

Saturday, April 18, 2015


If you’ve ever spent any amount of time listening to Democrats it’s usually in pretty short order that you come to realize that they have a rather over-inflated opinion of themselves.  They see themselves as not only being better than the rest of us, but also much more intelligent, more sophisticated, more compassionate and more tolerant than the rest of us.  Their methods, as well as themselves, are never to be called into question because their motives are pure as the wind driven snow.

And so it is, then, that during every election cycle we are always provided with a front row seat to what is essentially a competition, of sorts, between the candidates of the left as they set out to prove to the voters who among them is the more compassionate and more sophisticated and therefore the more worthy recipient of the liberal vote.  Which brings me to Marty O’Malley, ex-governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland, and, as of yet, unannounced 2016 presidential candidate.  

Marty apparently isn’t a real big believer in that old adage, “People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones.”  It was recently that he accused Hitlery of following the "polls" instead of "principles."  I must admit that I always find it pretty hilarious whenever I hear Marty, or any Democrat, talking about abiding by “principles.”  In this instance Marty was taking issue with what he described as Hitlery's recent flip-flops regarding her supposed opinion on same-sex marriage and illegal immigration.

Marty said, "I’m glad Secretary Clinton’s come around to the right positions on these issues."  By ‘right positions’ Marty of course means the positions held by those on the left.  You know, the same ones who have what is essentially zero tolerance for those who chose to disagree with those ‘right positions’ no matter what the issue.  Those who oppose these ‘right positions’ must always be forced to disavow their religious objections or as in the case of illegal immigration, their support for the rule of law.

Let’s be honest here, what Marty seems to be referring to here as being the ‘right positions’ on these two favorite issues of the left, are not really what I’d call the ‘right positions.’  These ‘right positions’ are not even the positions held by a majority of Americans.  What they are, are the ‘right positions’ of those on the far left.  Because this is how far to the extreme that the left in this country has now become.  It’s how they go about demonstrating just how more enlightened they are.

Marty went on to say, "I believe that we are best as a party when we lead with our principles and not according to the polls. And every election is about the future. And leadership is about making the right decision, and the best decision before sometimes it becomes entirely popular."  If the last 6 years have shown us anything, whether talking about events here at home, or those abroad, it’s that the supposed ‘principles’ of the left simply are not conducive to a safe and prosperous America.

A reporter asked Marty if he believes Hitlery just follows the polls.  He said, "I’m glad Secretary Clinton has come around to the right positions on both these issues."  He added, "I believe marriage is a human right, not a state right. I’m glad she’s come around to that position as well. I believe that we do our country a disservice when we make it harder for new American immigrants to abide by the rules of the road and obtain drivers licenses. And I’m glad she’s come around to that position now too."

By Marty saying that he views gay marriage as a ‘human right’, he does so not out of any devotion to any principle or deeply felt core belief, he does so for the very basic, very political, reason of trying to have some effect on the polls.  And in the case of gay marriage, he’s seeking to demonstrate, at least to gays, that it is he who is more tolerant and more compassionate when it comes to the accepting of their rather ‘unorthodox’ lifestyle.  Because Marty’s future is tied to the polls. 

Make no mistake here my intent here is not to somehow defend Hitlery against the accusations of another leftist, it’s merely to expose the hypocrisy of the accusations.  Acting out of one’s principles or one’s core beliefs is something rarely, if ever, seen when dealing with anyone who resides as far out on the left as Hitlery and Marty.  Because what drives these people, what they are literally consumed by, is the burning desire to destroy our country, and they will say anything to further their cause.

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