

Saturday, January 17, 2015


For those of you out there who may be having some level of difficulty in trying to figure out your political identity, it is my fervent hope that I may provide to you some level of assistance in that regard.  So what follows here are those things that I consider as being some of the more important issues of the day, and what I view as being the typical Democrat position on those particular issues.  So if you find yourself in agreement with any of what follows, then you, my friend, ‘might be’ a Democrat:

Abortion:  Democrats are generally ‘for’ abortion. Unwanted pregnancy is, like addiction to drugs or alcohol, tardiness, and procrastination, an affliction or, as Barry himself has called it, a mistake or a disease.  And therefore it is something that needs to be treated, and paid for by the government.

Animals:  Democrats believe that wild animals should have all the rights that humans do.  They are to be protected from any harm and allowed to over populate their environment thus increasing the odds that they will die a slow and agonizing death.

Capital Punishment:  This one is pretty much a no-brainer.  You see, because Democrats view themselves as being genetically compassionate, they are adamantly opposed to capital punishment no manner how heinous is the crime that has been committed.  And usually the more heinous the crime the more sympathy is garnered by the perpetrator and is used as proof that such a person is the victim of a bad childhood.  However, Democrats are quite willing to make an exception to this opinion, if the victim of the crime committed was a close friend or part of their family.

The Children:  Democrats claim to love children, but only as a group.  They find individual children, even their own, as being pretty much of a pain in the butt, and view an unborn child as being nothing more than a useless clump of cells. "We do it for the children" is always the slogan used by Democrats, whether the particular program at issue is robbing the tobacco companies or grabbing more land in Colorado.  The annoyance of individual children can always be easily appeased by the hiring of illegal aliens for house nannies.

Crime:  Democrats have this rather naïve, simplistic and idealistic view that when someone commits a crime, it is society that has failed and should have to pay, and always in the form of higher taxes and reduced freedom.

Drugs:  Democrats have no qualms about using and form of illicit drugs. In fact they think the use of such drugs is actually really cool. However, medicinal drugs are another matter altogether. Since they think of the general populace as children, they want these drugs to be very highly regulated and strictly controlled.

Education:  Democrats are all in favor of universal government provided education, aka indoctrination.  And in order to make it ‘fair’, all educational institutions must be equally bad, and as recent statistics would seem to make very clear, they have been very successful in that endeavor.  However, there is a very important caveat, because while the majority of in the general population are forced to contend with public education, politicians, such as Barry “Almighty”, send their children off to private schools so that when they graduate they might actually be prepared for college.

Environment:  Democrats see the "environment" as nothing more than another means to control the masses. Even though the majority of those who comprise the masses, don’t seem to be buying into the propaganda.  But that has had little impact on the energy with which Democrats continue to push their "Global Warming" agenda.  So if you believe that ‘climate change’ or, in the latest lingo, ‘climate disruption’ is real, then the person looking back at you in the mirror is most likely a Democrat. 

Government Spending:  Democrats make absolutely no excuses when it comes to massive government spending.  It is somehow the responsibility of the government to provide a happy, healthy, shameless, and even exciting society, for everyone, regardless of their personal means.  And such an endeavor requires a massive amount of cash from the citizens as well as all you can borrow.  Further, to make sure that no citizen gets into trouble and is in bed each night at a reasonable hour, a huge government staff is a necessity. This, in turn, requires every dime the public can spare and even a bit more.

Individual Liberty:  While Democrats are great believers in the ‘concept’ of Liberty, they also seem to be of the opinion that individual humans need to be restrained and, of course, that’s only for their own good. It would be irresponsible to let an individual endanger their health by eating greasy theater popcorn or drinking water from a mountain stream that hasn't yet been tested by some government agency.  Democrats firmly believe that every aspect of human activity must be controlled by the supposed ‘superior’ knowledge possessed by some faceless government bureaucrat.

Military:  Democrats view the military, as well as national defense, as being not much more than a huge money pit.  Because, to them, the money spent on making sure that we are able to defend our nation, could be much better spent on any number of the social welfare programs that Democrats are so much in favor of.  Democrats also view the military as being one big Petri Dish, of sorts, and those who serve as being lab rats, there for the sole purpose of providing to the Democrats with a means by which they are able to conduct all manner of social experiment. 

Privacy:  Democrats believe in the sacred right of privacy as guaranteed by our Founding Fathers. Unless, of course, it involves money, children, or your conversation on the phone.

Private Property:  Democrats believe that there is no such thing as ‘private property’, that all property should be shared equally amongst all the people with enough left for the animals to ensure their welfare.  To insure the proper usage, the government, of course, must be the sole custodian of said property. What you think is yours, is actually only on loan to you and may be recalled at any time. The whining of property owners who lose the millions of dollars when the government declares that a piece of property is needed for other than what it was originally purchased for, as if it never belonged to the so-called property owner in the first place.

Racial Issues:  Democrats believe that all "minority" races are victims, deemed to be "disadvantaged" and in desperate need of government help.  They see minorities as nothing more than voting blocks, that are essentially available for purchase at what is seen as bargain prices, with the expenses incurred being covered by the rest of us non-minorities. 

Religion:  Democrats think religion is cool but only if it’s some "New Age", ancient Native American superstitions, Far East shamanism, African witch doctors or, what appears to be their religion of choice, Islam. What they can't stand are the low class, red neck religions like Church of God and Southern Baptists, or, essentially, the faith of Christianity as a whole.

Sex:  Democrats support and fully endorse all manner of sexual activity, no matter how perverse and/or disgusting it might be and with absolutely no age restrictions thought to be necessary.  Any discussion that has as its topic the morality of the Democrat Party would be a relatively short one.  Because when it comes to anything that can be even remotely identified as being ‘sexual activity’, it would seem that Democrats have but one very simple rule: If it feels good, do it!  The concept of the old fashioned "male-female" sexual interaction is best left to the lower animals.

Smoking:  Democrats consider any form of smoking of tobacco that is produced by the large corporations to be evil. The only materials acceptable for smoking are marijuana or perhaps crack cocaine. If you are invited to the home of one of your cool friends and are handed a joint, it’s generally accepted as being rude behavior to refuse it.

War:  While Democrats view themselves as the "Peace Party", what they really are, are the “Hate America Party” or “The Blame America First” party.  They are strongly against war and other police actions and will attempt to create legislation to limit presidential powers and to influence public opinion, but, of course, only during Republican administrations.  If it’s the Democrats who happen to be in charge, well then, such activities are viewed as being OK because their purpose is to stop violence and to "prevent further suffering and bloodshed".

Wealth:  Democrats believe in the concept of "wealth redistribution" even if they happen to be hoarding quite a pile of it. They justify this by the fact that to do their job requires that they live in a certain high class style that allows them to associate with the influential.

So there you have it, the finding of your political identity made easy.  If you find yourself in agreement with one or more of these positions said to held by Democrats, not only ‘could’ you be a Democrat, you most certainly ARE a Democrat.  And as such you can consider yourself being responsible for the current state of our country.  The Democrat Party has become a wholly destructive force in this country. Even though you may not intend to, if you vote for any Democrat, you contribute to that damage.

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