the opportunity may present itself. He spends a great deal of time and effort in seeking out those who wish to see America's stature diminished, always eager to show them that, besides being a fellow traveler and as such, they also now have a very powerful ally in they're working toward the successful culmination of their primary objective. With them having what can easily be perceived as now possessing a man on the inside, they seem very optimistic about their chances of bringing about a major reduction in both American influence and stature within the global community. And they are hoping to be equally successful in their attempts to take from the American people any number of rights that are guaranteed to us by our very own Constitution. And again Barry shows no sign whatsoever of being the least bit interested in preventing such hostile behavior, demonstrating instead a willingness, even an eagerness, to assist those embarked on such a perverse mission. As well, our very own president, in an effort to earn the blessings of any number of foreign countries, has taken on an active role in some very disturbing efforts to usher in, and to even expedite, the end of the dollar as the world currency, saying quite matter-of-factly, that its time has essentially passed. And the fact of Barry's being very Islam friendly should also be more than just a little unnerving to the American people. He has cast aside new friends by repeatedly turning his back on Eastern European countries and on friends in Latin and South America while at the same time busying himself by cozying up to what have been, at least up to now, obvious enemies of America, and for what? On top of everything else, he seems very willing to sign away our sovereignty by entering our country into all sorts of arrangements and treaties that attempt to undermine our Constitution here at home all in an effort to make Americans citizens subservient to "international laws." Agreements of the type that in the future we may be unable to escape out from under. All in an effort of allowing groups such as the UN and the EU to supplant this nation's Constitution, hoping to replace with us being force to be a part of some cockamamie World Government. It would seem that the greatest threat yet faced by this nation in its entire history has as its origin a man who was duly elected to the highest office in the land. How scary is that? But what really scares me is the fact that I truly believe that most Americans simply do not care enough to march off to the polls this coming November and at least make an attempt to curb some of this blatant anti-Americanism that continues to ooze from our very own Democrat controlled government. I fear we may have lost our collective mind! It would seem that a substantial number of Americans seem largely indifferent regarding what is currently underway by this administration, with many openly claiming that they either intend to not vote or to vote for someone representing something other than either major party. That, my friends, is nothing more than a recipe for disaster. There are wild claims flying around from numerous sources about the presumed outcome of this next election. Claims that may have a very limited basis in fact, and based on some rather dubious polls. We all should know by now that the only poll that counts is that one conducted on election day, the result of which may be that, when the dust finally settles, many may be left feeling disappointed and disheartened. The Republican Party has much work to do and a very short period of time in which to get it done. If they wish to come anywhere near what is being hyped as a major trouncing of the Democrats this November then much convincing is going to be required. It will have to be made very clear that the errors of the past will not be repeated in the future. That lessons have been learned. But in all honesty, we will not be made aware regarding the level of success achieved in that endeavor until after all of the votes have been counted. And realistically speaking, short of major gains being made, I'm afraid little progress can be made in the putting up of any roadblocks to what is very rapidly becoming a disastrous presidency. And even if sufficient gains are made, with the Republicans gaining control of one or both Houses of Congress, should they fail in carrying out and of what was promised during the campaign, their tenure could be very short lived.

The disaster that has befallen us because of this man, Barry "Almighty", is really quite unlike anything we have been forced to deal with in quite some time. We now have a temporary president doing permanent damage with us now essentially facing a threat that runs the gamut, coming at us economically, socially and internationally, not from the outside, but from within and from what would, under normal circumstances, be considered a highly unlikely source. However, these are not normal circumstances as the source of the threat that we now face is the very man who is our president. In our current president we have a man willing to ally himself with any number of enemies of our country, as he shows not even the slightest hesitation in assisting them in their attempts to diminish our country in any and all ways possible. "Hope and Change?" I think not, not by any means. "The remaking of America?" Most assuredly so! But remade into what exactly? That is the all important question that while it has yet to be answered, there has been a definite trend established that provides us with a very clear indication of what Barry desires. Here is a man who sees nothing whatsoever as being positive about his country, nothing inherently good about his county and is someone who sees it as being guilty of imposing its own unique brand of evil upon the World. Far from seeing it as a force for good, he sees it as just the opposite, being happy to join in the chorus of others who do no more than constantly condemn America. He finds fault at every opportunity and never stands up to defend America against her critics, instead joining in the voices of criticism. So, those of us who are the American people have now become something that Barry seems to consider as more closely resembling lab rats for him to use in his effort to increase his personal standing among those leaders whom he sees as being his compatriots in the establishing of a World government. And not only does he see himself as being the perfect candidate for the job of leader of that World government, he seems perfectly content to allow the advancing of any number of "global initiatives" the would essentially rob the American people of not only their Constitutional rights but of a goodly amount of their cash as well. Americans must come to realize that the priorities of their president are NOT the priorities of those who proudly call themselves Americans. His agenda is, to its very foundation, anti-American in every aspect.

And so, as more time passes by we the people come to have less and less say in how it is that we choose to be governed. We're simply told that we are too stupid to know what's best for us, and it is to be left to those in charge to decide such things. And far too many of us seem to be willing to go along with that nonsense. As I have said before and will very likely say again, we are rapidly running out of time and of opportunities to put the brakes on this freedom smothering malignancy that has taken hold of our country. We need to put aside our petty differences if we are to have any chance of rescuing ourselves from what is almost certainly some very dark times that lay ahead. As difficult as it may sound to some, the Republican Party, may be our only option for survival and to avoid all that Barry has intended for us. But with their past behavior still fresh in the memory of many, it is going to be nearly impossible for some to now support them even though failure to do so will only result in the further detriment of our ability to save our future. In all honesty, it will be too difficult for many to now trust them after being so badly betrayed in the not so distant past. All I can say is, what other choice do we have? Sure we can vote for third party candidates, or write in "Joe the Plumber" but in the long run what will that accomplish other than allowing even more Democrats to achieve electoral victory thus making the job of saving our country all that much more difficult. Everyone must do what their conscience tells them to do, all I ask is that everyone think long and hard before committing to something that will have both very long-lasting and, very likely, extremely dire consequences for the millions who will make up the future generations of Americans.

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