

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I think we can all agree that the Democrat Party today, as it always has, views itself as the party of compassion and of diversity and therefore lauds itself as being a ‘Big Tent’ party.  But it would seem that the only thing one is likely to find inside this big tent of theirs is nothing more than a rather sizable bunch of clowns, with Barry “Almighty’ presently playing the role of ring master.  Now I assume that the vast majority of those who proudly claim to be Democrats don’t consider themselves as being clowns, but as much as I hate to be the one to break it to them, that’s exactly what they are.  Because if the size 50 triple Z Bozo the Clown shoe fits, wear it.

Back when Barry said, and at least 20 times by my count, that we could all keep our doctors and health care insurance if we liked them, we were told that he wasn’t really lying.  It was another occasion where the facts just didn’t match up with what he said.  If it weren’t for those pesky little things called facts that are recorded so that they can be heard over and over again, Barry would never be in trouble for anything that he has said to millions of Americans.  I was one of those who, while I wasn’t able to keep my insurance, was at least able to keep my doctor, albeit at a substantially higher cost, aka higher premiums and a pretty sizable deductible.

Now while I would like to say that the Democrat Party is simply the party of the stupid, that would, I suppose, be a bit of an insult to stupid people everywhere.  Especially those few who, in spite of themselves may actually be smart enough to recognize the fact that Barry and the Democrats are doing a great deal of damage to their country.  What those political party actually is, is the party of the uniformed, misinformed, as well as the disinformed.  Now while I will agree that disinformation is a tactic which both parties have practiced throughout America’s history, it’s the Democrats who have turned it into what has become a political art form.

The millions who voted for Barry, like those who faithfully vote for Democrats election after election, did so, for the most part, because they remain blissfully uniformed, and don’t seem to be the least bit interested in rectifying that situation.  The Democrat Party loves to have people think that it’s the party of the people, the guardian of the down trodden and the protector of the little guy.  But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.  No matter how hard I might try, I could never associate with these people.  It’s so hard to believe that millions still vote for Democrats, unless they still have that mindset of Democrats wanting what’s best for the people.

The misinformed want to believe the lies that are told to them.  It is easier to say a person lied to you than to admit you believed their lies.  When people voted for Barry, they thought he was eligible to be President.  But because he wasn’t a natural-born citizen (since his father wasn’t an American citizen), he wasn’t eligible to be President according to the Constitution.  Our Founding Fathers put that restriction in the Constitution because they feared that a future President might have torn loyalties if one of their parents wasn’t an American citizen.   Would they side with the nation of their parent, or with America?  I think we now know the answer to that.

We’re told that Barry taught about the Constitution in college.  You would think he read the natural-born citizenship requirement in the Constitution.  He had to.  But he didn’t think it applied to him; and since he was chosen to run for President in 2008, he rightly assumed the general public didn’t care.  And, of course, he also had the big advantage of being black.  He and his supporters could always fall back upon the claim of racism against anyone who chose to attack Barry’s positions, something that has continued to this day.  But as has been said many times before, by many others, it’s among the brain-dead that a half-wit is considered a genius.  

If that can be considered racism, then that means the person making that accusation thinks blacks are either brain-dead or half-wit geniuses.  Now that would be true racism, which no one in their right mind would believe.  Then again, I often question whether Liberals are ever in their right mind.  Barry appeals to the disinformed because disinformation works.  He told us he would cut the deficit in half in four years, but it’s nearly twice the size it was when he was first elected, and is now around half the size it was at its peak, thanks primarily to the mandatory spending reductions which Barry hoped Americans would fear. 

Think of it this way.  If Barry told someone who weighed 400 pounds that he could cut his weight in half, the person would naturally assume he would be 200 pounds.  But thanks to disinformation, Barry would then feed the person until he weighed 1200 pounds and then reduce the person’s weight to 600.  Technically Barry would have cut the person’s weight in half, but this person would still be 200 pounds heavier than he was in the beginning.  That is how disinformation can explain why the budget deficit is larger than it was while Bush was President, and how Barry is able to continue to claim that it can be considered as being cut in half.

There are lies, the truth, and the mashing together of both called is disinformation.  To Hitler, it made sense for the Allied invasion to happen at Calais; and we allowed him to believe it while we headed for Normandy.  When Barry said we could keep our doctor and health care insurance if we liked them, he was talking to only those rich enough to afford them.  As 2016 approaches we need to be working on how best to wage a little disinformation campaign of our own and make Democrats think they will win big while we vote overwhelmingly for the Republican, whoever it is that he or she may be.  This country simply not afford Hitlery Clinton as our president.

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