

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Every time I see this guy, Lanny Davis, it seems that he goes a little further out of his way to make an even bigger fool out of himself than he did the time before.  And judging by his most frequent comments, I can only assume that old Lanny, former White House Special Counsel for ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, must define ‘transparency’ in pretty much the same manner that Barry ‘Almighty” seems to.  Because it was during his appearance on Tuesday’s “Imus in the Morning” on the Fox Business Network, that old Lanny actually made the claim, and with a straight face no less, that the Clinton Foundation is the most transparent of all foundations.  Really?

And then it was right out of the gate that Lanny set out to put forward a disclaimer, of sorts, in what I can only assume was an attempt to convince viewers that he represents neither the of Clintons nor Hitlery’s campaign.  As if he really expected anyone to believe that.  And it was then that Imus proceeded to ask Lanny, “do you ever say to yourself, ‘look what I’ve done with my life, defending these skunks, it’s just — is it worth it? I mean, I could have been doing good in my life instead of covering up for these crooks and despots and dictators all over the world?”  In answering, it seems that Lanny just couldn’t help himself.

Because it was then that he proceeded to launch into what can only be described as being some of the most pathetic sounding drivel that I think I’ve ever heard.  And in answering the question, Lanny said, “So, here is my honest answer. I’ve known Hillary when her name was Rodham, before she met Bill Clinton. I’ve known Bill Clinton since 1970 when he first arrived at Yale Law School, and I already graduated. These are two, in my longstanding experience with them, two people dedicated to doing good, to public service, as long as I’ve known them. The first five minutes after I met Hillary Rodham…I was a senior, she was a freshman.”

Lanny continued his rather sappy recollection of things by saying, “I recognized her from the speech she gave, which was a great speech about the ’60s, as the valedictorian at Wellesley, and I said ‘is there any advice I can give you about taking courses or teachers? Because the first semester, Yale Law School, very challenging.’ And she said, ‘not really, but could you tell me where the nearest legal services clinic is?’” Lanny went on to say, “Now, that’s a true story within five minutes of meeting Hillary Rodham. I thought to myself, ‘this is an unusual person who looks like public service is going to be her life.’ Oh, gag me with a spoon.

Imus said, “well you have to wonder, the — how they got from there to the point where, in her case, destroying thousands of emails, at least she learned, she was on the Nixon committee. At least she learned from him, we all know he should have burned the tapes. So, she got rid of emails. That was smart on her part. And then, to the point, whether or not reporting these contributions to, their foundation, and then, where he’s getting these extraordinary speaking fees for these various countries they are getting cut slack by her, what happened in between, where they got from this noble beginning to where they are now?”

Lanny said, “the destruction of private emails is no different than you and me not wanting private emails –” Which then prompted Imus interject, “we’re assuming they’re private. We don’t know that.”  Lanny continued, “every single member about Congress, every elected official, everyone in government is told ‘you make the decision what’s private or public.’ So there’s double standard here, whether it’s Governor Jeb Bush, who I greatly admire, who kept his own server, and a half a million emails he never disclosed. So, that double-standard, which I absolutely defend what Governor Bush did, is clear when it applies to the Clintons.” 

Imus objected, “what does Jeb Bush got to do with anything? Because OJ murdered his wife, I can murder mine? Your defense is OJ murdered his wife, so I’m going to kill mine.”  Lanny argued, “I don’t think Governor Bush did anything wrong. This man who wrote this book filled with smoke and no facts. He admitted that on the air. He said he’s doing the same book about Governor Bush, who I think is a decent, and honorable man. I will say the same thing if he blows smoke with no facts about Governor Bush, as I have about the Clintons. And you were not accurate in saying, the non-reporting of contributions to the foundation. It’s the most transparent foundation, way, way beyond what you’re required to do under the law. That is absolutely a fact.”

This guy continues to have absolutely zero credibility whenever the topic of conversation is Hitlery Clinton.  There’s loyalty to ones ‘friends’ and then there’s what can only be described as possessing a willful blindness to just how corrupt, dishonest and downright sleazy one’s ‘friends’ really are.  And frankly I’m not sure if this is how Lanny really views these people or if he’s so desperate to see his ‘friend’ Hitlery get elected that there’s nothing that he will not say in his effort to defend her.  Obviously he is much more infatuated with Hitlery than he is the least bit interested in saving what’s left of the country.  Nothing he says can be believed.    

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