

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Is there anything that today's Democrats won't do to get votes? To what lengths will they go to throw our country under the bus while on their quest to obtain ever more political power? And just how committed are these Democrats, exactly, in their desire to pursue their bastardization of the legislative process for no other reason than to govern in complete opposition to the will of the people? What tactics are they not willing to employ, or to resort to, in order to guarantee success for their efforts to subvert our Constitution? To what lengths will they go to disguise or to hide from the people their true motives and agenda? To what depths of dishonesty, fraud or intimidation will they not sink, to ensure that it is their candidates who achieve electoral victory? Always remember and never forget, to the egotistical Democrats, the ends ALWAYS justify the means, ALWAYS!

I know, questions, questions and more questions. And are they all really that necessary, they’re just so bothersome. Well, YES, they are necessary! And as distasteful as it might seem to many, these are now the types of questions that we need to be asking ourselves before choosing which party we deem as being worthy of our support! They are all very important questions and all are deserving of some very important answers. Arrogance, deceit, dishonesty, and smugness, may be mere words to some, but they are very rapidly becoming the watch words that can now be used to accurately describe the present mentality on display, every single day, and that we continue to see coming from a substantial majority of our elected leaders. But in all honestly, we have no one to blame here but ourselves, we brought about this whole highly destructive scenario and of our own free will. In our opting to vote for "hope and change," too many eagerly bought into the lies and decided to simply hand over complete control of our government to one political party, and unfortunately as it turned out, it proved to be the wrong political party. Ya know, they say absolute power corrupts absolutely and looking at Washington today, I'd have to say that that is a fact, as we are now seeing first hand just how much truth there is in that old adage. We now have in power what is obviously a very corrupt, unethical and insidious Democrat Party that I think it very plain to see is pretty much rotten all the way to its core. And by placing the reins of power into the hands of these people as we did, what we also did was to effectively eliminate all of the checks and balances that were designed to protect us from just the runaway government that we are now witnessing. But is what we are seeing in our government nothing more that a direct reflection of ourselves, of our priorities, after all, it was we the people who elected these rank hypocrites. Unfortunately, there seems to be this susceptibility that is demonstrated by far too many people to vote for, let’s just call them, the less desirable candidates. Because it is these same people who are constantly on the hunt, always looking for a way to get something for nothing, or if not for nothing, then at least for what can be gotten in exchange for the minimum amount of effort required. Therefore, they choose to vote for those candidates who they see as being more prone to initiate the kind of legislation that will ensure that things are made “easier” for them. They are unwilling to pay their fair share but yet want the rest of us to subsidize their reckless and lazy lifestyles and are more than willing to vote for those who will ensure that we who work and pay taxes, continue do so. That whole notion is something that is in serious need of being rethought, because without some serious behavior modification taking place, things do not bode well for our survival. With too many people now looking for a free ride on the backs of others and with that behavior actually being encouraged by the Party currently in charge, the likely end result for all is not one that's going to be very pleasant, for anybody. We are very near to approaching something that has long been sought by the Democrat Party. That being the so-called tipping point. That magical number that will be achieved when we will have more people not paying taxes than are paying taxes. Once Democrats have achieved that, they see themselves as being pretty much invincible, believing that all those who are able to escape the tax man will definitely not be voting for any candidate who declares his/her desire, to have some measure of taxes paid by everyone. Currently 47 percent of households in American pay no income taxes which goes to show you just how scary close the Democrats are to reaching their magic number.

Which brings me once more to the election this November. As I have said on any number of occasions, the outcome of this coming election is going to be absolutely critical to the very survival of what remains of our Constitutional Republic. If we are to have any hope of surviving intact beyond this current administration, then there needs to be a drawing of that proverbial line in the sand. A line that will form our line of embarkation, of sorts, from which we can begin our long march back toward what it was that our Founders had originally intended for us. However, should it come to pass that we decide to do nothing more than to maintain the status quo, well then, I'm afraid that our days as a free and sovereign nation will most definitely be numbered. If, however, we decide to make this a referendum on what is presently being done and on the direction in which we are being taken, then, possibly, we can work toward the rescuing of our country and wrestle control away from those whose only desire seems to be to destroy it. Those whom we decide to entrust with the role of governing, must be men and woman of character who believe passionately in this country and who hold what this country is, very near and dear to their hearts. Personal gain is not something to be sought, what should be of the utmost importance to those in government is what benefits all Americans. Reason, once more must be brought to the forefront and to be what's used as the basis for the creation and passage of legislation. If there is no reason for it then it must not be needed. What's best for America has to be what is our main priority. We need to return to the guiding principles laid out for us over 230 years ago. The size of our government must be kept small and manageable and those involved in it must realize that they are permitted to serve at the consent of the people and they should conduct the business of government accordingly. For example, a rational immigration policy must be established where all are welcome, who are here legally, but only if they wish to become one of us and to celebrate willingly all that it means to be American. English is our language, God is an integral part of our culture and we are proud of the fact that we are unafraid of hard work. If anyone finds any of these things as being something that they simply cannot abide by, then by all means, they should not come here. While no one is ever asked to forget their culture, they must be willing to become part of ours, to add their uniqueness to that which makes America, in its entirety, unique among all other countries on the planet. They must recognize that we are a nation of laws, our laws, not the laws of their nation, but of this nation, and that allowances will not be made because of ignorance to what our laws allow.

Over time it would seem that our system of government has become rather badly corrupted, brought about through some rather unscrupulous efforts instigated by less than honorable characters for the specific purpose of moving us farther away from what was originally conceived. Because of corrupt individuals, we have now gotten to the point where it would seem that the rule of day has become one where far too many self-serving individuals presently see a role in government as nothing more than a means of gaining personal stature as well as a way of amassing great personal wealth. Misplaced priorities abound, with we the people becoming the main casualty of the resulting consequences. Many of our present politicians are, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than chameleons. They come before the people pretending to be one thing, seeking favor long enough to be returned to office for yet another term, only to revert to their true selves once they have successfully hoodwinked the voters and been safely returned to office. Honesty and integrity seem to be traits that are in seriously short supply these days regarding those whom we entrust with the power of governing. This practice must be stopped, but the only ones capable of doing so are “We the people.” What will assist us in this endeavor will be for us to finally get to a point where we realize how important, even crucial, for us to disregard any information whatsoever that may be directed at us through what has formerly been referred to as the "mainstream media." Because in all honesty, it is now safe to say that there is no longer anything even remotely "mainstream" about any of what is considered as being today's “mainstream” media outlets. It has been officially co-opted by the Democrat Party to the point where it now faithfully serves as nothing more than the propaganda department for the Party. It no longer owes any allegiance to the American people, only to the Party. Which puts us, the people, at a very severe and distinct disadvantage, in that if we wish to seek information it will now fall to us to go in search of it, and to then sift through the nonsense and to then verify what is valid and what is not. As time consuming as this may prove to be, it is what's going to be necessary if we are to have any hope of being able to then use it to base any kind of a rational decision upon it. While Fox News may be the least tainted of all the major "news" outlets, it still should not be perceived by anyone as being a reliable source to the extent that it provides information which requires no additional verification. Journalism as we have known it, to be perfectly blunt, has simply ceased to exist, having now officially gone the way of the dodo bird. We can no longer accept at face value any of what those in the "media" would have us believe, because more often that not it's a lie. The line that once existed between fact and fiction has been slowly fading over time until finally it has now disappeared entirely. Unsubstantiated claims are now reported as being fact and facts are very often never even reported upon, or mentioned only in passing, especially if they run contrary to the Democrat Party line. And with that, what we, those who wish to be informed, are now forced to do is to go about the rolling up our sleeves and to get to work. We must search out all of the information that we can, and then like present day Paul Reveres, disseminate it to as many individuals as possible. We must be the spreaders of knowledge to all, to those who agree with us, but even more importantly, to those who do not. Because if we can change just one mind we've made progress in our effort to get and to keep as many people as we can informed and aware of what is really going on here. We must all come to rely upon one another so that we can then present a more united front against those who would try to distract us with what is nothing more than nonsensical rhetoric and drivel all in an attempt to influence us by their act of perpetuating the Democrat Party gibberish.

The bottom line here, is that we may never know the true extent of the damage that we have done to ourselves as a result of the 2008 election. And because of that, there is now so much more resting on the outcome of this coming election. We are now going to be required to ask ourselves some very important questions prior to entering the voting booth. And to make sure that we feel confident in our answers we are going to be required to make sure that we remain properly informed. The only way that voters who care about such things are going succeed in that endeavor, is to now become very proactive in that regard. The majority of the burden, as far as the researching and validation of information, is going to rest squarely on the shoulders of those responsible voters who seek to become informed voters. We can afford to take nothing for granted, especially anything we may read, hear or watch and that comes from anyone who may call him or herself a journalist. Trust but verify, are now the words by which we must live by at least until such time as some degree of sanity makes a comeback regarding those to make up the press. Believe nothing of what you read and only half of what you see and we may just make it through this nightmare. God willing, of course!

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