

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Look, I am a firm believer in the fact that if after two tries you still haven’t managed to get yourself elected as president, then you probably should take that as being some sort of a sign and move on.  But if you still possess the drive to have an impact on getting the country headed in the direction that you would like to see it to go, then I would recommend that what you do is to find a candidate that agrees with your positions on the important issues and support them however it is that you see fit.

Which brings me, of course, to Mitt Romney who, or so rumor has it, is contemplating a third run for the White House.  Back in 2012 I was not one of those who stayed home, I did my duty and went to the polls and I voted for Romney.  That being said, today I could not bring myself to do so again.  And I say unequivocally that in a primary setting, I most definitely WOULD NOT be voting for him.  Because I think there are much better candidates out there and we need some fresh blood.

One of the reasons that I would find it impossible to vote for Romney again has to do with what I would consider an obvious disqualified for another Romney candidacy.  A disqualifier that comes in the form of a 2006 video that was posted on YouTube, that has then-Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts praising one Jonathan Gruber for devoting "hours and hours" to help to develop Romneycare--the mandatory health-insurance program that Romney signed into law in that state.

Now let’s not forget that Barry “Almighty” would later point to Romneycare as being the model for his much beloved Obamacare.  And also let’s not forget that it was Mr. Gruber who also played, as it turns out, a pretty important part in the development of Obamacare, and was himself, not that long ago, the focus of controversy for statements he has made about it.  At a signing ceremony in 2006, Romney thanked Gruber and others for the role they played in developing his health-care plan.

In the video we see Romney standing in front of a banner that reads, “Making History in Healthcare”, and he says, “There were contributors from outside government as you know.”  He goes on to to say, “Jonathan Gruber at MIT devoted hours and hours to an essential econometric model.”  Now I’m sure that by now we all know about the rather infamous Mr. Gruber and his idiotic comments regarding the American voter.  Once again we see how Romney is more like Barry than all that different.  

Several videos surfaced last year showing Gruber speaking about how Obamacare was pitched and eventually ‘passed’ by Congress, in part because of “the stupidity of the American voter.”  And by the way, for those of you who may know, because I certainly didn’t, an “econometric model”, at least according to the Library of Economics and Liberty website, is used by economists as a forecasting tool.  It’s all part of the mumbo-jumbo that brought us first RomneyCare and then Obamacare.

Saul Hymans, emeritus professor of economics and statistics and director of the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics at the University of Michigan explains things by saying, “In the simplest terms, econometricians measure past relationships among such variables as consumer spending, household income, tax rates, interest rates, employment, and the like, and then try to forecast how changes in some variables will affect the future course of others.”

Now the bottom line here becomes one where Hitlery Clinton, or whomever, the 2016 Democrat candidate for president is, would now have what equates to some very juicy  ammunition for a whole slew of campaign ads that you can rest assured these videos  would be the center point of.  And you can take to bank the fact that they would be plated as nauseam and trumpeted endlessly by those in the state-controlled media.  And there would be no effective way to counter them.

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