

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Listen up everybody, let me make one thing perfectly clear.  Your country, my country…OUR country is now in some serious, serious trouble.  And regardless of your faith, or lack of, your gender, your sexual persuasion, your skin color, your ethnic background, or your position on gun control, abortion, or illegal immigration, what is now going to be required if we are to have any hope of surviving as a free and independent nation, is that we must ALL come together.  Coming together, what a concept.  But it has now become a concept so foreign to so many I wonder if we are even capable of such a thing anymore.  To be perfectly honest with you, I’m just not sure anymore. 

The politicians, the race-baiters, or really anyone with an agenda the purpose of which was to destroy America, have long been working to divide us for decades.  Because when the American people can be made to fight amongst themselves they are much easier to control, and they are also not paying much attention to what many of their leaders, not the least of which is their president, might be up to.  For instance, not enough of us seem to be paying any attention to the massive debt that we have now put upon the backs of our children, nor to the fact that millions of Americans have now become almost completely dependent upon their government.

It’s within our borders that we now see how Barry is working very hard to tilt the playing field in his own party’s favor by importing literally millions of illegal immigrants in what is nothing more than an effort to stack the electorate with undocumented Democrats who will vote for his party.  Ever since Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat Party has been working very hard to maneuver America into the very precarious situation that they have her in today.  And we the American people have not only allowed them to do so, many of us, far too many of us, out of our own selfish interests, actually encouraged them along the way by voting for them. 

But it is not just within our borders that trouble brews, but beyond them as well, in a World that seems to grow more volatile, more chaotic, and more dangerous almost by the hour.  America was once seen as being the primary stabilizing force in a world that seemed poised to come apart at nearly any moment.  And now that America seems to have purposely relinquished, what up until now had been, its traditional leadership role, we can very plainly see just how quickly the world descends into chaos without a strong America at the helm, and keeping things on an even keel.  The world is now in flames and thousands of people die needlessly every single day.

Which, I suppose, brings me to what, I guess, can be the only natural conclusion to be drawn from this little piece, the 2016 election.  It should be obvious to nearly everyone that we are rapidly running out of time if we are to have any hope of salvaging anything of what this country once was.  But, I wonder, are there enough in this country who possess the will necessary to even try?  Never in my life could I have ever imagined that a near majority of the American people would be so willing, even eager, to hand over so much of their freedom to their government, and in exchange for something so trivial.  Have we become nothing more than a nation of parasites?

While we all may never agree 100 percent on everything, least of all who it is that should be our next president, I think it should be painfully obvious, if one were to look deep inside oneself, who it is that most definitely should not be.  There is simply too much hanging in the balance to elect anyone just because it’s viewed as being his, or her, turn.  Is that really how we should go about selecting the leader of our country?  The tremendous amount of damage that will have been done by the time we will vote, demands that we act responsibly when choosing our next president.  To do otherwise jeopardizes the future for all of those who will come after us.      

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