

Saturday, April 11, 2015


I suppose it can be argued that there was a time in the history of our country where Democrats were more for the working man and the middle class, while the Republican Party, it can be said, tended to lean toward the more affluent.  Over the years, however, this, like many other things in our world, gradually came to change.  Today, although you wouldn’t know it from listening to Barry, it’s the Republican Party who champions the middle class; while the Democrats, the Liberals, and Progressives favor welfare, ever bigger government, and an expanding of the nanny state.

The Democrats of today long ago gave up their morals, and were apparently glad to do so.  And in so doing they have officially turned their backs the traditional values that made this country truly unique, even exceptional, among all others.  They have become strong proponents of abortion, aka infanticide, aka the murdering of innocent children, and they continue to trivialize traditional marriage, which by definition is a union between a man and a woman, and opted instead for the support of marriages between two men or two women and consider that to be legal.

I guess you could say one of the prime examples, other than Barry, for why I could never come to identify myself as a Democrat is Nancy Pelosi.  Pelosi is, or so I’m told, a Catholic.  And something that appears to be of very little concern to her is the fact that she has now been virtually excommunicated from her Church because of her views on abortion. It was just last year that Pelosi was given the “Margaret Sanger Award” because of her “leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement” over the course of her ‘illustrious’ career.

Pelosi was presented this award by Planned Parenthood, none other than the largest abortion provider in the United States.  And keep in mind here that besides being a devout racist and proud supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, Sanger was also, as you may or may nor recall, a huge advocate for eugenics and described children as “human weeds.”  She also opened the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan to provide contraceptives to women.  Why would any modern day Christian want to revere a person like Nancy Pelosi, who is recognized as a ‘Margaret Sanger?’ 

Pelosi is the same woman who told America, “We have to pass the Obamacare bill to know what is in it!”  That is probably one of the most backward statements I have heard in a generation, but it seems to be the mindset of the Democrat Party and the people who run it.  Pelosi is also another one of those liberals who routinely push racism every chance they get in an attempt to divide our country and deflect the failed policies of our president from the minds of potential voters.  To me, the Democrat Party has also become the party of:

1.  Using black people as weapons
2.  Employing Alinsky Method attacks against anyone who stands in the Democrat Party’s way
3.  Diverting tax dollars to unions so unions can launder the money and give it back to Democrats
4.  Treating gay people like ATMs
5.  Reducing women to unthinking, sex-starved, vaginal monsters that love killing their babies
6.  Destroying the economy
7.  Promoting Islam
8.  Raising taxes, fees, fines, and other prices to make families destitute
9.  Getting as many people as possible dependent on the government as they can
10. Encouraging a new outbreak of HIV/AIDS in the gay community so that gays won’t abandon the Democrat Party (with DADT gone as an issue, they need something to keep gays focused on and getting as many gay men as possible infected with HIV and dependent on the government for their meds is a Democrat Party-approved control mechanism)
11. Removing checks and balances and allowing a Democrat President to rule by fiat
12. Empowering the government to decide what is best for people
13. Taking power away from states and centering instead in an imperial Washington, DC

It has been difficult at best to live through the last six years, and to think that we still have to endure two more long years of Barry, seems nearly unbearable.  A man who were it not for the color of his skin would have never been elected in the first place.  His only legacy will be that his entire presidency was based on nothing more than a series of lies.  Lies about healthcare ‘reform’, lies about the economy, lies about his supposed desire to help the middle class, and the lie he told us all when he declared that transparency and the rule of law would be the touchstones of his presidency.
It’s a pity that the American people have had to be subjected to a man who, I would argue, made it clear from the very beginning, that his mission was one that involved the systematic destruction of, or to use his words to “fundamentally transform”, the United States of America.  And yet it was those of us who do not count ourselves among those who proudly call themselves Democrats, who made it possible for this man to get elected, both times.  We essentially aided and abetted those who voted for this bad be either selecting a defective candidate or by choosing not to vote.

I think it is very safe to say that it has long been the goal of the Democrat Party to get our country to the place where it is today, with it literally hanging by a thread.  And it was a perfect storm, so to speak, that had Barry “Almighty” arriving onto the scene combined with complete Democrat control of Congress for the first two years of his presidency that set us on a path that we may never fully recover from.  When the economy should have the focus, the bogus ‘stimulus’ package notwithstanding, Democrats chose seizing control of our healthcare.  Democrats hate this country, and in voting for them you are proving that you hate this country as well.

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