

Thursday, August 26, 2010


The ever idiotic New York City Mayor, Mike "Sanctuary City" Bloomberg, seems to be one more on a long list of many Democrats looking to use the opposition to the “Ground Zero Mosque” as one more way to slander the overwhelming number of mainstream Americans who are voicing their objection to the building of this mosque. "People say, 'Well, you know, do they have the money? Can they raise the money? Where does it come from?' I don't know," said the mayor, a staunch defender of the proposed center, on his weekly radio show. "Do you really want every time they pass the basket in your church and you throw a buck in, they run over and say, 'OK, now, you know, where do you come from? Who are your parents? Where did you get this money?' No," he said. "A handful of people," he concluded, "ought to be ashamed of themselves." If find his analogy insulting as well as more than just a little overly simplistic and a little disturbing, to say the least, all of which are very common problems when dealing with Democrats regarding nearly any important topic. Because the degree of fanaticism one normally finds in one’s church, I dare say, is a pretty far stretch from what one normally finds in even the most “moderate” of mosques. This moron goes on to say, “Islam did not attack the World Trade Center, Al-Qaeda did. To implicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American.” Oh really? I beg to differ there, Mr. Mayor. Let's be honest here, this "great religion" doesn't require a whole of twisting before more than just a "few" of its devout followers become willing, even eager, to commit a rather unique level of savagery. So you have to ask yourself, just what motivates a guy like Bloomberg to say something so patently untrue? And with there being an already existing mosque just four blocks away, it becomes even more obvious that this whole charade has much less do with the building of a place of worship than it has with the erecting some sort of holy symbol for a bloody religion and one that commemorates the lives of those 19 individuals who took such great pride in the act of murdering so many innocents in the name of their God and prophet. An edifice, of sorts, that both survivors of the horrific events of that day as well as those who lost loved ones to the actions of these fanatics, will be forced to look at every single day. To continue to actively support the building of this mosque, as the Democrats are now doing, should be considered as being nothing short of an act of outright betrayal toward all the victims that were the result of the 9/11 attacks. This whole exercise is intended as nothing more than as a provocation, plain and simple.

So now it is according to Mayor Bloomberg that I, as well as all those who oppose the building of this mosque, stand accused of being un-American because we feel that it is not now appropriate to build this mosque at Ground Zero. The site where over 2800 of our fellow Americans were murdered by 19 individuals while on their quest to rendezvous with their 72 virgins. How absolutely twisted! And now I’m being chastised because I oppose this thing being built on the very site where our nation suffered its most horrific attack in its history and here on our own soil, by practitioners of the very same religion as those who wish to now build this monument to the 19 fanatics who murdered those very same countrymen. Mayor Bloomberg is just one more traitorous Democrat who sees absolutely nothing wrong with this. What is it about these Democrats and the soft spot that they seem to have in their hearts, or is it their heads, for these Muslim murderers. I really don't get it. I realize that very few, if any, of today's Democrats actually love their country, but to be so callous as to allow the construction of this "in your face" and supposed religious facility, I think clearly brings to the forefront the level of hatred that they themselves possess for this country. I cannot possibly imagine what it must be like to so easily trivialize the death of 3000 Americans by kowtowing to a bunch of murdering religious thugs just on the outside chance that they might end up voting for you. Is that really now how far down this pathetic political party has finally sunk? Guys like Bloomberg are just as sick and twisted as were every one of those 19 a**holes who flew those planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and into that Pennsylvania field on that very terrible day. This opposition that is coming from a majority of the American people has nothing whatsoever to do with any form of religious bigotry, and Bloomberg, as well as every other Democrat, knows it. It's all about what is right and just. Three thousand of our fellow citizens were murdered on that day and now we're being asked to just forget about it and move on, allowing these heathens who seem to be so permanently stuck in their very violent past, to build their shrine to their medieval and blood soaked faith on the very same site. Those who wish to build this abomination do absolutely nothing but preach hatred against my country because to them we are nothing, we are the infidels. These hypocrites continue to spew their poisonous vitriol to anyone who will listen and all in the name of their God. They comprise a religion that can very easily be accused of having declared what can only be described as being open warfare against my country, and they have essentially admitted to doing so. But guys like Bloomberg fail to take them at their word, and that failure puts the life of every single American in jeopardy.

Practitioners of this so-called "Religion of Peace", habitually speak out of both sides of their mouths. Depending on the make up of the crowd that they happen to be standing before, their faith is either portrayed as being that "Religion of Peace" or as being the only religion that is to be tolerated with all other religions being considered as nothing more than subservient or blasphemous. They make the claim that it is Christianity that is, and always has been, the more violent religion. Now while I suppose there may be some truth to that if you are considering events that took place during some much earlier times, but it is a fact that we have managed to work our way through our more violent past whereas those who make up Islam remain pretty much stuck in a time around the 5th century. I just can't seem to remember the last time I saw some news story that involved some crazy bunch of Christians flying planes into some buildings, detonating themselves, going around lopping people's heads off, or even executing women for committing adultery. Let's face it, these individuals are consumed by a level of pure hatred not seen in any other religion found anywhere else in the World. They use their faith as nothing more than an excuse for the committing of some of the most vile and horrific acts of violence we have ever been witness to. They even send their own children off to blow themselves up, I mean just how sick is that? And we are now supposed to just sit back and allow them to build what will essentially be nothing more than a huge magnet for every hate spewing, murdering whack job out there? The absolute ease with which Bloomberg and his ilk continue to whitewash the militaristic texts and teachings that these Muslim jihadists use to justify their violent acts is nothing short of mind boggling. To be so willing, even eager, to take sides against your own country is something I just don't quite understand. We are not the bad guys here, and yet we have members of one of our two major political parties working overtime, and looking for any excuse, to join the voices coming from those who hate this country, and are diligently working to destroy it. One would think that there may be some sort of collusion involved here between these two groups.

Despite the criticism coming from Bloomberg and the Democrats, the critics of this mosque being built have done nothing more than to raise what should be seen as being legitimate concerns about the Imam at the center of the project. They point out that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who seems to take great pride in describing himself as being some kind of a prolific bridge builder, capable of spanning great religious divides, rather strenuously refused in a recent radio interview to come anywhere near to directly condemning Hamas. He also said in a 2001 TV interview that in reality it was U.S. foreign policy that was in fact an "accessory to the crime" of the 9/11 attacks. With his making such a statement he finds himself in the company of a great many Democrats who believe that the tragedies that befall America are always America's own fault. He has made half-hearted attempts at condemning acts of terrorism and fanaticism, saying they have no part in Islam, but there never really seems to be all that much conviction behind these attempts. And it was during a 2005 conference in Australia, that he went so far as to compare America to Al Qaeda. Saying that, "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims," speaking at the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Center during a question and answer session dedicated to what sponsors say was a dialogue to improve relations between America and the Muslim world. "You may remember that the U.S.-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children. This has been documented by the United Nations." I would ask him this question, "Who has fought harder, and given up more of their young in order to save the lives of Muslims than has the United States of America?" Be it in Iraq, Afghanistan or Bosnia, millions of Muslims are now living in relative security and freedom because of America. Rauf has taken Middle East trips funded by the U.S. State Department (the American taxpayer), which continually makes the claim that Rauf's comments are taken out of context. Yup, just taken out of context, right. Do they really think that we're that stupid? Let's face it, it is a commonly known fact that the most gruesome, heinous and atrocious acts of violence committed anywhere in the world are done so, and on nearly a daily basis, all in the name of Islam. Islam is nothing if not a violent, unforgiving, bloodthirsty, primitive and oppressive faith that is practiced only by some of the most sadistic and masochistic types of individuals on the planet. So I think Mayor Bloomberg, as well as the Democrat Party as a whole are in pretty desperate need of a solid dose of reality.

And lastly, the website for the project, once called the "Cordoba House" is now known as "Park51," and it does explicitly refer to "the mosque," although for some reason it tries to minimize the mosque's importance or significance. The website makes the claim that while a mosque will be located in the planned final structure of Park51, it will be a distinct non-profit organization. It goes on to say that neither Park51 nor the mosque, which hasn’t been officially named as of yet, will tolerate any kind of illegal or un-American activity or rhetoric. Sorry, but organizations such as these have very little credibility, if any, when it comes to the making of such outlandish claims as these. The very foundation of this entire "religion" is based on the fundamental belief of America being the "Great Satan". It is the mainstay of the fundamental belief system practiced by these individuals. So we're supposed take at face value what these deceitful people are telling us and to believe that this mosque will not be a source for such rhetoric or activities? It also states that the final size and location of the mosque have yet to be determined, but, supposedly, it will only represent a small portion of the final structure. Now while Park51's website claims the "final size and location of the mosque have yet to be determined," Sharif El-Gamal, head of Soho Properties, Inc., and developer, of the “Ground Zero mosque,” advertises the project on a Muslim website updated as recently as June 5, 2010, in expansive terms quite different from those lately addressed to the broader public. Al-Gamal’s group declares, “We are trying to establish a full fledged Islamic Center in the lower Manhattan, only two blocks from World Trade Center, New York City, NY. It is a neat and clean facility and can accommodate 1,000 people to pray in Jamat [i.e. collectively] at one time.” Yep, that's just what we need to have built on this site. So, instead of building something that commemorates those who were murdered, we're going to wind up with something that commemorates the murderers. And so I guess it is that if I don't agree with all this tripe, or think that it's not such a good idea, I, and those who share my opinion regarding the building of this mosque, are somehow now the ones to be considered as being un-American.

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