

Monday, April 20, 2015


Over there on conservative, or at least the Republican, side of American politics, scandals, whether they happen to be real or merely concocted by those in the state-controlled media, are usually seen as being somewhat more difficult to extricate oneself from.  While over on the Democrat side, scandals, even those that are very easily provable, have exactly the opposite effect as, for whatever the reason, they are more typically viewed as being not much more than resume enhancers.  Which brings me to Hitlery Clinton.  And it’s no secret that Hiterly is, by far, the strongest candidate that the Democrats have in the build up to the 2016 presidential elections.

While there are many who will question whether Hitlery has too much political “baggage” to actually win the presidency, that opinion is one held primary by those on the right, as her laundry list of scandals seems to be of little importance to Democrats.  Most assuredly Hitlery has been no stranger to scandals in her long and storied political ‘career’, but dare we assume that any of these scandals are of sufficient severity to actually cost her the election in 2016 or, for that matter, even the nomination.  Democrats have been known to tolerate a scandal or two, especially when it comes to one of their own.  After all, Teddy Kennedy got away with murder. 

As we all know, Hitlery is what you might call a repeat offender when it comes to scandals, so let’s take a few minutes to glance back in time at just a few of the main ones that might, just might, yet end up costing the old girl the presidency:

First and foremost, simply because it’s the more recent, is her ‘private email’ scandal.  Hitlery’s private emails while serving as Barry’s Secretary of State are at the forefront of her most recent political scandal. Let’s lay some background first: after Barry appointed Hitlery to be his first Secretary of State, she elected to use a private email address for her official State Department business as opposed to the traditional government-assigned email. Her decision to use a private email address while at the White House only came to light in 2015, but it’s already quickly sent shockwaves throughout Washington D.C. and the nation.

Many, again mostly on the right, argue that this is a significant scandal for Hitlery to overcome, because if true, it would seem that she had openly defied the Federal Records Act while serving as Secretary of State, which mandates that all State Department officials use government-assigned email addresses so as to maintain oversight, ease investigations, and prevent governmental abuses and corruption. The Federal Records Act was optimized in 2014 in order to ensure that the law covered all electronic communications, so it appears as if there is no way for Hitlery to get around the fact that she openly disregarded the law during.

Now why ‘should’ this be seen as being a big deal?  Well, first off, using a personal email address, as opposed to a government-assigned email address, might indicate to those with suspicious minds that Hitlery did so because she wanted to keep her endeavors at the State Department off-the-books, so to speak.  Why?  Well, perhaps because she was involved in activities that she thought might jeopardize her impending presidential campaign, such as her role in the Benghazi crisis or her knowledge of the NSA’s questionable wire-intercept practices. While we can’t yet be sure what she was hiding, it must be something pretty significant or why would she have felt the need to disregard federal law in order to cover her tracks.

Next on the list of her more serious scandals is the Haiti Mining Scandal.  Now this little gem just recently came to light, and could actually be a damaging one for Hitlery.  Here’s a brief summery of the case: in 2012, the Haitian government awarded a gold-mining permit for its Morne Bassa mine to a North Carolina company called VCS Mining. What’s notable about this permit is the fact that the government has not issued a similar permit in over 50 years, and what’s also strange is that VCS Mining will only pay 2.5% royalties to the Haitian government for this permit, which mining experts say is drastically lower than the average mining royalty rate. So what gives, you might ask?

Well surprise, surprise.  That which I’m sure is just a coincidence is the fact tha Hitlery’s brother, Anthony Rodham, was a member of VCS Mining’s board of directors at the time that the company was awarded the Morne Bassa permit.  And the permit came in the wake of Bill Clinton raising millions of dollars for the nation of Haiti’s rebuilding efforts after the country was devastated by an earthquake in 2010.  And guess who was another member of VCS Mining’s board?  Jean-Max Bellerive, who was the former Prime Minister for Haiti and ‘Slick Willie’s Co-chair at the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission.  Furthermore, to date USAID has contributed over 3 billion dollars to Haiti since 2010. So what’s this all mean?

It would at least appear that through their vigorous financial relief and fundraising efforts, Hitlery and ‘Slick Willie’ “bought” the Morne Bassa gold-mining permit from the Haitian government for Anthony Rodham’s company, VCS Mining.  If true, this is an incendiary event that should be fully investigated and prosecuted.  American politicians should be above using their positions to do lucrative favors for their family, so this ‘could’ prove to be a devastating scandal for both Clintons, but particularly for Hitlery as she gears up for a presidential run. But it remains unclear what will come of the Haiti scandal, but what is clear is that this incident does have the potential to severely damage Hillary’s reputation.

And then of course we have that oldie but goodie, Hitlery’s Benghazi scandal.  Hitlery took a lot of her flak for her mismanagement of the Benghazi incident, so let’s start with some background information. On September 11, 2012, Islamic attackers raided and destroyed much of the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya. This act of terrorism cost the lives of 4 Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, who was the first American ambassador to die at the hands of combatants since 1979, when Jimmy Carter, that other foreign policy genius, was in the White House.  So what was Hillary’s role in these events?

In the weeks leading up to the attack, American officials at the Benghazi consulate had repeatedly asked Hitlery’s State Department to beef up security at the location, though the State Department repeatedly denied these requests. The CIA and Ambassador Stevens had warned the State Department that an attack might be imminent, but still Hitlery’s State Department decided to do nothing about it. Thus it was Hitlery’s outright negligence that ended up costing the lives of four Americans, and the State Department has since failed to report the number of times that it had been warned about an attack. So what does this mean for Hitlery?

Benghazi remains a potent stain upon Hitlery’s supposed legacy. She attempted to blur the reality of the attack by having her aide, Victoria Nuland, remove any mention of terrorism or Ambassador Steven’s warnings from all official government reports on the incident. Why, you ask?  Because she knew that her approval ratings would most likely take a pretty significant hit if it were ever come to light that she had an opportunity to prevent the attacks but openly chose not to.  Her political mismanagement or ignorant negligence cost the lives of four innocent Americans, and the American public, at those outside the Democrat Party, might not forget about this.

Then there’ the Sandy ‘Burglar’ Berger Scandal:  When Hitlery was still running for the Democrat presidential nomination in 2007, she made the puzzling move of hiring Sandy Berger as a personal adviser. Who is Sandy Berger, you ask? Well, he’s a previously convicted criminal who was charged and found guilty of smuggling sensitive files out of the National Archives and thereafter destroying them.  The files were related to the 9/11 Commission’s report, and specifically the files Berger destroyed pertained to ‘Slick Willie’s’ failure to contain terrorists during his presidency. This was an extremely questionable and unflattering political move on Hitlery’s part, and the American people will not forget her decision to surround herself with a criminal.

Next is the 2000 Senate Campaign Donation Scandal.  This one is pretty straightforward and is indicative of Hitlery’s unflinching tendency to withhold the truth.  It involves a guy by the name of Peter Paul.  It was back in 2000 that Peter Paul made an extremely large donation to Hitlery’s Senate Campaign. When the Federal Election Commission examined the donation, they discovered that Hitlery significantly under-reported the size of Paul’s donation, meaning that thousands of dollars of illegal cash likely ended up in her campaign funds. Even though such an act can bring several years in prison, nothing ever happened to Hitlery. This scandal is just another incident that reveals her willingness to consistently hide the truth.

Clinton Foundation Scandal:  This is another of Hitlery’s scandals that is just downright low. While serving as the Secretary of State, Hitery interceded 6 times in federal affairs in favor of companies that had directly contributed to Slick Willie Clinton’s ‘not-for-profit’ foundation.  At best, this is woeful negligent on Hitlery’s part and at worst, it is a blatant example of Hitlery’s willingness to “scratch the backs” of those who help her and her creepy letch of a husband. This kind of nefarious unethical action should have no place in Washington D.C., and the American people should certainly take note of this scandal during the presidential elections in 2016.  But will they?

Conclusion:  While it’s clear that Hitlery is currently the Democrat’s best shot at the presidency in 2016, it says a lot about the Democrats when their potential candidate has been involved in so many scandals.  But having said that, are any of them considered as being serious enough to even potentially cost her the Democrat nomination for the presidency in 2016.  New York Times columnist William Safire once referred to Hitlery as bring a congenital liar.  And in light of these scandals, it’s impossible to dispute that Hillary has a consistent tendency to lie, aide political allies, and mismanage crises. Such tendencies will either cost Hitlery the presidency in 2016 or, as I said earlier, be viewed as nothing more than resume enhancers.

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