

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


For those of you who still, for whatever bizarre reason, choose to maintain some level of confidence that John Kerry Heinz actually possesses the necessary skill set, as well as the intelligence, to adequately perform the assigned duties associated with his current job, what I am about to present to you is, what I like to think, one more example, on what has become a growing list of many, of why it is that I choose to disagree with your assessment of him.

And it is in so doing that I must take us all back to a speech that our esteemed secretary of state delivered at the "3rd Annual Transformational Trends Policy Forum" in Washington, D.C., an event which took place on Nov. 17 of last year.  It was during this speech, one which, for the most part, made very little sense, that he made a rather idiotic claim, even for him. His claim was that “terror will ultimately be rejected because it is at odds with…Islam.”

And it was in this very same speech that Kerry-Heinz also said that those "recruiting for ISIL aren’t looking for people who are devout and knowledgeable about the tenets of Islam,” but that the fight against ISIL “depends on the ability of respected figures from every branch of Islam to help potential recruits understand that ISIL is against everything that faith teaches and in favor of everything that it abhors.”  Yes, he actually did say that.

Here are few more of the rather choice excerpts from Kerry-Heinz’s speech:

“And although the center of our activities is Iraq--and Syria, to some degree--ISIL's influence is by no means confined to one part of the world. Its recruits, tragically--surprisingly to some--can come from any country. They can be male or female, of any ethnicity, and with or without spiritual convictions. Last year, two young men left Great Britain to join ISIL. Among the books that they ordered before departing was 'Islam for Dummies' and 'The Qu'ran for Dummies.' So let's be honest: Those recruiting for ISIL aren't looking for people who are devout and knowledgeable about the tenets of Islam. They're looking for people who are gullible enough to believe that terrorists enjoy a glamorous lifestyle and pliable enough to do whatever they are told.”
“To extend its influence, the leaders of ISIL have called on followers to, "explode volcanoes of jihad," and they've asked them to do that in every country. Last month I visited Canada, where two terrorist attacks occurred a few days apart, one of which was directed at the nation's parliament. Last week a terrorist group in Egypt proclaimed fealty to ISIL.

ISIL insists that its acts of murder, torture, slavery, rape, and desecration are in response to the commands of God -- a claim that is, to use an old Boston expression, garbage. Much depends on the ability of respected figures from every branch of Islam to help potential recruits understand that ISIL is against everything that faith teaches and in favor of everything that it abhors.”
“We believe that the destructive summons to terror will ultimately be rejected because it is at odds with the values of the vast majority of the region's people and at odds with the dominant religion--Islam--of that region.”

So there you have it.  Now I ask you, who is it that still thinks, after having listened to my latest bit of evidence, that John Kerry-Heinz is actually up to the task at hand.  Who among is willing to say that our foreign policy is anything but a complete disaster?  Granted, it was already in pretty sad shape by the time he arrived on the scene, and at the behest of his boss he has proceeded to make it all very much worse, to the point where the damage done may be irreparable.

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