

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


As Mark Twain once said, it’s better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.  Which while being excellent advice, it is seldom heeded by folks such as Hank Johnson, Democrat from Georgia.  And the only reason that I bring this up, again, is that old Hank recently took to the floor of the House of Representatives to once again prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that he is far from being the sharpest knife in anyone’s drawer. 

You see, it was just yesterday that old Hank made quite the spectacle of himself by marching his very indignant self out to the floor to declare that there is now, at least in his opinion, what he called an “open season” on black men in America.  And he then proceeded to see fit to berate his colleagues for failing to act to curb police violence.  Now keep in mind not a word was said, nor was there any mention made of the number of black men who are killed every year by…other black men.   

Hank said, “It feels like open season on black men in America, and I’m outraged.” He then went on to say, “In fact, all Americans are at risk when bad actors in law enforcement use their guns instead of their heads.”  And he continued by saying, “Despite bipartisan nationwide calls for action and despite my bills to reform the broken grand jury process, hold police accountable and end militarization, and despite my colleagues’ bills to encourage body cameras, this Congress does nothing.”

Now keep in mind here that old Hank isn’t exactly known for possessing what could, in any way, be described as a keen intellect.  As evidence of that I would only remind everyone that aside from his willingness to repeatedly use his elected position to make all manner of blatantly absurd and racially-charged statements, old Hank is best known for expressing his very deep concern for the island of Guam, fearing that it would tip over and capsize if there were ever to be too many people on it.

It would seem that when it comes to determining the worth of black lives, it’s pathetic hypocrites like old Hank, here, and great many of whom are black themselves, are always more than a bit selective in their condemnation, ignoring completely the carnage wrought by black on black crime.  Yet they repeat, ad nauseam, their mantra of “black lives matter.”  But it seems the ‘ONLY’ black lives that matter are the ones lost as a result of their own behavior.

And as I have asked before, what kind of people is it that must comprise a congressional district that can, and since 2006, continue to re-elect someone of so little intelligence?  What qualities must it be that they look for in a candidate?  Or, does something like that even enter into it?  Is it simply because that Johnson is black that keeps getting returned to office?  Not like we haven’t seen that before, right?  I suppose that’s their choice, although I would think they’d be a bit embarrassed.

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